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you are not your own -1


When I wake up I get changed into white dress with pink roses and thin straps, it also had a thinner layer from the top that come to my middle and goes over my shoulders. "Sleep well?" I hear Sebastian ask as I step into the kitchen. 

"Yes thankyou, Izzy's still asleep. Thankyou for letting us stay over." I say with a smile. 

"Of course, I am happy to help." Sebastian says just as Izzy comes out of the room. 

"Thankyou for giving up your bed." She says to Sebastian and I smile and nod. 

"How are you feeling." Sebastian asks Izzy as I walk over and grab myself some of the food Sebastian has made. 

"Strongest I've been in a long time." Izzy responds as I try the food I put on my plate. 

"This is great." I take another bite. "Hey can I call you Seb, Sebastian's too long?" I say with a laugh.

"Sure, can I call you a nickname too?" Seb responds and I nod with a smile. 

"You know not many people will take in a stranger- two strangers." Izzy comments. 

"Well, you are both welcome to stay as long as you need." 

"That's very kind but I need to get back to the institute. you should come with us." Izzy says and I nod in agreement. 

"I, thanks, but um, I've kind have gotten used to being on my own so." 

"I'd gotten used to vampire venom." Izzy retorts and I smile sadly at her, disappointed that I wasn't there when she needed me. "Sometimes change is good." Seb pauses before sighing with a nod. "I'll go get dressed then." She continues before walking away. 

"You're a good friend." I hear Seb say and turn to face him. "She's lucky to have you." 

"Thanks but a good friend would have been there when her friend needed her." I say sadly looking down. 

"you're still an amazing friend." He says just as Izzy comes back in and we start to walk to the institute. 

"This is taking forever." I say with a smirk before using energy to lift all of us up into the air and use it to fly us back to the institute. 

"That was crazy." Seb says as we land. 

"I know." With that we walk into the institute in time to hear Jace speaking to Alec and Clary about the demon attacks. 

"There is no use of tracking the body, with his ability to dematerialize he could be anywhere." 

"Maybe we can help." Izzy says as the three of us walk over. I go to Jace and Alec hugging each of them as Clary and Izzy hug. 

"Izzy we've been so worried about you. where have you been?" My sister asks. 

"Looking for Azazael." She says after a moments pause. "This is Sebastian Verlac from the London institute. when the demon came after me Sebastian saved my life." 

"I simply lent a hand." He says bashfully.

"Sebastian is an expert on all things Azazael." Izzy points out. 

"when I studied abroad at the Paris institute I specialized in greater demons." 

"Thanks for saving my sister, I'm Alec." My tall dark haired mate introduces and I smile wrapping my arm around his waist. 

"thankyou I'm Jace." 

"The great warrior in the flesh your reputation proceeds you. As does yours you must be Clary Valentine's second Daughter." He shakes hands with my sister as well.

"yeah, don't hold it against me." Clary says jokily. 

"Oh we don't choose our parents." 

"So tell us about Azazael, how do we take him down?" Jace asks as we all gather around closely.

"The only way to banish him is to puncture his demonic core. In corporeal form its in-between the T8 and T9 vertebrate. But its not that simple, the core is about the size of a pea." Sebastian explains to each of us. 

"So the entry points right bellow his sternum?" I ask as I lean into Alec who wraps his arm around my shoulders tightly. "I can kill him, arrows, sword, hell I can probably solidify my energy and use that or even solidify water into ice." 

"Even if you did the defeats only temporary. The nasty buggers always find a way to break out of their realm and come back." I nod when Seb says this. 

"Thank-you for the intel, we can take it from here." Alec says sharply. 

"If I can I would like to help." Seb offers. 

"we appreciate that but you don't have clearance to go on mission. Not at this institute." Alec shuts him down and I tighten my arm around him and pinch his side slightly causing him to look down at me as I narrow my eyes and raise an eyebrow. 

"Alec you can't be serious?" Izzy asks and I nod slightly along with her, keeping my eyes on Alec to show him I mean business. 

"Alec look, he clearly knows more of this, about Azazael. We could use all the help we can get." Jace points out to his Parabatai.  

"well as far as tracking is concerned we should-" Seb starts only for Alec to cut him off.

"We have a very capable warlock for that." Everyone is quiet for a moment before he continues. "You do what you want, I'm gonna work with Magnus." Before walking away, Izzy following after him. 

"Sorry about him, we've all been through a lot recently." I apologize to Sebastian before following after the pair of siblings just as Alec calls Magnus. I wait silently for their call to finish however Alec looks shocked when he pulls away the phone. "What is it?" I ask confused. 

"Magnus said he is busy and he seems to be acting weird, I want to go check he's alright after he was attacked by that demon." Alec responds walking towards the door. 

"Wait he was attacked and no-one told me." I exclaim. 

"We didn't want to worry you." Alec explains and I stop walking while he continues slowly. I pause for only a few moments before quickly catching up and walking beside my mate to my warlock mate, his boyfriend's, apartment. When we arrive Alec knocks. "Magnus, you there?" He calls out. 

Magnus promptly answers the door after his call. "Oh thank god you are okay." I say as I swiftly step fowards and place both my hands on his cheeks. "I was so worried." I go to kiss him only for him to pull away and my hands fall away. "Magnus, are you- are you okay?" I ask confused and hurt. 

"I'm fine, its nothing, why?" He asks in response. 

"It's just you were acting strange on the phone and just now as well." Alec answers for me, pulling me back into him. "terse." 

"I told you I'm busy." Magnus responds curtly. 

"Rights its just you've never refused to help me when I need it and I just- Magnus." Alec says as we walk, Magnus looking around the room as if expecting someone to be here. "What's wrong, hey talk to me." Alec says just before Magnus is pushed away by some force. I quickly let out my wings and staff as I turn to find a man in a suit. 

"did I not tell you to get rid of him?" The man asks as Alec prepares as arrow. 

"Alec don't." Magnus says as the demon I'm presuming tries to send Alec back but I use energy to block it just as Alec shoots the arrow hitting the demon perfectly sending him back to hell. 

"No, no, no, no." Magnus says as he rushes to the ashes. 

"Hey are you okay?" Alec asks both of us and I nod as he crouches down beside Magnus. I ignore their conversation as I search for any other demon's around just to be safe. 

"We should inform the institute that Azazael is gone." I say and look at Alec who nods. I quickly hug Magnus and say goodbye before making my way to the institute. 

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