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The powers that be -1 


My morning ends up being very simple with me deciding to just stay in Jace's bed and having a lie in. I only get out of bed when I see a message from Magnus asking if I will accompany him to a warlock party with Alec tonight. 

Deciding to take this as a chance to pamper myself I quickly get out of bed and after getting dressed head straight to the nail salon while making an appointment at a hair salon to get my hair done. After getting my nails done I head to a mall to do some shopping before my hair appointment and end up getting a selection of new clothes that I store away in my bracelet. 

as the time of my hair appointment comes around I walk into the salon and am greeted with smiles and polite small talk. I explain how I want my hair to be styled and they quickly get to work. 

By the time I am done I have to quickly return to the institute to get changed before rushing to Magnus's apartment. I wear one of my new dresses. It has a white top that attaches around the neck with no sleeves and crosses around the back, leaving my back mostly open and a white skirt with a range of purple flowers on it. I throw on a pair of white heels and some light make-up and then head back out. 

When I arrive at Magnus's both him and Alec are there dressed smartly making me pause to admire them before continuing forwards. "Wow, kitten, you look-" 

"Thankyou Magnus." I say with a smile before pressing my lips gently to his cheek, following after with Alec. "As do both of you." 

"I know, I'm half tempted to keep you both here for myself." Magnus says eyeing each of our bodies. 

"Only half?" Alec ask in response, a smirk on his face. 

"Maybe a bit more." 

"Then perhaps we should go and not risk tempting your desire any further." They both nod and Magnus creates a portal to the Lorenzo Ray's house so that we don't have to walk. Magnus holds out his arm for me to grab and we step through the portal with Alec on my left. 

We walk into the building and find the party already in full swing. "well, here we are." Magnus says as several of the warlocks send annoyed looks at Alec and what appears to be admiration towards me. 

"Are you sure bringing me here was a good idea?" Alec asks my warlock mate. 

"It's better than coming by myself." 

"What am I, chopped liver?" I question with false annoyance. 

"I'm joking. They'll love you both." 

"Seems like I already have their love if you ask me but sure." The both of them just role their eyes playfully at me. 

"Oh, just because you're the only shadowhunter, and angel, at a party full of warlocks doesn't mean you can't have fun."

"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. you've known these people for centuries." Alec points out.

"you think that's a good thing?" 

"Come on, for tonight we don't have to worry about demons or rogue Shadowhunter's or all of the other shit we deal with. It's just the three of us enjoying ourselves at a party with what i am assuming is a free bar?" Magnus just nods making me smile. "I'll go get us some drinks then." I quickly walk over to the bar and get three drinks. I use the energy around me to carry them while also heading to the food table and getting myself something to eat before walking over to my two mates. 

I find them talking to a warlock I am unfamiliar with. "you made it, and you brought a friend." The warlock says as I get closer. 

"Actually he brought two. I hope we aren't imposing?" I ask as I hand both of my mates their drinks. 

"Of course not, you are the savior of the downworld, you are always welcome in my home." I nod slightly in response. "I am Lorenzo Ray, then new high warlock of Brooklyn. And you are Alec Lightwood, head of the New York institute. I expect we will be seeing quite a bit of each-other at your downworld cabinet meetings. No hard feelings right Bane?" 

"On the contrary. I am very content in my new position. Being the high warlock is a thankless job. long hours, little pay. But I'm sure it doesn't matter to a young civic-minded person like you."

"Oh, don't be so jaded. I may only be 484 but I'm no stranger to service." 

I turn to Alec to allow the warlocks to continue their conversation concealing insults and rude comments. "I can't wait for the day when we can say were only a couple hundred years old." I tell him with a smirk. 


"Did I not tell all of you that with your souls connected to mine your life-span will be that of an angels instead of a regular Shadowhunter's?" 

"I'm not quite sure you did." I just shrug. 

"All those years working for the high warlock of Madrid have prepared me well." Lorenzo retorts making me focus back on the conversation between the two. "Although I may not be as easy on you as he was, after all, I'm here to serve the warlocks not portal you around like some glorified shuttle service." I feel my annoyance and irritation towards this man grow exponentially. 

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Alec responds taking a sip of his drink, I just fill my mouth with food to stop from snapping at the annoying man I am going to have to deal with. 

"in that case, I look forward to our first cabinet meeting. Enjoy the party." With that he walks off. 

"Who appointed him?" Alec asks clearly not any happier with Magnus's replacement as either of us are. 

"Nobody. there was a vote. And Lorenzo can be very charming." 

I let out a snort like laugh making me blush. "I don't like him." 

"exactly he's a phony, no taste, egomaniacal piece of-" 

"Language." Alec cuts him off as a small girl comes running over calling him name. "Madzie, hey, my favorite little sorceress." Alec picks the girl up making me smile. 

"Oh so this is the famous Madzie I keep hearing about. Hello, Madzie, I'm Adelina, but you can call me Lina. I've heard lots of great things about you." The girl in question shyly hides in Alec's neck. I smile and use my earth element ability to create a small flower that I put it her hair. "Beautiful." The girl gently touches the flower in her hair before smiling as me. "Want to see something awesome?" I ask and she nods. 

My smile widens and I summon the illusion butterfly's from my back. The young girl watches them in fascination as I take out my notepad and quickly draw a small bunny rabbit on the page. "Can I give you a gift Madzie?" I ask the warlock child. 

"Sure." She says quietly. I smile and give energy to the drawing causing it to come to life. 

"What are you going to name him?" I ask. 

Madzie pauses for a moment to think before calling out, "Thumper." I smile. 

"When you aren't playing with Thumper just," I pick up the bunny and hold it close to her upper arm. "Will him to be with you and he will simply," I pause as the bunny fades away and is replaced with a tattoo of the small animal. "Become a part of you." The girl smiles happily until the ground starts shaking and the warlocks begin to loose control of their magic. 

One warlock tries to create a portal to get out but it ends up as a red mass that begins to disintegrate his hand causing him to scream. I turn to Madzie. "Don't be sacred okay, but I need you to trust me, can you do that?" I ask her and she nods. I create a small bubble of energy around her stopping her from being able to see or hear what is going on. 

I turn back around to see the portal heading straight towards us and quickly erect a wall of energy to hopefully act as a barrier as Magnus steps in and uses magic to stop the portal thing causing everyone to stare at him. "What's going on?" Alec asks. 

"I have no idea." Magnus responds. 

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