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love is a devil 

We stare in silence before Luke walks onto the roof and I turn and hug him as I feel like I haven't seen him in ages. When I pull away I turn to Jace and Clary and smile. "I will be returning to the institute, I will see the three of you later." I say quickly before spreading my wings just as Ithuriel did and using them to fly back to the institute. 

When I arrive I retract my wings and walk through the doors. I go straight to my room and get changed into the same outfit to a few days prior- the black body suit with floral bottoms and high knee black boots and my usual black gloves. 

Once I am changed I walk out and find Alec watching a replay of Ithuriel shooting into the sky. I walk over with a smile as Alec speaks to Izzy. "There, they said that was the angel." 

"It was, his name was Ithuriel and he was actually very kind and not only blessed me but gave me some information as well." I say and Alec turns to look at me and I smile and reach up to peck his lips. 

"It's just crazy, no-one has seen an angel in hundreds of years." Izzy says and I smirk. 

"Actually Izzy, you yourself have met and communicated with an angel." I say with a jokey smile as Alec and Izzy turn to look at me with furrowed brows. "The thing the angel Ithuriel told me was that the prophecy wasn't about a shadowhunter destined to unite the shadow-world but an angel born of mortal parents that was given the blessing of other angels." I say with a smirk and Izzy and Alec stare at me with wide eyes. 

"Wait so you are-?" Izzy pauses and I nod slightly. 

"Just try to keep it quiet please." I say before closing the screen. 

Just then we see Max run into the institute with a smile. "hey you guys." He calls out as he runs over. 

"Max, I miss you so much." Izzy says as she hugs the young boy and I just smile warmly at him. "You look so handsome, what are you doing here?" She asks just as Maryse coms around the corner. 

"Alec, Isabelle, Adelina." She says as she walks in. "Its good to see the three of you." I just nod and look over the marking on my right bicep. this one is surprisingly in colour and looks like many animals overlapping and intertwining in black outlines over a background of purples, reds, and blues that look like splashes of paint. 

"Really, because last time you were here you turned your back on all of us." Izzy starts and I furrow my brows confused as I wrap my arm around Alec's waist and he responds by wrapping his around my shoulders holding me close. "Especially Jace." 

"I was following orders, I had no choice." Maryse defends herself. "Max has some big news tell them sweetheart." She continues redirecting the conversation. 

"I passed my last trial, I'm ready for my rune ceremony." He says excitedly and I smile at him. 

"Congratulations." Alec replies. 

"Congrats Max." I say with a smile as I lean into my mate. 

"so you finally perfected your roundhouse kick?" Izzy asks. 

"Yeah and I knocked out two different instructors." The little boy brags making me laugh. 

"Sadly your father is unable to attend." Maryse says to Alec and Izzy. "So Alec as the oldest male in the family you will be in charge of Max's ceremonial party." 

"what do you mean he won't be here." Alec asks his mother. 

"He's tied up with the Valentine task force in Idris." Maryse explains and I can tell that's not entirely true. 

"I can't believe dad would miss this." Izzy says sadly. 

"He doesn't have a choice we are all on high alert especially after what that demon did to both of you." Maryse pauses to look at me. "And Joycelyn." She chokes out and I feel sadness wash over me at the reminder of my dead mother. 

"I was surprised not to see you t the right of mourning, dad called to see how we were." Izzy refutes before walking away. 

"Isabelle." Maryse calls before following after her leaving me, Alec and Max. 

"Bet you wish you were back in Idris." Alec says as he begins walking with me and Max following quickly. 

"I thought I was coming away from here to get away from the fighting." Max says solemnly and I pat his head in reassurance. 

"Fighting, Mum and dad?" Alec asks his younger brother. 

"All the time." Max responds sadly. 

"What's going on?" Alec asks as I decide its best I stay silent due to it being more of a family matter but also wanting to be here for Alec. 

"Mum doesn't like you having a warlock boyfriend, she thought that because you were mated to the blessed one that .she wouldn't have to worry about this." Max says and I blush. 

"And you?" Alec asks after looking around slightly. 

"Whatever, I don't care." Max replies and I smile happily, glad that there isn't another person who doesn't want to let my mate be with who he wants to be with. After saying this Max walks off leaving me with Alec. 

"Ads I um, there's something I need to tell you about Magnus and I." Alec says awkwardly and I turn around so I am facing him. "You see me and Magnus we um, we sorta had- you know." I most definitely didn't know and I tried to think about what he could be on about. 

It took me about thirty seconds before I realized what he meant and my eyes widened before I let out a fit of giggles. "That's okay Alec, I'm happy you and Magnus decided to do that. I wanna do it to I'm just you know-" I say with a laugh and Alec sighs in relief. "Come on, I wanna go see Magnus anyway then I am gonna catch up with the others. lets go." I say and then grab his hand and begin to drag him to Magnus's. 

When we get there we just walk in without knocking only to find Magnus there. I skip over to him and hug him tightly. "My mother is back." Alec says as he walks in. 

"which means I'll make myself scarce." Magnus says before kissing the top of my head and pulling away. 

"I acctually have something in mind." Alec says. "How would you feel about throwing a party." I chuckle to myself knowing what Alec is going on about and sit down on the steps in the room we were currently in to watch the both. 

"have you met me." Magnus replies and I smile. 

"It is for Max's rune ceremony." Alec points out and I decide to grab my sketchpad and begin drawing a white tiger. 

"I think I'll pass." Magnus says as he turns away. 

"Magnus." Alec says calmly in response 

"I am sure I'll love max but Maryse that woman hates me." Magnus says sadly and I frown. 

"That's sort of the point of the party." Alec says quickly. "So that she can see that this, us, it's not going away." 

"You sure about this?" Magnus asks. 

"Why wouldn't I be." Alec replies. 

"Then I'd better get to work." Magnus says and I smile before standing up and walking over to them both. 

I push energy into the drawing I had just been working on and it leaps into existence I shrink it and make it mold with Magnus's skin. "I'm gonna go see Simon and Leo and hopefully find time to see Raphael before coming for the party. I will see you both later." I say before placing my lips on each of theirs and walking out. 

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