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Iron sisters -1

After the ceremony I go kiss Alec and Jace on the cheek and go straight to my room to sleep. when I wake up I have a quick wash and get dressed in a white thin strapped dress that had another piece of sheer white fabric at the top of the dress handing down which connected to two low of the shoulder slips. I put on white ribbon wrap around heels and my usual white gloves before putting my hair in a half up half down braid with smaller braid woven in like I had it in the other day. 

When I am done I grab my bag and head straight to Aldertree's office. I knock and wait for him to tell me to come in before I walk in. "Sir, I would like to go on a mission, I have not been on use for the past few days and feel it would be wise to help." I say professionally despite the pure rage I feel at him for what he did to Raphael. 

"You would be in luck, Isabelle and Clary were just about to leave for the Iron sisters you can join them." I nod and walk straight out and to the main area of the institute where I find Izzy waiting. 

"Izzy." I call her name and she turns to look at me. "Aldertree said that I can join you on your mission to the Iron sisters." Izzy just nods as Clary walks over and smiles at me. 

"Ready?" Izzy asks and we both nod before turns to the warlock who was waiting for us and he opens the portal to the Iron sisters and the three of us step  through only to find everything grey and dreary. 

I summon my double ended sword to my hand as I look around cautiously. "Wow, this is more amazing than I imagined." Izzy says as she admires the citadel on top of the very deadly looking cliff. Deciding to be safe I use energy to keep myself slightly above the ground as they walk and I float after them. "I can't believe I am actually going inside." 

After we walk through Izzy and Clary touch their ears in pain and I look around confused as several women in white surround us and point blades at us. I bring my own up to protect myself if needed as I lower myself to the ground. 

"Speak your names." One of them says. 

"Isabelle Lightwood." Izzy says. 

"Clary Fairchild." Clary introduces. 

"Valentine's daughter." One of them says. 

"Daughters, I am Adelina Fairchild." I say proud and clear. 

"You are the prophesized one, to affiliate you with Valentine is treason." The first one to speak starts before turning back to Clary. "You're father killed the silent brothers, he's taken our most valuable weapon. you must leave immediately."

"Clary's done nothing wrong." Izzy points out and I let my weapon disappear into my hand.

"Allow me, what answers do you seek." The second iron sister to speak speaks up once again. 

"Why would Valentine go to all that trouble just to steal the soul sword?" Izzy asks.

"yes Valentine is my father." Clary starts speaking when no-one answers and I become bored so I get out my sketch pad and begin drawing the citadel before us. "That man killed my mother, he experimented on my brother." Oh yeah Clary found out Jonathan was alive and given demon blood just like Jace was. "I want to stop him more than anyone and if we have any chance in defeating him, we need your help." Clary finishes. 

"And the first one to speak nods and we begins to walk with them. I don't pay attention to what any of them say until they announce we will need to do a purity trial. The Iron sisters lead us to rooms to change into plain white dresses for the trial. 

After getting changed we walk back outside to the pool filled with heavenly water. "Clary you can't do this." Izzy says and I look up confused. 

"Why not?" Clary asks back and we walk up the bridge. 

"You heard her its dangerous." Izzy points out and I remain confused it should only hurt demons and down-worlders in-fact it should feel good to those with angel blood. 

"It only infects demonic energy." Clary says "I'll be fine." 

"But what if its not fine." Izzy points out and I finally see where she is going with this. 

"I see, you think I have demon blood like Jace, there's only one way to find out." Clary says before laying in the water and one of the silent sisters whose name I can't remember says an incantation and the water glows white. 

"Clary Fairchild, you are deemed clear of all demonic impurities." She says and Izzy follows only for the water to bubble and my eyes widen as I use energy to pull her out and set her sitting down next to us. "The water does not lie but perhaps you do."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Izzy says and I look at her confused. she wouldn't have gone in there if she knew she had a demonic impurity. 

"You are tainted with demonic impurities." 

"I'm sorry Isabelle, we can't let you into the citadel." Another Iron sister says. 

"This has to be a mistake, she had a demon wound maybe that's what the water reacted to but she's fine now she's healed." Clary says and I stop listening as I myself slowly getting into the surprisingly warm water and I feel a comforting warmth coming from it. 

I lay down in the water and the Iron sister mutters her incantation and I feel a warmth cover my body and I see the water along with my skin glow before I feel a weird sensation across my back and then I feel my skin morphing and I rise out of the water only to find two huge white wings with gold accents. 

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