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the powers that be -3 


I don't request entrance and instead just head straight in knowing Amara will already be waiting for me due to her bugs, birds and bee's. Once in the seelie realm I let out my wings and travel as fast as I can to the Seelie court. I enter the court and find Amara, Cas and a few attendants. "Ah, Adelina I have been expecting you." I ignore her and stride forwards before slapping her across the face. In retaliation several of the seelie's step forwards weapons at the ready. "I deserve that." Amara waves her hand and they all stand back. 

"How could you?" 

"How could I what?" 

"You want a list?" 

"I doubt it could hurt." 

"you joined forces with Valentine, you kidnapped a mundane who happens to be my future sister in law, you threatened my mate and then branded him all the while claiming we are friends." 

"We are friends Adelina." Amara says as she steps forwards. "I had to look out for my people." 

"making a deal with Valentine is looking out for your people?" 

"In this instant it was, I trusted that you would be able to deal with the consequences." 

"Jace DIED! Valentine stabbed him and he was dead before I healed him, Alec felt his Parabatai rune go. My mate died because you decided to betray me. betray all of us." 

"It was necessary."

"And Simon? what was that about? what did you brand into his forehead." 

"That mark is something only a Daylighter can receive, it will be of much use to Simon and you when you face what is coming." At this I slightly calm down. "Kidnapping the mundane was simply to ensure the ceremony would happen, she was not harmed while in my realm." 

"I can't- I can't deal with you, not right now, not here. Cas, if you wish to see me it will not be in the seelie realm." With that I stand up and turn away without another word. I go to head to my house when I receive the emergency alert from the institute and change direction. 

When I arrive everyone is already there and the meeting appears to have already started. "You're going to use the angelic core? are you serious?" Raj asks Alec. 

"This is our only chance to stop the corruption." I quickly make my way over to the center of the crowd as people move out of the way to let me pass by. "we're going to flood the ley lines with angelic energy, put an end to this, once and for all." 

"So your plan is basically divine Drano?" Clary asks and Alec sighs before bringing up a hologram of the institute. 

"The only problem is that the institute is not built on any ley lines. at least not yet. that's where Magnus comes in." Magnus steps forward and changes the image to show the nearby ley lines and the institutes angelic core. 

"I know a spell that will allow me to temporarily divert the flow of magic at the core. Once the ley line's in place, you'll tap into the core, and we can kiss the demonic corruption goodbye." 

"Right. and what happens if a demon shock wave hits while you're using your magic? the core will be totally exposed." As he speaks he changes the hologram to red and the core blows us. 

"well, that doesn't look good." Jace says. 

"If we're lucky it'll only vaporize the institute." 

"And if we're not lucky?" I ask concerned. 

destined angelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя