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A problem with memory -3 

I don't waste a second and dial Luke's number. "Adelina?" He answers almost immediately. 

"Luke, what do you mean he killed someone?" 

"we found a mundane girl drained of blood. Clary's helping me find him now. We need to find him before the police do or the Clave finds out." 

"This, has to be wrong. there has to be another answer." I say as I quickly walk out of Magnus's sending him an apologetic smile on my way out. "I'll find you." I say before hanging up. the second I turn up outside I head straight for the sky not quite realizing how late it is and how long the spell with Magnus had actually taken. I make the butterfly's come out and they fly in a circle in front of me while searching for Simon. 

within minutes an image of him running into a bar is before me and I quickly recall the butterfly's before heading for that exact bar. I arrive at the same time as Luke, Clary and Raphael. "What are you doing here?" Luke asks. 

"Trying to track down a murderer." 

"Stay out of this." 

"Listen, this is vampire business, I can take care of  him myself." 

"We can't let you do that."

"Simon couldn't have done this." 

"I'm not talking about the day lighter, Quinn killed the girl." I pause for only a second before rushing into the building only to arrive a moment too late as Simon thrusts a stake into Quinn causing him body to fall into a pile of ash. 

"Simon." I say as I rush over to him and wrap him in a hug causing him to reflexively hold me back. 

"I didn't kill that girl." 

"I know Si, I know. are you okay?" I ask looking up at him. 

"No, not really." He says before looking down at me. "Not really." With that he hooks an arm under my legs causing me to instinctively wrap them around him before he uses his vamp speed to get us out of there. 

When we stop I find we are in the boat house Simon has been using as a home. "Simon, I'm here for you, no matter what." 

"I'm sorry. so so sorry. I never should have gone out with Quinn, I never should have drunk from the girl, I never should have done any of this." He says with tear filled eyes before pulling away and turning away from me with his shoulders hunched.

"Si." I place my hands against his shoulder and slowly turn him around. "Simon. I love you. I'm not upset you drank from the girl even if I did wish it was me you always fed from but It's not like you had sex with someone else, you just slipped and if I abandoned you because of that then I would just be a horrible mate." 

"I love you too." 

"Good, now I haven't eaten all day so I'm starving, lets go get dinner." 

"Sure how does Italian sound?" 

"Great if I can join." I hear a voice say from behind me and find Leo standing there. I smile and walk up to him, throwing my arms around him and placing my lips on his. 

"I've missed you, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." I say apologetically. 

"Well you are a busy girl." 

"Hopefully all this business with Valentine will be over soon so that I can spend more time with all of you." 

"It's all good, as long as I can join you for dinner that is?" He asks and I look over at Simon who smiled widely at me, a smile I return in kind. "That seems like a yes, so Italian? I know a good place." 

"Then you lead the way." I say with a bright smile before grabbing his hand and holding my other out for Simon. 

"oh that just won't do." Leo says and I shoot him a confused look and within seconds find myself no longer touching the ground, this time not due to my gifts before I am landing stomach first on Leo's surprisingly comfortable shoulder. I am so shocked that I don't even do anything as he starts running with me, Simon beside him laughing. 

"I- what?" I ask as I rest my elbows on his back and look in the opposite direction to where we are heading. "Why?" I cry out just as my arms slip. 

"because this way you are all ours and you can't get distracted by your phone and other Shadowhunter business." 

"Exactly." Simon follows on. "The world can survive without you for one evening." 

"Have you met those idiots, I'm surprised they can last even an hour without me." 

"Well tough luck, they are gonna have to wait in line." Leo says just before letting me down. "One of the few places open this time of night." He says as we walk in, me holding both of their hands. "Most down worlder's come here, the owner was turned into a vamp a while ago so it's now a down  worlder restaurant, similar to the hunters moon." Leo explains when my eyes fall upon the surprisingly large number of people currently eating. 

"let's sit over there." I say before pointing at a booth by the window. Leo and Simon each sit on either side. When I go to sit Leo pulls me onto his lap making me blush but keep quiet. 

we enjoy dinner just the three of us without all my usual drama and I am overjoyed at the fact that they both get along despite their species being enemies. The only disruption of the night was when Jace and Acacius both messaged me. Jace wondering if I was going to join them for Valentine's transfer and Acacius checking in with me. I message both saying I am alright and tell Jace I plan to stay with Simon and Leo tonight and that I want to hear how it goes tomorrow. 

when we are all done we head back to the Jade wolf and into Simon's current home. I'm not sure how we managed to get the way we were but when I woke up in the morning I was buck ass naked between the two men with fresh bite marks on my body, Including a lovely wolf bite proudly displayed on my neck, and an ache I will never forget that was totally outweighed by the bliss following the events of the night before. 

I curse at my phone as it prevents me from sleeping in and sit up slightly and use energy to lift up my phone to me ear. I answer it as I fall back down onto my back. "Hello?" 

"Adelina? The transfer with Valentine went wrong, he's escaped." 

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