Chapter 37

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Fifteen minutes later, Jaz and I bounded down the steps and jumped onto the couch fully dressed.

I had on an orange and light blue striped sweater with a light blue sweater over it and white shorts. I paired them with my grey knitted boots.

Jaz had on a plain white shirt with a black and white varsity jacket and black skinny jeans. She wore black hightops and a New York Yankee snapback with her hair in a ponytail.

"Where is Ayden?" I asked, scrunching my eyebrows.

"Why do you care?" Jaz questioned me.

"Um, cause he has to film us?" I answered more in a question. And maybe cause I want to see him. Wait, no. No I dont.

"Mhm, sure." Jaz replied suspicously.

I shrugged my shoulders and before she could ask me anything else, Ayden came walkig through the door.

"Yeah, come right in. No need to knock." Jaz said sarcastically.

"Thanks." He replied with a grin.

"Alright, so we got a bunch of questions for the video from your fans. Good thing I was smart and told them about the video on your last video so they could come up with questions." He began while setting up our camera stuff.

"Are you calling us dumb?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"No. Not at all." He lied. What a douche!

"Anyways, I organized the list of questions and I sent them to you so just use your phone to read them." He instructed us. We nodded our heads in understandment.

"Alright, ready?" He asked.

We nodded our heads and waited for the signal.

"5,4,2." Ayden signaled, completly forgetting the number three.

With a thumbs he began recording.

"HELLO CACA FACES!" We shouted, dragging out the 'o'.

"So weve been seeing a lot of best friend tags and challenges so we thought: eh, why not?" Jaz began.

"Therefore, that is what we are going to do!" I continued.

"Nice transition!" Jaz complimented me while holding up her hand. I gave her a big high-five and turned back to the camera.

"Anyway, thats what were going to do but were going to have a spin to it. To keep it entertaining." I smirked.

"Were gonna keep it the same with how you do something to the other person if they get a question wrong. But, heres the thing. We are going to keep a tally on how many we miss." Jaz said leaning infront of me to block my head from the camera. I pushed her away and smiled brightly.

"And who ever misses the most, has to do whatever the winner wants them to do. So basically I get to make Jaz do something completly embarassing." I grinned.


"GOOD ONE." Jaz shouted in my ear. I yelped, not expecting that.

"You little fu-" I began but Jaz cut me off by slapping a hand to my mouth to cease my colorful vocabulary.

"Fudger. Fudger is what she was going to say." Jaz glared at me. I wish I could hear her cuss. Just once!

"No. I was actually going to call you a little fuc-"

"ADDIE! Watch that mouth you peasent!" Jaz yelled, covering my mouth again. I just want to speak my mind! I licked her hand but she seemed to be immune to it. What an odd specie.

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