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Day of wrath -1 

I gently stroke Alec's face as they all talk and when he stands up I quickly move to help him. I only faintly hear Aldertree demand we return to the institute and Magnus makes a portal for us. However, when we arrive at the institute I go straight to my room and sleep. 

When I wake up at sunrise I decide I want no need to do something Mundane so I get dressed in a black and red v neck thin strapped backless dress that has red on the right side going part of the way down and the rest of it black with a black belt and black lace on the edges of the dress. It is higher up on the left side and lower down on the right. I also put on a set of gold flower ear cuff with a dangle bit on it. I decide to put my hair up in a half up half down with several plaits going into one big one with smaller plaits in random spots of my hair. I also put on black wrap around ribbon high heels and my black leather jacket. 

When I'm done I repack my bag and then leave my room. I find Alec and Magnus by the exit and walk out. "Hey." I say before I kiss each of them on the lips. "I'm going out to do something call me if you need me, if there is an update on Valentine or Jace." I say with a smile. 

"where are you going?" Alec asks worriedly. 

"That's a surprise, don't worry I won't activate my anti tracking rune, I'll keep my phone on me and I'll stay alert. I've just got to get this thing sorted out alone." Alec nods and hugs me, Magnus follows suit and then I am walking off. 

When I get up I call the agent for the house/ mansion I planned on buying to get the details for the money transfer among other stuff. I also arrange for some of the stuff I've brought so far to arrive before getting in a taxi and telling the driver the address. 

When we arrive I pay the fee and get out. I find that the agent is already there and waiting when I arrive. "ah, I'm sorry this is private property." She says politely when I walk over. 

I smile at her kindly. "I am the one you've been speaking with, I'm Adelina Fairchild." I say and her eyes widen. 

"Oh my apologies miss, I just didn't expect you too be so young, I'm Tiana." She replies clearly frazzled and I smile and wave her off. 

"It's okay and please call me Adelina." I reply kindly and then we get down to business and within an hour we are done and I am officially the owner of the house. Just in time really as the stuff I brought arrives. I got all the stuff for decorating delivered and have them set it all in the main entryway which was a big open space. When they leave I go to say goodbye to Tiana. "Thankyou Tiana, it was lovely meeting you." I say with a smile. 

"And you Adelina, oh and there were a few things the previous owner left when they moved over seas, you can keep them if you want or I can arrange for a company to take them. Tell me what you decide." She says with a smirk before walking out and getting in her car. I look at her confused but quickly turn away and head back into the house. 

I grab a note pad and a normal biro pen and begin to note down any changes I want doing to the house. I love the style and arrangement of everything so its more just about installing new things. I quickly mark out where I want to install a blood fridge for Raphael and Simon as I continue my walk and exploring of  each room in this house. I decide I first want to check out the underground parking and head down the stairs that lie between the two sets leading upstairs in a split staircase. 

When I walk down I find it pitch black so I flick on the light and freeze. Infront of me lay all sorts cars with the keys laying on a rack beside me. It looks like something I would expect Tony Stark from Marvel to have and I quiet literally drop to my knee's in shock. after a few minutes I note down each car of the notepad and find there is still lost more space for more cars. the previous owner must have been a collector. I even find a few motorbikes by the far wall. 

I turn and walk out once I've made mote of everything and go back to the main floor. I mark down each room and even get out a measuring tape and measure out each room. when I am done with the bottom floor I am extremally happy with my purchase. there is the usual things you would have in a house and more. for example there were two living rooms, a games room with video games and a games room with arcade games, a gym, an indoor pool, a spa, an outdoor pool and so much more. I am extremally happy I mean if I am going to be living here with my mates- and possibly any future kids- then I want it to be perfect. 

The second floor has mainly guest bedrooms and the such but it also has a music room -fully furnished-, a room I would find perfect as an art studio, an indoor greenhouse/garden and a fully stocked library. I honestly think I fainted. When Tiana said the previous owner left some things behind all of this stuff wasn't what I was expecting.  

When I'm done I head to final floor and find another living room in a circle with eight doors around it. checking each of the rooms I find large bedrooms with en suits and walk in closets. The one in the center however is much bigger then the rest with a huge en suit and a walk in closet the same size as the other bedrooms and I know it is perfect. 

I measure all of the rooms and window's before heading downstairs, I sit on the floor with my back to the wall and start to order some custom items. I start with the custom bed for the main bedroom and then I order custom windows that will let the light in but not the UV rays, saying I need all installed as one of the house inhabitants has a rare skin disease that means they will die if in contact with UV light. 

When I am done it is already dark and just before I go to head back to the institute Magnus calls. "Hey Mags, what's up?" I ask with a smile which disappears as soon as Magnus replies. 

"Kitten, you have to come over now, its Raphael, the Clave tortured him." 

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