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the fair folk - 1

my eyes flutter open to be met with a bare chest. I turn my head slightly to look at my sleeping soulmate. Letting out a small groan I push myself up and off of the bed being careful not to wake Jace up. I have a quick wash in his shower before throwing on one of his tops and a pair of shorts. 

Once I am ready for the day I place a gentle kiss to his lips before peppering more around his face causing a smirk to form on his lips as his hand comes up to hold my face and place my lips to his. "mmm, that is a good way to wake up in the morning." He says as he opens his eyes and meets my own. "but I would rather I never get up at all." He says as he wraps his other arm around my waist and rolls us over so he is hovering above me. "reminds me of last night." He says causing me to blush and turn my face away. 

"Jace." I scold and he just continues smirking down at me. "We um, we should get up" I say quickly. 

"Why?" Jace retorts and I draw a blank. 

"because, because I say so." I say with a proud smirk which causes Jace to roll us over again so I am straddling his lap and I feel him pressing against me. "And what I say goes." I say as I place my hands on his chest as I lean forwards. 

"Whatever my queen wants." He says with a smirk causing me to smile before jumping off of him. "where are you going?" 

"To get dressed in some proper clothes." I turn to look over my shoulder at him before walking out the door and into the hall only to bump straight into Alec. "Morning." I say with a smile that he quickly copies. 

"Morning, I was wondering where you were. we've got a meeting in twenty minutes, is Jace decent?" He asks me and I pause and stick my head into the room to find a very naked Jace in the middle of getting dressed 

"Not even close." I say with a smirk as I shut the door before pecking Alec's cheek. "I'll see you at the meeting." I say before skipping off to my room to get changed before getting something to eat. 

I then quickly walk to the ops center where everyone is gathered with Alec standing on the platform. I walk over and stand with Izzy and Clary who both smile at me as I take a bite of the sandwich I had brought with me before turning back to face Alec. 

"We have lost seven of our own, but we can't allow a single radical seelie to define the entire downworld anymore than we can allow Valentine to define all shadowhunter. so to restore unity with our allies, I will be hosting regular cabinet meetings here with the downworld leaders of new York."

"I'm all for unity but does he have to bring them here." A girl says to my right and I turn to glare at her. 

"What do you expect he's dating a warlock." The man next to her replies and I feel anger course through me as my fist clenches at the sound of them talking bd about my mates. 

"I still can't believe Alec lightwood is in charge." 

"just wait, in a week it will be someone else." at this is I summon a staff and hit the backs of both of their knee's causing them to groan. 

"Show some respect." I say with a glare and they both lower their heads not meeting my eyes. 

"Please, lets make the downworlder's feel welcome." I hear Alec finish and smile up at him as everyone disperses and he walks over to us along with Clary and Jace. 

"Look at you, only been in charge for a week and you're already shaking things up." Jace says and I smile. "I think this cabinet things a good idea." 

"I'm not sure everybody else agrees." Alec says and I wrap an arm around his waist in support. 

"All the more reason to do it, how can we help?" I ask. 

"Actually, I need you, Clary and Jace for a mission." Alec replies. "Going to the seelie court." 

"Where is that?" Clary asks.

"the nearest entrance is in central park but it's in another realm where the seelie queen lives" Izzy explains. 

"I requested an audience with her to discuss Kaylee's crimes however she said she will only meet with Valentine's experiments and the angel herself." Alec says to the three of us. 

"Wow charming nickname." Clary says. "So you think the seelie queen is responsible for Kaylee's acts?" 

"That's what I want you to find out."

"That would make sense, those murders weren't exactly Kaylee's style." Jace says and I pause and narrow my eyes as I look at him. 

"How exactly Did you know Kaylee?" I ask him. 

"Book club." Jace says after a moments pause making me think he is lying. the way him and Alec are both acting further solidifies the idea. 

"You read?" Clary asks. 

"yeah, why does everyone find that so hard to believe?" Jace responds as I look down at the floor. 

"Look, focus, we need to find out if she's complicate, an entire faction could be turning against us." Alec bring everyone's focus back to him. 

"that can't be too hard can it? seelie's can't lie." Clary asks. 

"Technically yes but after hundreds of years of practice they can expertly manipulate the truth. And the queens the master." Jace explains to my sister. 

"She is very dangerous." Izzy continues on for him. "Her entire realm is, more than one shadowhunter hasn't made it back." 

"What could go wrong? But were Valentine's experiments right, don't mess with us." 

"Yeah and I'm a god damn blessed angel, aint nothing they can do to us right?" I say with a smirk that quickly fade's as I walk away. "I'll meet you there in 30." I say over my shoulder to the two before hurrying to my room to change clothes for the mission. 

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