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A door into the dark

Once I'm done I put my laptop away and lay down to sleep but find myself unable to sleep. there is something nagging at me and I soon realize that it was the ear cuffs my mum gave me, she said they would keep me safe but they haven't been very useful recently. I carefully remove them from my ears and hold them in my hands. 

I feel a warmth fill my hands and I look down to find a glow coming from the cuffs and soon the cuffs disappear and a small pale creature with blond hair and blue eyes sits floating in my palms. "Hello master." It says? "Oh I am your spirit helper and I am neither male or female if you wish do give me a pronoun as you humans call it then they would suit me. And you can call me Lou." they say and my eyes widen. 

"What?" I ask confused. 

"I have lived in those ear cuffs for many years waiting for the day I would be called upon. how can I help you master?" They ask happily. 

"C-can you help me get out of here, can you remove these chains and the wards around the ship and help me and Jace escape?" I ask. 

"I can get the wards down but you will need to get a stele to get the chains off and I will need to save up energy in order to get the wards down. I will gather energy while you find a way to get Jace to you without anyone catching you and get a stele. ." I nod and watch as Lou disappears into the ear cuffs but now there is just one so I quickly put it back on and promptly fall asleep as a plan forms in my mind. 

When I wake up I have a plan formed in my mind. I decide to stay in the same outfit as I get up and walk out the door once again holding the chain and this time I walk in the opposite direction to before. As I walk the sounds of growls and screams grows closer setting me on edge. The further I get the less people I find and I keep going until I reach a door at the end of the hall. 

I pause before opening only to gasp in horror. before me are hundreds of down-worlders of mundane that are no longer mundane locked in cages. I feel tears flow from my eyes against my control as I look around me. I force myself to walk further into the room as they all reach out of the cage to grab me and I have to keep myself out of their grip. 

I don't stop until I hear my name being called and I sharply turn around not expecting who I was seeing. "Dot?" I question "Dot!" I shout and then run over to her and put my hands on the bar's of the cage she is locked in. "Oh my god, I can't believe you are alive." I say as my tears flow faster. "We all thought Valentine killed you when Magnus could no longer feel your magic." I breathe out. 

"No he just experimented on me." she says quietly. 

"I'm so sorry Dot, if we knew you were alive we could've done something, could have tried to save you." I say before wiping my eyes "I will get you out I promise." I say confidently. 

"No, if you find a way to escape you have to leave me." Dot says shocking me. 

"What no I-" 

"Promise me you will leave me here and save yourself. Promise me Adelina." 

"O-okay, I promise." I say as my tears flow heavier. 

Dot reaches through the bars and strokes away my waterfall of tears. "I will be fine I promise." She says quietly. "Now go, before you get caught." I nod and then take off back the way I am coming leaving my chain to clang after me. As I run I end up crashing into someone and end up knocking them down. 

"I'm sorry." I say as I slyly grab their stele before getting out and continuing to run all the way back to my room. When I get there I pull the chain back in and shut the door. I grab a hair bubble and put my hair up into a simple high ponytail at the top of my head before sitting on the bed. I draw several runes on the chain only for none of them to work. 

I freeze unsure what to do when I don't recognize appears before my eyes and I don't waist a second and draw it on the chain and instantly it falls apart and I feel so much better. I smile to myself and remove my ear cuff and hold it in my palm. seconds later Lou comes out of it with a smile on their face. "I got the chain off and I plan to use my illusion butterflies and energy to hide myself from sight to get m and Jace out." I say with a smile and I let the butterflies out before grabbing my sketch pad and pushing energy into the water dragon I had drawn the day before. 

"Well done master. I managed to save enough energy to get the wards down as well." Lou says and I smile just as the water dragon comes alive. I make sure to keep her small as the butterflies surround us and I let my energy cover us and keep us from sight before walking out the door. 

As we are walking I decide to name the water dragon Emma because why not. I feel the urge to kill everyone I walk past but I know that would only end with them realizing I had gotten out so I have to make sure not to touch any of them. 

I head straight to the main deck there I find Jace holding a blade to a female wolf's neck. I feel my eyes widen as I reveal myself but not Emma or Lou and shout. "Jace, Run." Jace shoots his eyes up to meet mine and starts running. I make myself and Jace invisible once again and we kill as many of them that we can. Knowing that they will kill the wolf if we leave her I use my energy to lift her and bring her over to me, also making her invisible as Lou removes part of the wards before going into the pendant of my moon necklace. I make Emma increase in size and shout, "Jump." And all three of us jump onto Emma as she dives into the water. I use energy to keep us all dry that is until Jace suddenly lets go. "Jace!" I shout but he is too far gone and I can no longer see him. 

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