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I stretched my arms over my head rubbing my belly as I woke up from my nap. Reggie and I have been up since six this morning making sure the barbershop was set up right. He was so nervous for today but didn't want to tell me so I had to ease his mind when we came back home. Things went a little too easy and we ended up falling asleep after sex.

"Reggie!" I said rocking his snoring body back and forth. "Reggie! Baby." I said again tapping his arm.

"Hm? What?" He hopped up, eyes red from the good nap making me laugh. "Boy wake yo ass up." I said giggling making him do the same. "Daaaamn. How long we been sleep?!" He asked wiping his mouth and hopping out the bed to check his phone. For some reason I was cracking up at him move around the room like he was lost.

"Only for two and a half hours." I said.

"Mmcht. That's too long Marlicia, you got a nigga sleeping in a late and shit." He said sliding on the jeans. "Boy don't get mad at me when you couldn't handle it." I laughed. "Pregnant pussy must have melatonin in it." He said making me throw the pillow at his head making us both laugh. He did too much.

"You got everything you need for the food baby?" He asked putting on his shoes. He still hadn't made it known where the hell he was going in a hurry. "Yes, all the groceries are already there. I had Lijah and Ari to go to Target and Walmart for me." I said making him nod his head.

"Where are you going?" I asked. "You acting like my party ain't tonight.. we finna go shop." He said making me smile cause those words were like music to my ears. I hopped up out the bed running to the bathroom making him laugh at me. "Be careful girl, my baby in there." Was the last thing he said before I closed the door.

I took my curly hair from out the bun giving it a shake and stripping from my clothes.

I was going to look extra good for my man tonight and that was no doubt. I wonder where we were going shopping.

_________________"YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU LIKE"...👜🕶👡👠

We pulled up to this high end shopping plaza that was only thirty minutes from my house. "I never knew this was here." I said to Reggie looking around at the different stores and just catching the vibe of the whole place.

"Hell yeah, I come down here all the time for my clothes. They got some fly shit in here." He said opening the doors to one of the stores.

"Ayo! Wassup Reg'!" A short, chunky guy walked up to him dapping him up. "Wassup Chucky, how its been?" He asked. "It's been good man, just opened another store in Miami so you know business is booming and my pockets better." He said getting a chuckle from Reggie. "Das' good man, but Aye I'm tryna do a little private shopping for me and my wife  and I'm tryna shut down real quick." He said pulling a few hundreds from his pocket.

"Nigga you know that shit free of charge, as much money you bring in here I'll shut down all day. You ain't gotta worry bout' nothing!" He said tapping Reggie on the shoulders before walking away to lock the doors. I laughed, "was that necessary Reggie?" He had me looking around like something was going to go down.

"Even though I'm out I still gotta protect myself, niggas that's beefing with me in these plazas all the time. Ain't giving no nigga the chance to run down on me, especially with you near." He said making me understand more but it made me sad. It was sad he even had to do it, niggas was out looking for trouble these days.

"Ight man, what look you and your lovely wife going for tonight?" He asked making Reggie talk. "Wife" had a nice ring to it but I was ready for it to come with a ring too. Especially since I was carrying his child, because in my mind we already half way married. He has done everything but move boxes over my house. He's always coming with duffle bags but that's about it.

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