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My eyes flutter open when the sun starts to rise and I look out and watch the beautiful scene before me. I just sit up here for awhile after waking up, it's just so peaceful up here, there are no issues to face and no-one trying to kill anyone and I just know the second I go back down the real world is going to be there and I'm not sure if I can face that yet.

I decide that I don't want to go down yet so I grab a sketch pad from my bag and start drawing whatever my heart feels. As I draw I let out my energy and try to see how far I can spread it to see if I can find Valentine however, my search stops at the institute when I find I can hear what's being spoken.

I hear a very awkward conversation between Jace and Clary and laugh slightly wishing I could see it. Just as I think this the butterflies on my neck come out and fly around in a circle. In the circle I can see Magnus, Jace and Clary sitting at a table and Hodge soon joins them. "Pardon on the delay Magnus, I was following up on a lead." Hodge says when he arrives. "now we've narrowed down our list of warlocks to these three." three warlocks photo's appear on the screen before them.

"Why is Ragnar fell up there, he's not more powerful than I am." Magnus says making me chuckle lightly.

"Some would disagree, he is older than you." Hodge points out.

"Certainly not wiser." Magnus retorts.

"Who is this Ragnar Fell?" I hear Clary ask and I suddenly feel all of the calmness I had accumulated decrease significantly as I am once again forced to think about last night but I take a deep breath and keep watching.

"The former high warlock of London." Jace explains to Clary and although he doesn't know, me too.

"And my oldest friend." Magnus points out and if I had more energy then I would have wanted to meet him but I'm just not feeling up to anything today, I just want a day of rest and peace. "Very prickly, likes to keep to himself."

"Okay look, we just have to figure out which one of these warlocks had enough access to Jocelyn that they could create the potion for her without anyone discovering what they'd done." Hodge says.

"By the early ninety's Ragnar was a professor at the shadowhunter academy in Idris." Magnus points out.

"Isn't that when my mother lived there?" Clary asks. "Could he have made the potion for her?"

"The little bugger, that's why he hasn't responded to my fire messages. ever since Valentine started hunting warlock's Ragnar's been holed up in his secret country house just outside of London. for all I know Ragnar suspected my fire message was a ploy by Valentine to lure him out of hiding." Magnus explains to them all. "We'll have to confront him face to face.

"You're going on this mission?" Hodge asks.

"Of course I'm the only one Ragnar trusts besides I've played my last hand here even I know when to fold." Magnus saying this confused me however I decide to let it go for now as Alec and Lydia walk in.

"Magnus, Jace, have either of you seen Adelina, she left last night and hasn't come back yet and I wasn't sure if she was with one of you, the vamps of the wolves or simply out there alone because I'm getting worried." Alec rushes out and I sigh knowing I should go back down but how to get down without anyone seeing.

The butterflies return to my body as I stop listening and use the energy around me to descend without being seen. I slowly walk in to find them all talking still. "Alec." I call out causing all of them to turn to look at me. "Sorry, I wanted to be alone so I slept in the clouds." I say as Alec comes over and I hug him tightly.

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