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This world inverted -1

We both stare at Meliorn in shock after he speaks. "What, how?" I ask not entirely sure how to feel right now. 

"There is a way but first we will need to enter the seelie realm." Meliorn says and I share a look with Jace before nodding and we start our walk. I grab a pen from my bag and start to draw a Pegasus and don't look up until I'm done and I look up to find myself in a beautiful wooded area. I am completely unable to speak. "this is one of the deepest edges of the seelie realm." Meliorn explains and I nod in shock. 

"Its beautiful but why did we need to come here?" I ask confused as I hold onto Jace's hand. 

"because of your necklace." I pause confused and look down at the two pendants on my necklace, the one from dot and the one from Magnus. "Or more specifically the one given to your sister." Meliorn says and Jace pauses. 

"I almost forgot." Jace says as he pulls out the card with the cup and Clary's necklace. my eyes widen and I gently take hold of them. "These are much more useful in your hand than anyone else's." He explains and I smile and put the necklace on and put the card in my bag. 

"That necklace is a portal shard. How does it work?" Meliorn asks. 

"When I touch the crystal I can see whoever I am thinking off, Clary's used it more than I have so I'm not entirely sure if that's always the case or not." I explain. 

"I'm curious shadowhunter who knows so much about portals, did you never wonder why this portal shard doesn't behave the way normal portals do?" Meliorn asks. 

"normal portals can only take you places you've been, guess I never really thought about it." Jace says and I look down at the crystal at the necklace intently. 

"I see Isabelle is the smart one in the family." Meliorn says and I let out a breathy laugh which causes Jace to shoot me a jokey glare. "Your portal shard works the way it does because its a piece of a portal from another dimension." Meliorn says and my eyes widen. 

"Another dimension? That's so cool." I say in shock and awe. 

"So you're saying there's a portal in another universe that can take us to anyone if we just think of them?" Jace asks. 

"If you can find the only portal still standing in that dimension it will take you to your father." Meliorn says and then we go quiet as we walk. "These tree's are where the alternate dimensions intersect the seelie realm." Meliorn explains when we arrive. 

"how is it possible that the Clave doesn't know about your dimensional doorways?" Jace asks. 

"They are our most guarded secret." Meliorn replies calmly. "we are their protectors. only seelie's know of their existence." And I bow my head in thanks for him revealing something so private to us. 

"Then why are you telling us?" Jace asks and I sigh as I grab another pen from my bag and start to draw more butterflies on my skin but in a different colour this time. 

"I owe Adelina a life debt." Meliorn explains and I nod my head slightly as I continue to draw. While drawing I think about how I want them to be different from the other butterflies so that can be used on things that aren't demons without killing them. when I finish a few they fly off my skin and fly around together and I notice the space between them looks completely different like a whole new world. these butterflies must be able to create false images to confuse people. I smile at this as the butterflies go around me once before settling on the right side of my neck and collarbone. "And I don't like being in debuted to anyone." Meliorn says an I smile slightly up at him. 

"I'm guessing nothing good will happen if someone finds out you've told us." I say as I look around. 

"If the seelie queen finds out I've shared this with you I could be executed." He says and my eyes widen in shock and I start to feel like this may have been a very bad idea, I don't want anyone to die. 

"Alright well we'll be extra careful then." Jace says with slight sarcasm. 

"There is no we in this scenario, only Adelina goes in to find the portal." Meliorn says and I can tell instantly that Jace isn't happy with what he has said. "my debt is to her." 

"You have given us no reason to trust you seelie." Jace says and I sigh. 

"he brought us here." I point out just before Meliorn turns around and start's doing something with his hands and the leaves start moving making me shocked. 

"This will establish a connection to the other dimension." Meliorn says. 

"What's it like, the other dimension?" I ask wanting to know as much as possible. 

"it is an alternate time line in a sense. there Shadowhunter's and demons no longer exist and down-worlders have conformed to the mundane way of life to avoid detection." Meliorn explains. 

"what happened to the Shadowhunter's?" I ask worried. 

"Their services were no longer required because they won the war against the demons. centuries ago, once they sealed the rifts between their worlds their culture faded away. once you arrive in the alternate dimension you will assume the body of the Adelina in that world, you will think and feel just like her." Meliorn says and I become worried. 

"But I'll still know I'm me right?" I ask. "I mean, the angels blessing should help too right?" I ask not wanting to forget about this version of my life where I feel normal compared to the one were I actually would be. "I'll know I have to find the portal?" I ask wanting to make sure that everything will be okay. 

"There's a catch. with Seelie's there's always a catch." Jace says and I furrow my brows. 

"Your alternate self could consume you if you let it." Meliorn says and I feel my muscles go rigid, okay then just gotta be stronger than her right. 

"Is there a way to not let it?" I ask. 

Meliorn nods before explaining. "Focus on the differences between that world and ours. find something or someone to keep you grounded to this one." I nod and turn to Jace with a jokey smile. 

"Is he enough?" I ask with a slight laugh. 

"It will be harder than you think. If you don't hurry. you could cease to be this world Adelina Fairchild." Meliorn says and I take a deep breath before nodding. 

"And I'd be stuck in that world forever." I mutter to myself becoming nervous. Meliorn just nods. I turn away and take a deep breath and take the cup out of my bag and put it in the inside pocket of Jace's jacket. "Just to make sure its safe." I say before leaning up and kissing him on the lips. "Just incase I don't return." I say after pulling away. 

"You're coming back." Jace says and I smile lightly at him. 

"We don't know what's going to happen." I pause and hug him. "If I don't come back, remind Alec and Magnus that I love them and tell Raphael, Simon and Leo that I love them too okay." Jace just nods. "And promise you will still try to find a way to wake up my mother." 

"I promise." Jace says before pulling me into a tight hug. 

"It's time." Meliorn says. 

"Meliorn, I'm grateful for you doing this for me but if I find the portal I don't think I will be able to fight Valentine alone, I'll need back-up." I say. 

Meliorn sighs before speaking. "If you find the portal you may come back for it. Shadowhunter's need Seelie permission to go through. Only demons can pass through unaided." I nod at this just as Meliorn says something I don't understand and the gate opens. I walk straight on through. 

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