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"You gone have to start putting in on a bill or two Marlicia and I'm not playing with you!" My mom yelled at the top of her lungs as I slammed my bedroom door feeling the tears fall from my eyes.

I looked down at my two hundred and fifteen dollar check shaking my head. I never had the luxury of spending my own money how I wanted to. It was always my job to be mommy to my younger brother and to pay whatever the hell she wanted me to.

My door swung open making me look up at my younger brother; Lijah shaking his head. "Man ma been tripping all day, I wish we could move back with grandma." I nodded my head scooting over on my bed so he could sit. "She always wants me to pay a bill. I'm seventeen taking care of shit off of seven dollars and twenty five cents. But she got Charles Ol' lazy ass in her bed stinking up her room with his funky ass." I folded my arms making him laugh which made me giggle a little bit.

"Plus ... he gives me the creeps." I mumbled thinking about that time I went into the kitchen. I had on shorts and a long tshirt and his eyes followed my ass the whole time. He's made inappropriate remarks regarding my shape and everything. "Man all I know is that nigga dead if he touch you." Lijah said with a made up mind. I was big sister but he didn't play about me. He was only fourteen but stood at six foot already passing me by a bunch. I had to remind him I could still whoop his ass though.

"While yall in here ain't doing nothing with ya' selves how about come and wash these dishes?" My mom bust open the door looking sad with her old house coat on and slippers. My mom was an alcoholic and a heavy smoker. And she made sure that everybody in our building knew. You could always find Ms. Debby with a cup in her hand and a cigarette in her mouth.

"You get us to do everything when is Charles gonna do something?!" Lijah asked making my eyes grow buck. I know we were thinking it but to actually say it he wanted to get smacked across the mouth. "Boy what did you just say?" Mom asked rushing him with her hand out to do just that but I jumped in front of her. "No! You don't get to do that!" I pushed her back, scared myself.

"Oh so you motherfuckers tryna team up on me?!" She looked surprised which threw me off. Since Charles was beating her ass she thought it was cool to beat on us. Lijah could say some dumb shit sometimes but I'll never sit by and watch my baby brother get beat for speaking the truth. Cause when the shoe was on the other foot he stepped in every single time. Growing up with an abusive parent makes you and your siblings closer because you have to survive at that point.

"Since y'all feel like y'all can fight me now I better have three hundred and fifty dollars on rent tomorrow. Or y'all gone be some cold homeless motherfuckers! It's bout time me and Charles have this place alone anyway." She leaned against the door frame with a dumb smirk on her face. I looked at her with rage filled eyes wishing I could get away with murder.


"You know you can always stay with me. You won't have to hear that shit everyday." My best friend; Ariana said. She's been my bestfriend since kindergarten and it still stands being Juniors in high school. "Haha. That sounds good but you know I can't leave Lijah. He'd been murder her and that nigga." I closed my locker putting my textbooks in front of me. "Plus yo people ain't no better than mine." I looked her up and down playfully making both of us burst into laughter.

"What the fuck is sooo funny over here?" I looked over seeing Reggie making a funny face making us all laugh. "Why you in our business is the real question?" I snatched the hat off his head not wanting the Principal to see him. "Cause I'm a grown ass man." He smacked his little bird chest.

"Heyyyy Reggieee."

A group of girls walked by looking all dreamy eyed at him. I could smell the hormones raging off of them hoes and it wasn't nice. "Wasssup." He nodded his head smiling making me instantly roll my eyes.

Reggie was that bad boy, nerd, and goof ball all in one, on top of that he was fine as fuck. The kind of fine that made him ugly because you knew you could never truly have him or his heart. Plus he knew he was fine and you know that's dangerous in these niggas.

"Hey Reggie." I mocked rolling my eyes and folding my arms.

"Aye no need to do all that, you know you my number one." He wrapped his arm around my neck making me swerve him and fix my hair. "Damn!" Ariana laughed out loud pointing at him making him feel even more played.

"Family meeting without me?!" My brother Lijah walked up cutting in the small circle. "I don't know what crawled up your sister's ass and died but she needs to check herself." Reggie said mocking the "white man's tone."

"You don't take shit serious." I said with a straight face trying my hardest not to crack a smile. "But I'll take you serious love." He kissed his two fingers placing them on my lips making me bite his finger.

"Ahhhh what the fuck?" He shook his hand holding his wrist. "Well don't do it no more!" Lijah and Ariana doubled over in laughter.

"Aye! But we still on for the court after school?" He asked backing up as the school bell rung. "Boy we do this every Friday of course." Ariana said before the guys went their separate ways.

"Girl you need to stop playing on Reggie top, he fine and he likes you!" She stood in front of me shaking my body back and forth making me laugh and push her off. "Reggie don't want me, he wants to fuck me. Let's get that clear." She gasped but I was telling the truth. Reggie was older and the only reason he was taking classes here is for an extra credit for a college class. Of course we hung out outside of that but a group was always around. I've never been one on one with him.

Honestly just wanted to do a very small  introduction to my newest works. I wanted to give you all an idea of how close they are and where everyone is in life. Now I'm about to fast forward into 2021 so keep up..😉❤️


Excuse mistakes...

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