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A dark reflection - 2


"Who, Valentine?" I ask as I walk into the destroyed shop. 

"No, Jonathan." I freeze and feel rage fill me. 

I summon a staff and hold it to Jace's neck, physically paining me. "You will not harm my brother Jace. He has spent years being manipulated by Valentine by our father. Separated from his family. I will not allow you to hurt him without first giving him a chance." 

"Jonathan is a demon blooded monster-." 

"He is my brother, my twin-." 

"A monster that is responsible for the death of your friend." I lower my staff as Cas's words from earlier float threw my mind. "an innocent warlock." 

"No-one is getting killed until we have all the facts. Now what have I missed while in the seelie court?" 

"Valentine has Jonathan and is looking for the mortal mirror." I nod as Clary fills me in.

"I guess the priority right now should be finding that mirror." 

"I could probably find it." 

"How?" Sebastian asks. 

"I'm an angel, if I try hard enough I can probably find each of the mortal instruments or ask another angel if they know their whereabouts. Only issue is I have no idea how to start looking for them and I don't know if any of the others will know." 

"I guess we will just have to continue with our first plan." I nod at Jace's words as we head back to the institute. 

when we arrive we walk into Alec's office to find him and Dot. I smile at dot and go an hug Alec. "It's Jonathan." Clary begins. "He's the one that came after Elliot." 

"He's after the mirror." Jace explains. 

"Sebastian, thanks but were good here." Alec says as I pull away. I turn and smile at Seb before sitting down next to Dot and taking the tablet to have a look myself. 

"If I can be of any assistance I would be happy to help." 

"Thankyou, we've got it covered." 

"Sure." With that he leaves. I zone out of what the others talk about as I try and match the lay-lines with Dot's tattoo. I only stop when I get a message from Luke to meet at Magnus's asap. I frown but explain that Luke needs me before spreading my wings and taking flight out of the institute and heading to Magnus's place. 

I knock before walking in to find Luke and Magnus already taking. "She says he still has the soul sword." 

"Who still has the soul sword?" 


"What? No that's impossible. The Clave-" 

"The Clave lied." Luke cuts me off. 

"I have to tell Alexander." Magnus says and I am frozen to my spot. Cas's words once again flowing over me. 

"Wait." Luke stops Magnus and grabs his arm preventing him from leaving. "Alec is head of the institute. He might already know."

"I just saw him, he would have told me, told us, if he knew. He would never keep something this important from me." Magnus says before gently grabbing my hand and pulling us towards the door. I follow along frozen and unsure, truly wondering who I can and cannot trust." 

We stay quiet as we walk to the institute and straight to Alec's office. He looks up and smiles at us as we walk in before frowning. "Please don't say you've been waiting for me all this time." 

"No, just wanted to see you." I pull away from Magnus and sit down silently. I feel both of their eyes on me at my continued silence. 

"Is everything okay?" I don't look up, allowing Magnus to take the lead. 

"I thought so, but now I'm not so sure." 

"What's going on." 

"You tell me Alexander. From the day I met you, the one thing I knew I could count of from you was honesty. Absolute total honesty." Alec pauses before standing up deciding to focus on Magnus, knowing he won't get anywhere with me right now. 

"I can explain." 

"You knew about the sword?" 

"I just found out I swear." 

"When, when did you know?" Magnus interrogates him. "Tonight when I talked about trust, did you know then." 

"I did." I feel my heart breaking as I listen to them both. 


"Look, I was worried that if the downworld found out there'd be wide spread panic. It could've lead to a rebellion." 

"And you didn't trust me-

"Us." I cut in 

"To stay quiet." 

"I didn't say that. I didn't want to ask you to have to keep a secret from your own people." He turns to me. "From people you love. that wouldn't be fair to either of you." 

"You're just like the Clave. Making promises you never intend to keep. oh transparency." 

"Magnus, Adelina, lets not make this personal." 

"How can I not make this personal. Valentine want's me dead, he wants all of us dead." 

"I know." 

"And after I bearded my soul. I told you things that I had only ever told Adelina. and you looked me straight in the eye and lied." 

"Magnus, I didn't." 

"Guess it runs in the family." Magnus holds his hand out for me to grab and I stand before taking it. 


"I guess Acacius was right. you do have to be careful who you trust." I frown holding back tears as we both leave. 

"Adelina." We both ignore him and go straight back to Magnus's place. Luke is still there waiting for us. Magnus begins pacing and I sit down and grab a pen before drawing on my arm. 

"Magnus, calm down." Luke says after Magnus's pacing creates imaginary tears in the carpet. 

"Was he ever going to tell me." 

"Eventually." I mutter at the same time Luke says. "I don't know, look he didn't." 

"I trusted him Lucian more than anyone other than Adelina. And this is what happens." Magnus summons some magic before shooting at the table to my right. 

"hey, I know you're hurting, I get it." Luke begins and I stop my drawing half way to stand up and give Magnus a hug. "And I'm sorry, but you've got to settle down." Magnus pulls away from me. 

"No, no now's not the time for settling down." He goes to destroy something else but Luke stops him. 

"It is, Alec is trying. Trust me, he's on our side. He would never do anything to hurt either of you." Magnus pulls his arm away from Luke's grip. 

"It's too late for that. The seelie queen was right, we can't trust the Clave, they have deceived us again. Only now Valentine is free and the swords missing and the survival of the entire downworld is at stake. We need to tell her." 

"I don't trust her, I never have." 

"Kitten?" I look up at Magnus. 

"I trust Acacius. He said to be careful who I trust." 

Magnus nods and turns back to face Luke. "She's the most powerful person in the downworld. Second only to Adelina. If we're going to stop Valentine, we're going to need to queens help." 

"He's right, we don't have to trust her to work with her." I pause and look between the two. "I'll arrange a trip to the court." 

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