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mortal cup -2

Simon and Maureen's show wasn't too bad and once they finished the four of us just sat on the roof of Simons van talking, we'll they were talking I was drawing a wolf.

"Your mum could be hiding some deep dark secret." Maureen says and I look up at them.

"Nah, mum ain't like that." Is my only response before I go back to my drawing.

"Hey Ads, wanna help me paint?" Clary asks as I look down the side of the van at them and shake my head.

"No thanks, I'll stay up here." I say as I lay down on my front and start a new drawing, this one of the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.

"Hey can you watch where you're going." I hear Clary speak annoyed and see her looking at a cute boy covered in tattoos.

The blond dude gets closer to Clary and looks up at her curiously. "You can see me?" I'm confused by his question so I speak up.

"Why wouldn't we be able to see you, just 'cus you're wearing black doesn't mean you blend in with the shadows and become invisible." I say with a giggle before his eyes snap you me and freeze. I feel a strange tingling in my chest but ignore it.

"You- how can I not know who you are." He says turning back to Clary as he speaks but his eyes keep flicking to meet mine making me blush.

"Has that line, ever seriously worked for you?" Clary asks and for some reason there this pain in my chest when she suggests he's trying to pick her up. "Even once?"

"Jace!" I hear a cute voice shouting from the club as the blond boy turns and faces the direction it came making me follow his eyes to a dark haired dude staring at him, for a second we meet eyes and the same tingling feeling happens and then he's gone and the blond is running into the club after him. I feel a pain in my chest when they are gone and it makes me uncomfortable.

I don't listen to anything Clary and the others say and instead turn a new page in my book and start drawing the two boys and a girl I don't recognise that is until i see Clary run into the club. "Stay here." Simon shouts at me. I'm shocked but do as I'm told.

When Clary comes running out she seems panicked so I jump down from Simons van and rush after her as she gets in a cab and tells them the address to our house.

When we get home Clary runs straight to mum and starts saying everything that happened and I find it hard to keep up. However, after Clary is done panicing- sort of- mum runs her stele across her arm to reveal a tattoo like thing.

"Everything's you saw tonight has a meaning and an explanation and I've dreaded having the conversation with you since the day you were born Clary and the day you woke up Adelina."

"What do you-?" I go to ask mum.

"You were born before Clary but almost died so I had a warlock put you under a spell to heal but you didn't age during it hence why your younger than Clary." She says quickly and surprisingly I believe every word.

I block out the rest of the conversation and follow my instincts and running to my room. I grab a large duffel bag and fill it with clothes and important belongings before racing downstairs mum and dot running around.

When I take the last step mum steps up to me and attaches as earing to each ear. They are silver leaves that go from my lobe around my ear and past my helix. "This'll keep you safe." She says before Dot walks over with a green bottle.

"Only if you need it." She tells mum before walking off.

Mum places a hand on Clary's shoulder and looks her in the eyes. "Trust your instincts and protect your sister no matter what." She then turns to me. "You're more powerful that you know." She says to me before telling dot to "open it." Before dot raises her hand and a purple thing appears Infront of her. "Everything's I've done, every mistake I've made its because I live you both more than words.

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