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@Cass_1204 thankyou for your kind words earlier today, gave me the energy to actually get some writing done today, hope you enjoy xxx

Day of atonement -1


"What?" I ask in shock as I sit up causing the covers to fall off of my bare body. "Tell me when I get there, I won't be long." I say before hanging up on Alec Just as Leo groans and rolls over before blinking his eyes open. 

"Lina?" He asks quietly and I smile sadly. "What's wrong?" 

"Valentine escaped during transportation to Idris, I have to go to the institute and find out what happened." I say before brining my lips to his. "Can you tell Simon for me when he wakes up, I'm sorry I can't stay longer." 

"That's okay, It's your job, I get it." I smile and kiss him before getting up and out of the bed. "Beside, I get to see your sexy ass before you go, so I'm better off than the vamp. And damn do you look good with my mark on your neck." I just chuckle and throw on some jeans and Leo's T-shirt. "Have a good day, I hope you catch him." 

"Me too, I love you." I reply before jogging to the door. 

"Love you too." I hear Leo scream from behind me, making me laugh before I sprint all the way to the institute. 

I arrive within five minutes to find absolute Chaos. My mates, their sister, Sebastian and my sister are all standing together around a table in a heated discussion. "What happened?" I ask as I walk over. 

"Duncan High jacked the portal and has taken Valentine to who knows where. I have already been informed that the down-worlders will be holding the cabinet meetings in the Seelie court until Valentine has been found." Alec explains. "An envoy from the Clave will most likely be arriving to replace me as head of the institute. At the minute our top Priority is finding Valentine, I want all available units tracking him down and-" He is cut off by the sound of my phone ringing and I pull it out to find Acacius calling me. 

"Excuse me." I say before stepping away and answering the call. "Cas?" 

"Hello flower, My sister informed me of Valentine's escape and the relocation of the downworlder cabinet meetings and has insisted that I ask if you aren't too busy to temporarily stay in the Seelie realm to attend the meetings." 

"I would be happy to attend the meetings but staying in the seelie realm may be an issue, give me a minute." I say before walking back over to the others. "The Seelie queen has asked me to join the cabinet meetings at her court. Acacius wants me to stay there temporarily. If you can handle the search for Valentine I can ensure the down-world doesn't fall into Chaos again and build up a stronger relation with the Seelie Queen." 

They all look a bit unsure but Alec is the first to reply. "That's a great idea just, promise me you'll be careful?"

"I promise. I won't be there longer than a week and I'll be with one of my mates all of the time. And Magnus and Raphael will be coming regularly for meetings, same with Luke. Plus the Seelie queen said she wanted to be friends and I can look after myself. I will be fine." I say before pressing a brief kiss to his lips before bringing my ear once again. "I'll be there in a few hours."

"I'll prepare your room and inform my sister." Cas replies before hanging up. 

"I've got to get ready to go. Call me if you find Valentine, if you need anything or just want to talk. I love you." I say as I hug Alec and then do the same with Jace. "Wish me luck." I say before walking off only to hear footsteps behind me and five Sebastian following behind me. 

"Seb, what's up?" I ask as I go into my room and start packing a bag of stuff full of anything I could need for a week. 

"I wondering if you did that blood tracking I suggested to find your brother." He asks as he leans on the doorway. 

"I did but it didn't work, my angel blood just burned through it. But I'm not going to give up. Sure I don't know what he looks like, or sounds like, if he is still using his real name, if he is still in New York or anything else about him but I won't give up until my brother is back by my side."

"Then what?" 


"What are you going to do after you find him?" 

I pause in my packing as I think. "I want to hug him, tell him I've missed him. That I'm sorry he spent so long in pain and I wasn't there, sorry I believed he was dead and ask him to come home, to let me protect my twin brother." 

"I doubt he would be accepted here being a demon and all." Seb says in passing but I feel anger bubble in my as a blade forms in my hands and I am instantly holding it to Seb's neck. 

"My brother may have demonic blood but he is not a demon." After a moment I relax and get rid of the blade. "Sorry, overprotective and all that." I continue as I go back to packing. "And your not wrong. Jonathan will never be accepted here. can you keep a secret?"


"I brought a house." 


"I wanted a place where all of my mates and family could be together, I want a home. DO you want to see it?" I ask and Sebastian nods with no hesitation. I Smile and grab my bag before walking out the door. "Come on then." 

We walk side by side out of the institute and with a smirk I turn to Sebastian who narrows his eyes. "What?" He asks before letting out a squeak of surprise as I use energy to lift him into the air alongside me. I let out a laugh at his shocked face as we pass through to the clouds. I smile and start running along the clouds having the time of my life. "Hey, wait for me."

"Hurry up." I call over my shoulder as I lean forwards and fall through the clouds. 

"Adelina? Where are you?" I stay quiet as Sebastian panic's. 

I lift my body up and rush out of the clouds shouting, "Boo." Causing him to fall backwards. I just couldn't stop laughing. "Sorry, sorry." I say breathily at Sebastian's annoyed face. "I know how to make you forgive me." I say before I continue walking until we reach a gap in the clouds. "Come look." I say as I lay down. 

"It's beautiful." 

"Isn't it." We stay in silence for awhile before I stand back up. "Come on, we've got to go or you won't be able to see my house before I go to the Seelie realm." I say and Seb nods as we walk a bit further before I return us both to the ground. "Welcome to mi casa." 

"Wow, Adelina, impressive." 

"Come on I'll give you the tour." After a fair amount of time I finally finish and reach the end of the tour. "And this is Clary's room." I say pointing at the last door. 

"What about this one, who is this for?" Seb asks standing next to the only other door in this hallway and I pause knowing exactly who I had planned it for but doubted he would ever use it. 

"That's my brothers room. It's the room I have designed for him when he finally returns home because one day he will, I just know it."

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