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Rise up -2

"Um, Simon. when you became a vampire did a mark appear on your skin?" I ask slowly as I pull away slightly.

"I'm not sure why?" He ask confused and despite his confusion I can see the love and adoration in his eyes that was never there before.

"Because you're one of my mates." I say in one breath and I notice Simon stiffen before relaxing and pulling me back into him.

"I'm not sure how I should feel about this but I do know the thirst goes away when your near." he mutters into my hair making me laugh before letting out a yawn.

"Okay, well that's enough. Mio Amore, you really should get to sleep." Raph says and I nod as he wraps his arms around me as I collapse and fall asleep instantly. I don't know how long I'm asleep for but when I wake up its to Raph gently shaking me. "Your blond shadowhunter mate and his buddies are here." He says an I get up and stretch. "We'll get your sister and the fledgling on the way out."

"Is it okay if I get changed first?" Raphael nods and walks out of the room. I go into my bag and pull out a burgundy short dress that reached mid thigh with a low neckline with the straps splitting in two on each side with the dress stopping at my sides and going into thin strap's across my back making it so you can see the wings and drawings on my back. surprisingly I found a pair of burgundy heels so I throw them on. I also put on my black gloves and a black leather jacket. As I walk out I redo my hair in the same style of a plait into a bun.

I walk out to find Raphael waiting for me and I grab his hand. "You ready?" He asks and I nod.

"thankyou for letting us stay here Raph." I say as I kiss his cheek.

"Anything for you Mio Amore." Raphael replies as we walk back to the room where Clary and Simon and trapped. "The cavalry has arrived." Raph says as he opens the gate. I just smile at Clary and Simon as I hold Raphael's hand. "You'll wanna use the back stairs." Raph states and I am suddenly reminded of how many of his friends I killed before we first met, making me look ashamed.

Raphael leads the way and when we arrive outside I spot Jace, Luke and Izzy and I rush over to them and throw my arms around Jace. "thank god you're okay." Jace says into my hair as he hugs me tight. "So this is your safe hideout huh?" Jace says and I smirk.

"I didn't think the clave was gonna look here." I say with a smirk knowing they most definitely wouldn't expect Clary here after what happened and wouldn't have any clue where to start looking for me.

"Can we please focus on the matter at hand." Izzy says and we all turn to look at her. "Unless no-one here cares that the Clave is planning on murdering Meliorn." Rage fills me and I don't speak as the energy around us starts to become suffocating and Luna just out from the mark on my left leg as another creature that I recognize as a kitsune with a full range of colors that seem to be changing colour leaps out from my right. Both creatures stand on either side as they growl lowly.

"What?" Clary exclaims in shock as I notice Simon staring at Luna and Ari as I have decided to name them.

"They think Meliorn has more information on Valentine and the attack than he is saying." As Jace says this several of the butterflies come from my back and start to fly around me and the two creatures at my side.

"They're taking him to the silent brothers." Izzy says.

"we have to stop them no matter what." I let out a growl as I speak.

"That's the plan Ads, rescue and recovery." As he says that I sigh and force the butterflies back into my back as they are too dangerous for something like this as they are more likely to kill someone and demons are very different than other beings.

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