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"Mm. I feel brand new." I said stretching my arms over my head smiling bright. After that massage, Reggie took us out to this fancy brunch spot and I was full and damn near sleepy. Fuck eating for two it felt like I ate for three but my mood was still great.

"You even walking like it." Reggie said smacking my ass, snaking his arms around me from behind making me laugh. We were walking down the shopping strip looking into the windows of stores in case something caught our eye. He told me that I needed a sexy dress for tonight, he wouldn't tell me what for but I feel like it's just one last group goodbye dinner. In my mind everything in me was praying an engagement ring is involved but he's not acting like it. Reggie spoils me daily so it's honestly hard to differentiate whether he's being a good man or is he planning something bigger.

He massaged my body so well this morning till I felt tender like a steak. Then he proceeded to eat me off the bone like one and feed me afterwards. I was going to play along because honestly this man is making me happy and I feel like a Queen.

We approached this store that appeared to be fancy and quite expensive just on the outside looking in. But the dresses they had lined in their windows were beautiful and my eyes immediately lit up. "Reggie! We have to go in there." I said excitedly grabbing his arm making him laugh and shake his head as he followed behind me.

Slow music played in the store, the lights were dim but not so much so that you couldn't see what clothes you were grabbing. "This my type of store." I said to Reggie looking at the beautiful red bottom heels. "Get whatever you want out of here baby, don't hesitate." He said grabbing my hip pulling me in closer to him. I looked up at him smiling, he was happy just seeing me happy.

I walked around looking at the different dresses noticing all of them were designer and  three thousand dollars or more. "Damn, I'm wearing whatever dress I do get up out of here a couple of times." I said making me and Reggie laugh. "That's if you even able to recognize that dress after tonight." He said slickly making me blush and laugh. He was famous for feeling like the Hulk during sexy time and anything that blocked him from getting to me was getting snatched off, respectfully.

"You a hot mess." I said simply picking up the sexy blue dress. From the looks of it, it was tight fitted but flared at the bottom. Diamonds lined the deep V that was in the dress and the entire back was out. I told myself I was going to venture out into more colors anyway so it was right up my alley.

"This sexy too, I know you'll look good as fuck in this." Reggie said making me turn around and look at what he was talking about. It was literally a see through dress with long sleeves that had a split from the cuffs up to the elbows. It was sexy no doubt but who the hell was wearing that to a dinner?

"That's for the bedroom Reggie, you know damn well I'm not wearing that outside. I like being sexy but that's just naked, I'm a mother." I said rubbing my belly making him laugh. "You right. But I'm getting this for the crib, I'm tryna see that ass squeeze in this man." He said holding it up to my body making nasty faces as he visualized me in it making me bust out laughing and take it from his hand.

We walked around for another thirty minutes until I picked out two other dresses. I tried them all on and chose which dress to wear tonight, Reggie wanted to see it bad but I told him to wait until tonight. After checking out we walked back to the car to go Lord knows where. At this point I was just riding.

"You cold baby?" Reggie asked fixing his hand to turn down the air. "No. I'm fine, where are we going now?" I asked looking over at him making him laugh. "We going back to the house and unwind for a little since we been out for a minute. You gettin' that look in your eye like you sleepy and I don't need you grumpy for tonight." He said making me look at him with the most eye open expression before laughing and shaking my head. He swear he knew exactly what I needed at all times. Well maybe he did but that's not the point I'm trying to make!

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