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love is a devil -2

I head straight to the docks hoping to find Simon or Leo only to run into Gretel who smiles at me. "Hey Gretel, how are you?" I ask wanting to know if the girl was okay. 

"I'm doing great thanks Adelina." She says and I notice there is a woman beside her. "This is my friend Maya, Maya meet Adelina, Adelina meet Maya. Adelina is the one I told you about, she saved my life back on that ship." Gretel continues and suddenly Maya comes forward and hugs me. 

"thankyou for saving Gretel's life." Maya says before pulling away. 

"Its fine, anyone would have done the same." I say with a small smile. 

"No they wouldn't have." Maya says and I blush. 

"Anyway," I draw out the word. "have either of you seen Leo or Simon." I ask. 

"Simon is in the storage area and Leo is-" Gretel is cut off by said boy calling my name as he walks over. 

"Adelina." Leo shouts as he walks out of the Jade wolf and runs over to me before wrapping his arms me. "I've missed you." he says as he kisses me and I smile as I return the kiss. "Is everything okay?" He asks after pulling away and I just vaguely notice Maya and Gretel walking away with smirks on their faces. 

"Yeah, everything's been pretty crazy. I mean I went to the silent sisters and touched the Atamas and heard the voice of an angel oh and I met and saved an angel who told me I was actually an angel born of mortal parents. so you know the usual." I dump everything onto him and he just chuckles and throws an arm over my shoulder and leads me over to the pier. 

We sit down on the edge of the pier and stare out at the water. "Just know I will always be here for you okay, no matter what. If it is shadowhunter business or personal business or you just wanna hang out. I will always be just a call away." I just smile and lean my head against him. 

"I know." I say quietly and we are both silent for awhile. "By the way Magnus is hosting a party for Alec's brothers rune ceremony and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" I ask as I twist my head around to look at him. 

"Nah, I'm not the biggest fan of shadowhunter parties." He responds with a smirk and I just shake my head with a laugh. 

"I've got a question for you. What is your favorite animal?" I ask curiously.

"Most definitely a wolf." I shoot him a look which clearly states 'that's because you are one' and he chuckles. "Then a shark." I nod and smile pulling out my sketchpad. Leo watches me as I draw a shark in as much detail as possible before making it come alive. It swims in the air before landing on his chest. "Awesome." He says and I smile and lay my head on his shoulder. 

We stay like that for awhile before I pull away. "I'm gonna go see Simon, I'll speak to you later." I say before kissing his cheek and standing up. 

"Enjoy your party." I just nod and walk over to the storage area that Simon was currently inhabiting- yet another reason to get the house done asap- and knock on the door before carefully opening it careful of the light getting in. "Si?" I call out as I shut the door and seconds later the person in question has his arms wrapped tightly around me. "Good to see you too." I say as I wrap my own arms around him. 

"I've missed you Lina." He says as he runs his nose up my neck and I feel my breath catch in my throat. I feel Simon's breath hit my neck and moan. Seconds later Simon's lips are pressed on mine with my legs around his waist and my back is to the wall. The kiss is heated and passionate and not at all something I would expect from Simon but I love it none the less. 

after a short while I pull away and blink a few times. "And here I was planning to ask you to go to a party with me." I say with a smile as I recover, 

"Of course." Simon replies before kissing up and down my neck. 

"Its at Magnus's." I say breathlessly before Simon completely pulls away. "you will need a suit and we will have to leave soon." I say with a smile and Simon smirks at me. 

"Guess its a good thing I have some suits then." He says and I nod. "Lets get ready." He says as he slowly pulls away and lets me set my feat down. I peck his lips before walking away to get changed. I put on a burgundy strappy dress that had a black belt and cross stitch tie up in-between my breasts with thin black straps going across my back showing off my drawings and marks. I put on my usual burgundy heels but with fingerless fishnet gloves that reach halfway down my forearm instead of my usual lace ones. 

When I am done I pull my hair back and put it in a braided bun before putting my stele through it and walking over to Simon. When I find him he is struggling with his tie and I smirk before sorting it out for him. "Thanks." He says and I smile. "Milady." He jokes while holding out his arm for me and I link it with my own before walking out. 

It was now just after sundown and me and Simon talked about senseless things just like we used to while enjoying the sights on the way to Magnus's. It was nice to have a moment of normal during this war. When we arrive we are met with Spanish music and setting making me smile. "Hey." Jace says as he walks over. 

"Hey." I say as I lean up and kiss his lips. 

"I was just about to head to the bar and see what blood types Magnus has on tap, do you want anything?" Simon asks only to see a drink already in Jace's hand. "Right uh." 

"I'm gonna go find Magnus and Alec, I'll see you both later." I say before pecking each of their lips before heading off too find my other two mates that were currently here. 

"Magnus, Alec." I call out and head over to them.

"Hello kitten, enjoying the party?" Magnus asks and I nod. 

"Yes its amazing, well done Mags." I smile after I finish speaking just as the door opens behind us and Maryse and Max walk in. "hey Max." I say to the young boy. 

"max, mother." Alec says as Magnus nods at the woman in question. 

"I heard you like to drink." Maryse says and I feel a frown beginning to settle on my face. 

"Welcome Maryse." Mags says as he takes the bottle she holds out to him. "Max, this is your night." Magnus says as he indicates to the surrounding party. 

"You do have exotic tastes." Maryse says and I have to force myself not to frown deeper. 

"Oh the Spanish theme is in honor of you and your husband." Magnus points out and I smile up at him. 

"Really, how so?" Maryse asks and I sigh quietly. 

"Alec told me that Robert proposed to you in Barcelona." Magnus explains and I nod remembering Alec saying that during our shopping trip. "I wanted to celebrate a joyous memory, especially as he couldn't be here." 

"How sweet that Alec feels comfortable sharing our personal family stories with you especially considering your disparate backgrounds." well now I want to slap the woman. 

"Well he is my soulmate and Magnus's boyfriend, why shouldn't he share his secrets as we share ours?" I point out as I wrap my arm around Alec's. 

"How about a drink?" Magnus asks to ease the question. "Sangria for the lady, Roy Rodgers for the guest of honor." With that Magnus walks away and I follow before deciding to try and find Simon. 

When I do find him I find him pressed up against another girl. 

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