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This guilty blood

"I'll allow you both to rest for now." Valentine says before walking out and shutting the door. 

I leap off the bed and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist which causes the chain on my leg to rattle gaining Jace's attention. "They chained you?" He asks surprised. 

I nod. "They stop me from using my abilities like manipulating energy or making my drawings come to life but that doesn't matter how are you here? why are you here? what happened?" I ask frantically wanting to know if my other mates are alright. 

"When we realized you were gone, we found out that Hodge stole the cup, attacked Lydia and then kidnapped you. Me and Alec went to find Hodge with Luke while Clary, Simon and Izzy broke out Camille to find the book of the white so they could wake up your mum. after finding Hodge I sort of took him and left wanting to find you and Valentine as soon as possible. However, while I was doing this he went after Clary, Alec, Izzy, Magnus and Simon and they were all trapped when I arrived and I went with Valentine through the portal and he brought me in here. I'm so glad your okay." Jace says and I nod and unwrap myself from him and sit on the bed. 

I pat the spot beside me and motion for Jace to sit and he does and I lay my head on his chest. "I'm scared Jace. I'm pretending that I'm not but I am. This chain just reminds me of my whole life how I wasn't allowed to leave the house unsupervised for most of my life, I wasn't allowed friends, I was chained to that house and my mother and the chain might not have been visible or as short but it was still a chain none the less and both are suffocating and I don't know what to do." I say as tears start rolling down my face as Jace pulls me so I am straddling his lap and pulls me close. "I'm scared." I repeat as I finally let go of the emotions I have been building up for years. 

I may have had a good cry over what Clary did but that is nothing compared to this. I just cry and cry as Jace comforts me until I finally fall asleep. When I wake up Jace is gone an I am under the covers of the bed and my shoes have been removed along with my hair piece and have been placed on the dresser. this causes a smile to make its way up my face as I stretch out my limbs. I decide to take out my hair and I leave it down in its curls and decide to stay in the same outfit as I throw on the trainers and decide to see how long the chain on my leg is and possibly find some food. 

I grab my bag incase I find anything to draw before I sling it on my back and loop the surprisingly light chain around my left arm and head out the door with it trailing behind me. As I walk through the grey hallways I pass a few people all of which bow their head and look away as I pass but I ignore them feeling uncomfortable and head up through the ship. I reach the main deck fairly quickly and I squint at the light and blink a few times as my sight clears and I find Valentine standing on the deck. 

I go to turn around but he notices me and walks over. "I see you have decided to explore, I always knew you were going to be a curious child." Valentine says and I nod. 

"yes father, I was hungry and the sight of those four walls was beginning to sicken me." I say clearly and emotionlessly as I turn to look out at the water. 

"then come and Join me and Jace for dinner." He says before leading me back the way I came and into a room I had passed on the way and he opens the door to show a large-ish table in the middle of the room and three plates of food sitting in-front of three chairs. "Come sit." He says as he takes the seat at the head of the table and I sit down opposite Jace. "Ah, most of our family sitting here for dinner, Clarissa and your mother will join us soon." Valentine says and I stay silent and just eat instead. 

Jace and Valentine make light conversation while I eat and as soon as I'm done I get up and head back up to the main deck to draw the sunset. while drawing I think about everything I have ever heard Valentine say and I freeze remembering something he said at Renwick's. he said how he raised Jace with his son. His son- Jonathan- meaning that my twin brother didn't die in the fire like everyone thought meaning that there may be a chance that he is still alive. 

My eyes widen and I begin to feel eyes on me and I feel unnerved so I go back to my room as soon as I finish drawing. when I get back to my room I open up my laptop and decide to be productive in a different way. As I don't have any way to get out and have already finished the book I was working on so I decide to look for a home of my own. With the amount of money I have saved I could afford a mansion easily and as I am mated to several down-worlders so we won't be able to all live at the institute. 

I look through large homes that have multiple bedrooms, a training room, a large master bedroom and underground parking for Simon and Raphael. I find a place that I like that has everything I want and was affordable. I send the agent an email to inquire more about the house/ mansion before I open my emails again and email my art agent asking her to go to our home and get my signed artwork from my studio and selling it for me. I've decided I want to create a whole new life for myself and for that I need to let go of my past and everything in it. 

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