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Iron sisters -3

I see everyone stare at me but I just admire them before turning and getting out. "Incredible." I just nod my head with a smile. "according to our belief's you are equivalent to an angel." One of the Iron sisters I believe is called Cleophas says in amazement.

"No, I am no angel just blessed by them." I reply quickly and Cleophas nods before speaking up once again.

"You can get changed then I will answer your questions." One of the iron sisters says and I shake my head.

"No, Clary is the one with the questions I was actually hoping I could see the atamans." I ask.

"I will take you after you are changed, my name is sister Magnolia incase you didn't hear earlier." the other Iron sister on the bridge says with small smirk making me blush. We quickly return to the rooms to change back into our clothes. Luckily my dress was a low back so it didnt get in the way of my wings which I haven't quite figured out how to retract. When I come out sister Magnolia is waiting for me. "your sister and friend have already been escorted by other iron sisters, this way." She says as she begins to walk and I quickly follow afterwards.

As we walk I hear whispers and voices coming from seemingly nowhere. "Can you here that?" I ask confused.

"Hear what?" Sister Magnolia asks.

"Those whispers." I say.

Sister Magnolia pauses Infront of a door and turns to face me. "Those whispers are the voices of angels us Iron sisters hear them when we create our weapons. I am not surprised you can hear them." She says and I smile and try to focus on them but get distracted. "This is where the Atamans is kept." I nod as she opens the door and I feel warmth hit me.

I feel my self be lifted off of the floor and my sight is covered in white. I feel my wings curl around me without my control but I don't panic even as the voices clear and I hear actual words. "My child, your journey has just began, not all mortals will live forever as you and your bonded will. Your mother rests well among us."

I don't feel any shock and instead just feel comforted by the unfamiliar voice that I believe was male but seconds later I am back again as if nothing happened and I find myself touching the Atamas and gasp. We both stay in silence and I admire the Atamas as I feel my power massively increase and I only pull back when it stops.

"What happened?" Magnolia asks and I turn to look at her.

"I um, I don't know." She nods and then motions for me to leave and I do. We head back and meet up with Clary and Izzy and after saying goodbye to the Iron sisters and walk back down as Clary tells us what she found out before we go back through a portal to the institute.

When I arrive I immediately go off in search of Alec, wanting to have a proper conversation only to run into Jace on my way out in, "Jace have you seen Alec, wait where are you going?" I ask when I notice his bag.

"Alec's with Magnus they went on a date I believe and I am going to Magnus' to ask if I can stay there for some time. what happened at the Iron sisters and why do you now have wings." Jace says as he gently reaches out to touch them and I feel a sudden shot of euphoria that causes me to stumble into Jace. "What the-"

"They are very s-sensitive." I stutter out. "And I got them during a purity trial when I touched the Holy water." I say with a smile. "come on, lets go to Magnus's together. Jace nods and holds out his hand for me to take which I do instantly and we walk in comfortable silence to Magnus's loft.

When we arrive I knock and then walk in only to find Magnus and Alec kissing and I smile and let out a giggle. "I see the date went well." I say as I rush over and jump up onto Magnus wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around Alec's connecting the three of us.

"Kitten, how are you after-?" Magnus asks me as he puts his hand under my thighs to hold me up despite my amazing core strength and can make myself float.

I pause before answering Magnus's question. "I was very upset I mean she is- was my mum but you can't grieve forever and today when I touched the Atamas I heard the voice of an angel tell me she was among them, oh and that myself and my bonded will live forever meaning I will never have to leave you Maggie." I say with a wide smile before I turn to face Alec. "Alexander, please don't beat yourself up about it because that just hurts me." Alec just nods.

"Oh hello Jace, how can I help you?" Magnus asks when noticing Jace standing there watching us.

"I was hoping I could stay here for a bit, everyone at the institute is wary of me or hates me." Magnus just nods and my smile widens.

"Can me and Alec spend the night?" I ask and Magnus turns to me with a smile.

"I would be overjoyed to have you both stay with me kitten." Magnus replies quickly and I smile and kiss him before leaning back and pulling Alec's head down so his lips meet mine before swiftly pulling away.

"Good because I am tired and hungry." I hear all three me laugh as Magnus clicks his fingers and I am suddenly in comfortable Pj's that fit around my wings. thinking about my wings I try to pull them back in like I would one of my drawings and feel them slowly retract making me smile. Magnus click's his hand again and a plate of food appears on a table not far away I jump down and sit at the table before eating all of the food and downing the J2O mixed with lemonade that was beside it.

Unfortunately after eating I feel less tired and I have to debate between trying to sleep or staying up before deciding to make the wise decision and heading towards Magnus's bedroom. Jace had already retired to the main guest room and I quickly walk into the guest room and peck his cheek. "Night Jace." I say before skipping into Magnus's room and planting myself in the center of the bed.

"Goodnight kitten." Magnus says and I pause and furrow my brows.

"Won't you both come and lay with me, I want cuddles and your both my mates and your together now." Magnus and Alec lock eyes before Magnus clicks his finger and now both of them are wearing Pj bottoms as well and the each get in on either side of me. "I'm not tired anymore so can we watch a film?" I ask not knowing if they wanted to go straight to sleep or not.

"Of course Addy." Alec says and I smile. "What do you want to watch?"

"Beauty and the beast." I reply instantly with one of my favorite films and they both chuckle before Magnus puts it onto the the TV. As the film starts Magnus clicks his fingers before passing me a mug of hot chocolate. I smile and kiss his cheek before quickly drinking the perfectly temperature liquid.

When I am done Magnus makes the cup disappear and I begin to feel sleepy. "Sleep kitten." I hear Magnus say before he kisses my head and I smile and close my eyes as I turn and lay my head on Alec's chest as Magnus wraps himself around me from behind and Alec wraps his own arms around us. I am off to sleep quicker than Lumiere and Mrs. Potts can finish singing 'be our guest'

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