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those of demon blood -2

I walk into the Jade wolf in search of my werewolf mate, Maya and Gretel and find all three spread across the restaurant. "Maya, Gretel, come over here." I say as I sit down next to Leo. 

"hey love, loving the ears, would be better if they were wolf ones though." He says with a jokey smile that I return as he begins to pet my ears. I'm starting to think that all my mate's just love petting me. 

"What's up?" Maya asks as her and Gretel sit down opposite us. 

I pull Leo's hand from my ears and place it around my waist instead to decrease the distraction as I begin speaking. "I'm sure you've heard that Shadowhunter's are being killed by downworlder's and having their Rune's removed. Well the high inquisitor thinks the way to find out the perpetrators is to collect DNA from everyone we know. I am thoroughly against the idea but had to come anyway otherwise someone much less kind would come in my place." I explain. 

"They can't be serious." Maya exclaims. 

"I know, I trust each of you guys and know that this is not being done by any of you guys which I just find annoying and rude at the fact I even have to ask you to prove yourselves." I point out. 

"So you're not going to force us?" Gretel asks and I shake my head. 

"You won't be cleared unless you do but the way I see it there is nothing you need to be cleared for, it's practically just a witch hunt." I cry out in annoyance. I see sympathetic glances from the three wolves and physically feel my ears droop. "Anyway, I need to ask Simon as well so I'll talk to you all when we aren't being drowned in craziness." I say quickly and kiss Leo on the cheek and go to stand only for him to grab my tail gently. 

"Stay." He begs and I feel my heart break. 

"I want to so bad, but I can't. once we finally get a moment of peace how about you take me out on a date?" I asks and he smirks before planting a kiss on my lips. 

"Deal, go see your little day-lighter." He says jokily as he lets go and I smile and hug him goodbye before walking over to storage area to see Simon. 

"Simon?" I call out as I walk in. 

"I'm here." He says before speeding over to me only to skid back upon seeing me. "You ugh- have ears and a tail now?" He asks confused making me laugh. "Not that I don't think it's absolutely adorable it's just since when?" 

"I learnt how to shape shift and I quite like these, they are very sensitive so it's fun when you or my other mates scratch them." I explain happily. "But um, that's not what I'm here to talk to you about." I say seriously. 

"What is it?" He asks worriedly as he comes over to me his hand brushing my tail making him jump and me purr before I let out a laugh. "What's wrong?" 

"More Shadowhunter's are dead and the Clave wants us to collect DNA samples to figure out who it is. I've just spoken to Gretel, Maya and Leo." I say before quickly continuing. "They didn't give any though, I also don't agree with this but I have to ask anyway. 

"you know my Bubbie Helen?" He asks pushing me to sit on the bed he had installed god knows when. 

"Yeah, of course." I say as I look at him. 

"When she was little, her family owned a bakery in Poland. one day these soldiers came in and asked to put a star in the window. they wanted to know which shops were Jewish-run you know, no big deal for the records. Then they had to wear white armbands, and they couldn't ride the train. Then they were forced to ride the train. My Bubbie Helen was the only one in her family to survive." He explains and I feel water pool in my eyes. 

"Simon." I say sadly as I get up and wrap my arms around his waist. 

"That's why I can't do what your asking, for her." I nod and bury my head in his chest as I feel a tear slip past. "Hey, hey it's okay, you don't have to worry about me." Simon says as he places both his hands on my cheeks and wipes away my tears. "I'm gonna be just fine okay?" he reassures me and I nod slightly leaning up to kiss him. 

"Yeah, I know, I'm just worried something is gonna happen to someone else I love, something I can't stop." I say. 

I stay with Simon for awhile until I stop crying and realize how late it has gotten. "I should probably get back to the institute." I say sadly and Simon nods but doesn't release me from our hug. "Siiiiiiii- you need to let me go for me to leave." 

"I don't want you to leave." He says making me smirk. 

I lean up and pull him in for a kiss before slowly pulling away. "If I never leave I will see all of my mates less which will make me sad." I point out and he sighs before slowly releasing me. 

"Fine, but I'm walking you home." 

"I'm a big strong angel, I can protect myself." I reason which leads to a staring contest between me and my oldest friend turned soulmate. 

"Fine." I smile at his pout and peck his lips before leaving. Not even three seconds after I step out the door I hear my phone ring and find Simon calling me, I giggle before answering. "Are you okay? are you safe? maybe I should walk you, maybe-" I cut him off. 

"Simon I'm fine don't worry. I'm strong enough to protect myself. If it makes you feel better we can stay on the phone. I-" I cut myself off as I feel something ram into me causing me to let out a cry of shock and pain mixed together. 

I use energy to try and push my attacker away when I feel the pinch of a needle going into my arm and I fall unconscious. 

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