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It's almost been a month since I last spoke on the very sad tragedy that's been going on in Palestine but it is still happening. So of course I'm going to speak on it, I have the privilege to turn away from my phone (JUST LIKE SO MANY OF YOU ALL) and go about my day but SO F*CKING MANY WOMEN, MEN, AND CHILDREN don't have that. They are suffering at the hands of these IDF soldiers who don't value their lives! 💔 so much so that they're BOMBING HOSPITALS AND TAKING THEIR BODIES AND HARVESTING THEM TO USE THEIR SKIN ON THEIR CITIZENS FOR SKIN TRANSPLANTS. That's some sicko ass shi, I don't care what color you are, religion, NO ONE DESERVES THAT TREATMENT. & What in your right mind makes you think that God will not have a say in what's final.

BUT UNTIL THEN BOYCOTT! Your dollar matters, I swear it does! DO YOUR RESEARCH, you love to read anyway! Our TAX DOLLARS OUR PAYING FOR THIS GENOCIDE! WTF! Just to throw a few around for anyone who doesn't know!



Just to give you a glimpse of some of the conditions that's gone on since my last update. The stray dogs and cats have began eating on the martyrs (the Palestine's that were killed) because if the people are hungry of course they are hungry. And it's unfortunate. Children were being separated from their parents during their evacuation North of the Gaza strip. (AND I DO MEAN "STRIP") and forced to walk the 8 hour + journey alone! As a mother I cannot imagine being in that atmosphere with my baby let alone being separated from her when all she wants is me for comfort💔!

A father, pictured, holding the LIMBS of his sons that were dismembered by the bombs in a GROCERY BAG! This is not a cute little Wattpad story where I distract you from reality for 3 minutes THIS SOME REAL SHIT! So people PLEASE RAISE YOUR VOICES ON ANY PLATFORM EVEN IF IT SHAKES! EVEN IF YOU'RE NERVOUS WHILE TYPING, FUCK "LOOKING COOL" or tryna "FIT IN WITH THE OTHERS" those people get stepped on. & I cannot watch this play out and not say SOMETHING'

Call your senators, governors, boycott, research do your job as a human that has a heart!


This genocide also deserves a lot of attention and I didn't know much about it a month ago but I know enough now to speak accurately without misinforming anyone! YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE ALSO PAYING FOR THIS SO LISTEN UP PLEASE!!

Since 1996 y'all 1996!!! 6MILLION CONGOLESE have been killed all over this one thing you & I LOVE so much. Something that you feel like you'll literally die if you don't have, yup THEM PHONES! THOSE TABLETS! CARS! THAT CUTE LITTLE IPAD YOU LOVE SO MUCH! THAT NEW TV YOU JUST GOT FOR BLACK FRIDAY! THAT APPLE WATCH YOU DONT EVEN USE! THAT PLANE YOU LOVE TO GET "FLEWED" OUT IN! ALL THAT! ELECTRONICS PERIOOD

Like I said before I don't want to mislead anyone, this war did not just start in 1996 but this has been going on for over seventy years! Israel, France, America, China fund this war so that they can play cops and robbers and come and to steal COBALT!

COBALT is used for many things, many of those things I have already listed and please feel free to research even more! But that cobalt isn't being pulled out of huge boulders and mountains by machinery and technology BUT THE WOMEN, MEN, AND CHILDREN OF CONGO!
Of course they have no voice or choice in the matter. Women are raped HOURLY and BABIES are being SOLD IN BAGS! If you don't meet you're "daily quota" they sometime take limbs or do other sick and inhuman things as punishment or sometimes just because they can!💔

This is disgusting! Children are put to work in these mine like conditions as early as they can walk!💔 no nutritious food, no proper shelter or clothing! These people have SUFFERED AT THE HANDS OF WESTERN COUNTRIES! A Congolese man LITERALLY SAT HIMSELF ON FIRE LESS THAN A MONTH AGO IN HOPES TO BRING AWARENESS! 💔😭😭💔we owe it to this world, to them, to ourselves to use our dollars and voices for a change.

You don't need a new tv or phone every year! Barter around your community, buy it used if you have to! Electronics and anything surrounding that period! Things are going on in this world and we can't keep it cute and turn a blind eye anymore!

Thank you for reading! For sharing this! For voting! For even acknowledging ❤️. From the RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!🍉🍉 DEMAND CONGO LIBERATION NOW!🇨🇩🫐

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