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 Of men and angels -2

"Magnus told you about the uprising?" I nod as Clary responds with a yes. "About the valentine who murdered all those people. The reason he became that man was our fault. mine and Jocelyn's." I shake my head as my eyes widen in shock.

"I dont believe you." Clarys says as she comes around the bed to Luke's other side.

"We betrayed him Clary, your mother and I." Luke says when he notices Clary heading towards the door. "We fell in love."

"Did you-" I don't finish my question but Luke knows what I mean.

"No, your parents were married, Valentine was my Parbati. We both loved him, but as he got more violent and he became more combative with the Clave, we started to worry. we tried to help him, tried to temper him but he just kept pulling away. that just drew us closer together. we knew it was wrong but we couldn't deny it, or hide it. Valentine became convinced we were having an affair. he was obsessed with winning Jocelyn's heart back. for love he was willing to do anything, even compromise his own principles. he became fixated on becoming a better solider, that lead him to do the unthinkable- experiment with down-worlder blood. Once he crossed that line, we never got him back again. In the end, our love did more damage to Valentine then any other thing anyone else had done. we broke his heart."

"at least now I know he had one, before his crazy distorted world views set in." Clary mutters as I stay silent. "What was he like back then, before he, you know?" Clarys asks.

"In the early days of the circle, he was honorable, idealistic, he was charismatic," Luke responds.

"just mum's type." I mutter with a laugh. "Just like you."

"Oh no, I never came close. He was a leader, devoted to protecting us from dying pointless deaths."

"And you believed in him." Clary states.

"If Simon told you he had the cure for cancer you would want to believe him too." Luke says making me shake my head with a soft laugh.

"I would probably give him the benefit of the doubt, at least." Clary responds with a smile.

"Which is what I did, which is what we all did. the demon's were winning, we couldn't train our people fast enough to keep up. Val wanted the Clave to use the mortal cup to create more Shadowhunter's but that just made them angry."

"Isn't more shadow-hunter's a good thing?" I ask confused.

"Not the way he was proposing. Ever since the angel Raziel created the first shadow-hunters with the cup its been forbidden to use the cup again to rebuild their forces." He pauses before continuing. "Jocelyn and I, we tried to pull him back but he just misconstrued that as."

"The affair, its not your fault Luke." Clary says and I nod. "There's no way you two could've pushed him over the edge, he did that to himself. with the blood injections."

"And with the more injections he took, the deeper it seemed he descended into madness."

"Magnus didn't tell us that part." I point out.

"He didnt know. there were some things Jocelyn and I never talked about."

"Why would she hide that she's an artist?" Clary asks as she brings over her drawing book. "Especially from me."

"because after that night, she locked that part of herself away. she never wanted their lives to affect you both.

"What did our father do?" i ask.

"your mother was the only other person I told this too." Luke starts. "I never wanted to burden you both. Valentine asked me to back him up on a mission, some farmers had gone missing, he said it was werewolves. He betrayed our Parbati bond and then he betrayed everything else he believed in." Luke exclaimed and I filled in the blanks of what happened. "For awhile I thought he killed her, he wanted us both dead. he killed thousands. turned shadowhunter against shadowhunter, do you understand what I'm saying?"

"god only knows what he would do if he got his hands on the mortal cup." I say.

"We have to get the cup before Valentine does." Luke says as he grabs one of each of our hands.

"But I don't know where it is, or even where to start looking." Clary exclaims and I sigh.

"It all starts and end with you two." Luke points out and I just shake my head.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"Because I know Jocelyn." Luke pulls away as he says this. "You two are the only people she would have entrusted with the location of the cup."

"If she trusted us so much then why didn't she tell us any of this?" I ask annoyed, it was my destiny to be apart of the shadow-world more than anyone else yet she kept it from me.

"She didn't think this was gonna happen, she made provisions just incase it did. the potion, Dot, Jocelyn told me I should tell you everything about our past, that it would unlock you."

"What does that even mean?" Clary asks annoyed.

"I don't know, but you do." Luke replies.

"Memories wiped remember."

"There are clues, they're inside the mundane world, think Clary." Luke says annoyed and I become frustrated myself, I have my memories yet I still didn't know.

"I don't remember anything, if mum hid the clues I don't know what they are." Clary retorts.

"You have to figure this out." Luke almost shouts.

"You said you had to tell me everything, maybe theres something you forgot wait-" Clary walks over to her bad and pulls out a small wooden box. "What's this?"

"No." Luke said and I had an itching feeling what that box was.

"Mum said this belonged to my father, but valentine is my father. who is J.C?" Clary asks.

"I want you to remember your father could be a good man." Luke replies and I feel my panic rise.

"After what he did to you-" Clary says as I am unable to speak just staring at the box.

"This is worse." Luke almost shouts.

"I don't care, Luke I want to know, I have to know, you said so yourself- you have to tell me everything."

"J.C stands for Jonathan Christopher. your brother and Adelina's-"

"Twin." I say knowing my instincts were right. "He's dead, isnt he."

"He died in a fire at Fairchild manor, a fire that your father set and was the reason you had to be put under a spell that halted your aging Adelina." He says just as Clary gasps and the box becomes a drawing on the paper making all three of us surprised.

"That's the ending of the story that my mother needed me to hear." Clary says as I feel tears streak down my face. "Is that what she meant to unlock? How did I do that?" she asks herself.

"There are shadowhunter's who have unusual angelic powers but I've never seen anyone do what you just did."

"Can these powers be inherited?" I ask Luke despite my tears.

"i think so." Luke responds.

"I know where my mother hid the cup." Clary states

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