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beside still water -3 


We are the last ones to arrive at the party by the looks of it and everyone cheers when we walk in making me smile slightly. Luke grabs a bottle of what I am assuming is champagnes and - clearly already drunk- pops it open causing it to spill everywhere. "To the downworld." Luke says as Jace hands me a drink. 

"To the downworld." We repeat and all raise our glasses. 

"To the shadowhunters." Luke shouts afterwards receiving more cheers. 

I watch Jace smile at me before walking off and turn to find Simon waiting for me. I throw my arms around his neck and just kiss him until the lack of air causes my lungs to burn. "I'm really glad you're here Fray, and you do realize this party would have been a funeral if not for you right?" 

"I'm just glad it's over and we are all safe. It also means I can finally show all of you my surprise." 

"Oh, and what would that be?" 

"You'll have to wait and see. I'll text you where to meet and what time tomorrows so I can show you, is that alright?" 

"I'll uh see what I can do." I nod and press my lips back to his. "I wish I could stay but I have to go make to the du mort, Raphael wants me to, ya know, fill in all the vamps on what went down." 

"Okay, tell Raph I said hi okay." 

"Sure." He pauses like he is going to leave but appears to change his mind. "Goodbye kiss?" I just laugh and press my lips to his once again. "I love you." 

"I love you too Simon." I give him one last brief kiss before pushing him towards the door. "Now go on before Raphael gets cranky." 

"Isn't he always?" I just laugh and keep pushing him towards the door. I watch him walk away and then turn to watch Alec and Magnus walk out the backdoor and decide to follow after them. I down my drink and put it on the bar before walking into the alley, staying hidden to see how this goes. 

By the time I am in hearing range it appears they have already made up by the look of them kissing, causing me to smile. "I'm all into party's but what do you say we get out of here?" 

"Only if I get to join." I say as I step out of the shadows with a wide smile of my face. 

"Kitten, you know its rude to ease drop." Magnus says jokily but I ignore him and instead walk over and wrap my arms around him in a hug. 

"I'm glad you're back to acting normal Mags. I've missed you." 

"I've missed you too kitten. Now how about we ditch the party and I show both of you what a real good one looks like." Magnus says suggestively making both me and Alec blush. 

"Nothing would make me happier." I respond with a smile. "Alec?" 

"I can think of nothing I would rather do." I just smirk and lean into Magnus as we begin the walk back to his apartment in comforting silence. 


When I wake up I am in-between Magnus and Alec void of any clothes. I lean over Magnus to reach for my phone to check the time and find it is already twelve O'clock and I sigh leaning back both wanting to get up and not wanting to. 

Eventually getting up wins and I send a message to each of my mates asking them to meet me at Magnus's apartment at 2pm and send an altered message to Raphael saying we will pick him up. After I am done I try and maneuver my way over Magnus to get out of bed in order to shower but end up slipping and falling right on his chest. "Kitten if you wanted to go again, you only had to ask." I hear Magnus say in his deep morning voice making me blush. 

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