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what lies beneath -2 


I take to the sky and hide myself among clouds before quickly changing into the outfit I prepared and then begin my patrol. My main purpose is to find any sigh of the wraith demons that suddenly disappeared but any demon hunting in general is just as important. 

I start by summoning both kinds of butterfly's from my back and sending out the demon eating ones on their own while I have the illusion ones hunt for demons separately and then show me. Once I have done that I summon my staff and begin to conduct a birds eye view style patrol of the city beneath me. 

throughout the patrol I find several demons that I send back to Edom but no sign of any wraith demons. at 4am I head back to the institute where I find everyone except Jace already asleep. "Jace, what are you still doing up? are you okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." I frown but accept the answer as I follow him back to his seat. 

"It's four in the morning, I just got back from patrol, but what are you still doing up?" I ask concerned. 

"I have to go through the rest of the surveillance footage." He grabs his stele and activates his stamina rune making me raise an eyebrow at him. 

"by using your stamina rune? At some point you've got-" 

"I can sleep when I find him." He cuts me off. 

"You also have to take care of yourself. And let me take care of you too." I come around behind him and start to knead his shoulders. 

"Seven mundanes have been murdered in the last 48 hours. I think I know who's responsible." 

"You I'D the OWL?" I ask shocked and pause in the massage for a moment before continuing. 

"The clave has no record of an Owl faced demon or a demon that possesses people that way. that face has to be a glamour." 

"For who? who'd want to hide themselves?" 

"I think the OWL is Jonathan." I freeze for a full second. 

"Okay, the lack of sleep has gotten to your head, let's go to bed." I pull him up and drag him to his room. "Now sleep or I will make you." 

Jace looks at me before accepting defeat and removing his clothes down to his boxers. I also strip to my undergarments and climb in with him. Within moments we are both fast asleep. 

When I wake up Jace is already long gone. I sigh and get up to shower before heading to the garden with a sketchpad. On my way there Simon and Maya find me. "Hey Si, hey Maya, how's Gretel?"

"She's good but we actually came here for something important." 

"What's up?" 

"Something happened last night with this." Simon says as he points to his forehead. It only takes me a moment to realize he is talking about what Amara did to him and quickly walk away to an empty room. "Okay so last night one of the wolves tried to attack me and well this symbol showed up and he got blasted back." I take the drawing Simon is holding out and examine it. 

"We thought maybe you had seen something like it before." Maya points out. 

"I don't recognize it, but we can check the grey book." I suggest before grabbing a copy of said book and placing it on a desk. I flick through every page but don't find it. "Are you sure this is what it looked like?" 

"I mean I'm no Picasso , but," 

"Actually Picasso was an abstract- never mind." Simon follows on after maya." 

"This is what I saw on his forehead." Maya says as she points to the symbol on the napkin.

"Well, it's not in the grey book, which means it's not a shadowhunter rune. I'll keep looking, maybe speak to some angels but this may be more of a vampire question." I say despite knowing the relationship between the two isn't too great. 

Just then the door opens and Jace walks in. "Hey, I need to talk to Lina." 

"I'm a grown vampire Fray, I can handle this." I just smile and place my lips briefly to his before standing up and following Jace out into the hall. 

"Did you get any sleep, you clearly left bed very early?" I ask only to be ignored as Jace shows me a tablet with a picture of a young woman on it. 

"This is Morgan young, the owl's latest victim, except she escaped before he possessed her." 

"How'd she manage that?" 

"She got him in the face with pepper spray."

"That wouldn't affect a demon." I point out. 

"No it wouldn't, which means the Owl is part human. same as Jonathan."

"Jace, Jonathan is dead, we say him fall into the river, I FELT him die." 

"They never found his body." 

"Because he is probably in the middle of the ocean somewhere. He is dead." 

"So was I, until you brought me back." he retorts. 

"Do you think all of this is because of that?" 

"Ever since lake Lyn, I've been having dreams about Jonathan." 

"Which are probably just that, Dreams." I say as I place my hands on his arms and start to gently stroke them. 

"Like Clary's dreams about the mortal mirror? they all ended up being true. Maryse wants to have dinner with Alec, Izzy and I later on tonight. I think this is more important, Morgan is throwing a fundraiser for disaster relief. If I know anything about Jonathan he will be there to finish what he started. 

"Then we should tell the others." 

"No, he had spies in the institute before. I don't want anything to tip him off. when he attacks again, We'll be there to stop him." With that he turns and walks away leaving me to question what on other is going on. 

I am about to head back into the room to continue the search for whatever Amara did to Simon when I hear my phone ring. I check the called ID to find out it is Raphael and quickly answer it. 

"Hey Raph, what's up?" 

"It's Rosa, she's gone."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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