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the fair folk -2 

I throw on some clothes and grab my bag before heading to meet Jace and Clary. I find Jace already waiting by the entrance and smile as I walk up to him. "Clary not here yet, I presume." Jace only nods as we hear voices and turn to find Simon and Clary walking over to us. "Simon." I say in shock before walking over and pecking his cheek. 

"What is he doing here?" Jace asks annoyed. 

"Hello to you." Simon responds to Jace before turning to look down at me. "Hey Lina." he continues before pecking my cheek in return. "I'm joining the mission." He says proudly to Jace making me chuckle. 

"No you're not, you weren't invited." Jace explains annoyed. For some reason the two of them just can't seem to get along. 

"I already told him that." Clary mutters and I look at her confused. 

"And then I pointed out you could never have too much back up." Simon replies with his usual cheeky smirk. "You've seen my fighting skills first hand." 

"There will be no fighting." Jace responds curtly. "If you hurt anyone in the queens realm she has every right to hurt you. This is a sensitive political mission. It takes a certain charm." 

"Well, I will have you know I was voted vice president 8th grade and you don't win an election without charm." This just causes me to laugh and shake my head slightly. 

"Simon, this isn't middle school. This is life or death." I wrap my arm around Simons worried about him being hurt. 

"Have you been to middle school." He retorts and I just clutch his arm harder. 

"Look, Seelie's have the beauty of angels and the viciousness of demons.  Those opposing qualities make them unpredictable. A vampire, a werewolf they prefer to attack head on but Seelie's, they want to trick you into your own self destruction." Jace explains and I feel panic begin to rise in my chest. 

"That's a little dramatic don't ya think? I mean aren't seelie's like woodland hippies who eat berries and ants?" Simon asks and I laugh slightly causing him and Jace to turn and face me. 

"I thought the same about Kayleigh." 

"And who saved Lina from her." Simon says as he looks down at me making me smile up at him. 

"you're not gonna get him to change his mind." I say with a smile towards my blond shadowhunter mate. 

"We have to go where's the entrance?" Clary asks. 

"There." Jace says as he looks over the fence causing Clary and Simon to follow after. 

"The seelie court is in a creek?" Simon asks and I smile softly. 

"Not in it, through it." Jace replies before grabbing my hand and jumping over the fence with me. 

We land in the Seelie realm to the view of a beautiful snow covered forest. Clary and Simon follow shortly after. "After you mister Vice-president." Jace says to Simon and I smile and grab the vamps hand as we walk. Clary and Jace following along. 

"You know for a dangerous mission, the Seelie courts kinda romantic." Simon says making and blush and shake my head. 

"It's like being dropped inside a fairy tale." Clary suggests and I smile and let go of Simon's hand to pull out a pen before I start drawing a bird of some kind on my arm. "Which makes sense, fairy's do live here." 

"Is that blood?" Simon asks as he walks over to a tree causing me to look up. 

"Simon get away from the tree." Jace says as Simon pulls away his hand that had previously been placed on a branch. "Get away from the tree." He repeats as he pushes him away. 

"What the hell are you doing?" 

"Saving you as usual." Jace retorts. 

"From a tree?" 

"That is called a kill tree, it wraps its vine's around you and rip you limb from limb." 

"Jace what the hell are you talking about?" Clary asks and I just go back to my drawing. 

"That tree almost tore Simon's pretty face off." 

"You think I'm pretty?" Simon asks with a hearable smirk in his tone. 

"I do." I say quickly as I look up and he shoots me a smile. 

"Look in the seelie realm it's not just the creatures that are deadly its everything. If you want to survive don't touch, eat or smell anything. no matter how small." Jace explains and we each nod and follow after him as I continue my drawing. 

I finish my drawing just as we reach the main area of the seelie court and put my pens away. The silver falcon being covered swiftly by my jacket. "It's so beautiful." Clary comments and I wholeheartedly agree with her. 

"Don't let it blind you. lets go." Jace says before leading the way. 

As we walk inside several seelie's surround us and whisper "welcome." to us. "Jace my stele, our weapons." Clary says and I don't bother to remind her that I can just conjure new ones for us. 

"Yeah." Jace replies. 

"You'll get them back when you leave the court." A young girl with red hair and a crown says as she stands. 

Jace bows before speaking, indicating for us to do the same. "Your majesty, what a huge honor." 

"Wait that's the queen?" Simon asks and I almost hiss at him to shut up. 

"Why is the vampire here? He was not invited." The seelie queen says as we raise from our bows.  

"He is my mate, Simon has proven himself a strong warrior and a loyal companion. I insisted he be here with us. I hope you may forgive me your majesty as despite you being so gracious to allow us into your home I have brought an uninvited guest and apologies for any offence." I say swiftly. 

"anything you have to say to us, you can say to him." Jace back me up causing me to look over my shoulder at him with a smile. 

"very well, the vampire stays." 

"You are as generous as you are lovely, your majesty." 

"Please daughter of god, call me Amara." She says staring me dead in the eye. "I hope for us to be good friends. 

"I would be honored to call you by your name Amara and ask you do the same for me." I respond softly, unsure of where this will lead. 

"Set an place at the table for our forth guest." She says to one of the seelie's around her before holding out her hand for me to grab which I do as she begins to lead us away. "This is going to be fun."

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