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Of men and angels -1

I get in the back seat with Luke and Clary and quickly get out my phone to find Magnus's number. Hitting the dial button I put it to my ear and start bouncing my leg on the floor of the car. soon Magnus answers and his voice flitters through the phone. "Hello, Kitten, finally done with Shadowhunter business, Alexander said you went to meet with a seelie?" 

"Unfortunately, I'm not calling to chat Mags, my friend and father figure Luke is hurt, he was bitten by an alpha before he killed him and your the only one that can help." I say desperately. 

"Okay kitten, bring him to mine I'll get things set up."

"Thankyou Mags, we will be there soon." With that I hang up and look over Luke. We soon arrive at Magnus's and Jace goes to park the car while Simon and Clary help carry Luke through the building. I quickly walk ahead and open the door for them just as Magnus appears around the corner. 

"Put him over here." He says as he motions to a sofa with a sheet across it. 

"Where are you?" Luke mutters. "I cant find you." Clary shushes him and takes his hand while I step away to give Magnus room to work. "Jocelyn, Jocelyn." 

"No Luke, its Clary, can you hear me?" 

"Clary, listen to me, listen to me. I have to tell you it just incase." He says and I feel panic run through me as I turn away and sit away from everyone blocking them all out as I start drawing in my notebook. I'm not really paying attention to what I'm drawing and just let my hands move. 

I do notice when Jace comes in and listen to him and Simon argue.  "One more thing, I need Alexander." Magnus says and I shake my head with a chuckle. 

"Why do you need Alec?" Jace asks and my smile widens. Magnus doesnt, he could use anyone but he wants to see Alec so he is obviously making up an excuse. 

"Virgin shadowhunter energy." Magnus uses as his excuse. 

"That explains so much." Simon says to himself. 

"Why won't Adelina work?" Jace asks and I raise one eyebrow and chuckle slightly. 

"Because my energy is very different from a Shadowhunter's due to my extra abilities meaning that using me could complicate things." I say as an excuse in return. 

Jace just nods and him and Simon leave. Clary helps Magnus as I draw and listen to them talk and Magnus explain our parent's past. I feel my emotions shift as I listen to Magnus talk. I try to keep an open mind as I listen to all of the things my parents and Luke did for and against down-worlders. 

When Magnus starts running out of energy I walk over and hold out my hand for him to grab so that he can use my energy. "Thank-you kitten." Magnus says and I just nod and rest my head on his shoulder. 

Soon Alec comes in and crouches down by us both and offers his own arm to Magnus who begins to draw energy from him as well as Clary finishes making the potion. despite Magnus drawing from me I don't find any of my energy decreasing however I still sigh in relief when Luke wakes up just before Magnus collapses into Alec. I keep my hold on Mag's hand as Alec makes sure he is alright. 

As everyone else starts to leave the room I motion for Alec to take Magnus to his room while I go and Make Magnus a drink and a quick sandwich. I walk in just as Alec walks out and I grab his arm to stop him. "Thank-you Alec, Luke is like a dad to me, I don't know what I would do if he-" I cut myself off as Alec pulls me into a hug. "I know you think we shouldn't interfere with down-worlder business but they are my family, friends and mates and it's literally my destiny to interfere so it means a lot that you would come and help." I continue as I pull away. 

"I would do anything for you, and about Magnus I-" I cut him off with a laugh. 

"I know that he likes you Alec, in-fact I encouraged him to pursue you. your both my mates so I know that it will all be fine. Now if it was someone that isn't my mate that you became interested in then I may just kill them and hide their body before you get the chance to do something." I respond seriously. 

"Don't worry, you will always come first. And I'm not really sure whether or not I like Magnus that way." 

"It's okay, you can do whatever you want and take whatever time you need, its your future after all." I kiss his cheek and walk into Magnus' room to find him sitting in his bed barely awake. "here Mags." I say as I hold the water to his lips so that he can drink. 

There is a knock at the door just before Simon pop's his head in. "Luke is asking for you Ads." I nod and pass the plate over to Magnus and follow Si out of the room. 

"Thankyou for helping today Si." I say politely. 

"Anytime Ads." He says before walking off to get Clary as I walk into the spare bedroom to find Luke sitting on the bed. I rush over and hug him tightly but not so much that he gets hurt more. 

"I'm so glad your okay, I was so worried that you were going to-" I choke up not being able to picture what I would do if he was dead. 

"Don't worry about me, I'm not going anywhere any time soon." I pull away after he finishes speaking and notice Clary by the door. 

"You know you can't avoid the question right?" She starts. "I know mum swore you to secrecy but I've seen you stand up to her before. why didn't you tell me about any of this?" 

"Us." I huff out in annoyance, I notice Clary has become a lot more self-centered since discovering the shadow-world.

"Because I was afraid you would both hate us." Luke exclaims as I sit down beside him facing towards him. 

"Not possible Luke, your practically my dad." I respond warmly and get a slight smile in return. 

"Okay for the last few days I have not had all of the information." Again with the 'I' not 'we', I just sigh. 

"And you still don't." Luke points out making me look at his quizzically. "But you both need to know everything. It will help you find the mortal cup and it should help you to unlock the rest of what you can do Adelina." He says and my eyes widen- I can do more than summon weapons and animals or make my drawings come to life. 

"How?" I ask in shock and the same time as Clary says it frustrated. 

"Your just gonna have to trust me." Luke says annoyed. 

"I do, more than anything. Nothing you say is ever going to change that." Clary say as she leans down on the edge of the bed and stares at Luke. "Okay but you have to trust me too." 

"Trust us." I point out. 

"Alright." Luke responds before pausing and begining his explaination. 

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