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Rise up -1

 I grab my stele and run it over Alec's healing Rune just incase as Izzy runs in.

"What happened?" Izzy asks.

"That thing attacked. I'm going to tell Lydia what happened. Get him to the medical bay just incase." I say as I press a kiss to Alec's lips before rushing to Maryse's office. "A forsaken like the one from the jade wolf just attacked in the training room." I say matter of factly before heading towards the med bay only to spot Alec and Magnus talking. "I wouldn't mind." I say when I hear Magnus's offer. 

I roll up my top to show the slight scratch of the forsaken's sword and Magnus quickly heals it for me. "There you go kitten, good as new." 

"thanks Maggie." I say as I place a kiss on his lips quickly. 

"okay well um, I've gotta go and-" Alec says and I smirk. 

"Oh, I know, you're a busy man. I should probably go find this Lydia person, payment up front is just smart business. any idea where I might find her?" Magnus asks. 

"I haven't seen her but If I do I'll send her your way." Alec says. 

"She was in Maryse's office not long ago when I informed her of the attack." I say and both Alec and Magnus turn to me with strict eyes. 

"You went and told her what happened before you got yourself healed!?" They both say at the same time annoyed and I blush and duck down. 

"Yeah um, well. I will make sure not to do the same next time." I say as they sigh before both walking in separate directions. 

I go and sit down at a table and grab my headphones from my bag and listen to music as I continue writing, I get so into my book that I don't notice when Meliorn is arrested and only look up when Jace taps me on the shoulder. "I'm so glad you're okay." Jace says as he pulls me into him and kisses my forehead. 

I smile warmly as I pull away and remove my headphones. "Simon?" I ask having not checked my phone recently. 

"He made it, he isn't in the best mindset right now so Clary and Luke are looking for him." I nod as I feel my eyes well up with tears and I quickly wipe them away. "Come on, I want to check on Alec to." Jace says and I nod and pack up my things and throw my bag over my back and walk with Jace to the training area. "Hey you alright?" He asks when we see Izzy and Alec. 

"I'm fine." Alec mutters in response and I give him a quick peck on the lips in the hopes of cheering him up. 

"I just spoke with Robert and Maryse, they're being sent back to Idris." Jace says making all three of us shocked. 

"What?" Izzy exclaims. "Another order from Lydia?" Isabelle asks Alec and I furrow my brows confused on what she meant. 

"Whose Lydia?" Jace asks. 

"She's in charge of the institute." I say with a sigh. 

"She's what?" Jace asks in shock and I just nod. 

"Temporarily." Alec cuts in. 

"And now she's convinced the Clave that mum and dad aren't doing their job." Izzy says very clearly annoyed and I'm starting to feel like this is more of a family matter that I shouldn't be apart of. But hey, two of them are my mates, one is my future sister in law (hopefully) and the ones they're talking about are meant to be my future in laws. 

"Maybe they aren't? The institute was under their control when the forsaken got in." Alec says and I step away from my slightly in surprise. 

"What are you talking about?" Jace asks and I sigh ad turn away knowing what is about to be revealed. 

"Mum and dad were member of the circle." Alec reveals. 

"What?" Izzy says, I feel like that has been said a lot in this one conversation alone. "They don't have circle runes." 

"That's because they made a deal with the clave prior to the uprising, in exchange for their co-operation they were pardoned." Alec says and I step away from them and let them continue their conversation without my listening. 

I go and sit down at the bench and push energy through me and focus it on the marks at my thigh's. seconds later the winged wolf creature from before leaps out before resting by my feet and I begin to stroke it gently enjoying the feeling of its fur running through my fingers. I stay here even after Lydia comes in and everyone leaves. 

I decide to take advantage of the empty space and move the energy around me as easily as I move my own eyes to create fake moving targets. I don't even have to think it before the creature who I have now decided will be called Luna leaps forwards and begins attacking them. For some reason I know that the energy won't harm her so I create more of the targets and focus on moving them as demons or humans or the such move. 

I keep this up until I hear some-one call my name and I turn to face Jace looking at me from one of the screens. "Come over here." He calls and I nod as I feel the energy returned to me as Luna comes and walks by my side as I walk over to the screen only to see Meliorn in a room with Lydia. 

"What's going on?" I ask confused. 

"Meliorn was arrested." Izzy says and before I can respond with my next question as Lydia starts speaking. 

I continue just watching and listening until I hear Meliorn say, "You would know that Valentine's daughter has the cup." My eyes widen as they flick up to meet Jace's. 

"Go, now, I'll send you a picture of the rune you need." I nod and hold my back as I quickly walk out of the institute pretending nothing is wrong when I get back I feel more energy go into Luna before she suddenly increases in size. I smile and jump onto her back as she starts running through alleys staying hidden while I draw a Rune, merely seconds later the same one is sent to me from Jace and I smile to myself knowing I was right. 

I feel Luna slow down and I am only slightly shocked when I arrive outside the hotel Dumort. merely seconds later Raphael is standing Infront of me shocked by Luna. when I climb off she returns to my left thigh as if she was never there to begin with. "What brings you here Mio Amore?" Raphael asks. 

"The Clave found out that Clary managed to find the cup. oh right sorry for not telling you it slipped my mind with everything that's happened." I say as I pull him in for a hug. 

"Its quite alright," he responds. "Maybe this is my chance to invite you on a date?" he asks as he indicates to the building behind him. "I've already got us a room." I nod with a laugh as we head in only to let out a yawn on the way up. "or maybe you should go to sleep instead." Raph says and its only then I feel the overwhelming tiredness in my body. Raphael sweeps me into his arms despite my protests and runs through the building and to a bedroom. "Come on sleep." 

"No." I say as I lean my head on his shoulder. "But I will rest my eyes." I hear Raphael chuckle and I force one eye open. "Don't laugh at me, tell me about your life instead." I say and then close my eyes again as Raphael's soothing voice helps me relax. 

However my eyes snap open when I hear another womans voice speak. "Raphael, Clary Fairchild, the Fledgling and a mut are outside and they want you." She says before leaving and I am once again wide awake. 

Raphael sighs before getting up and saying something in a language I don't recognize. I look up at him with puppy dog eyes and he sighs before holding out his hand and leading me to another room. "If I decide to let them in I'll bring them in here so don't move." He says before walking off before I get the chance to respond. 

I start pacing but stop when I hear footsteps and my eyes snap upwards to meet the dark brown pair I am so familiar with. I am so glad to see him as tears fill my eyes that I don't even notice that he is one of my mates as I wrap my arms around him tightly. "Simon, thank god your okay. I'm so sorry, I saw you like that and I just couldn't, it hurt to much to even think about it." I say before I can stop myself as I cry into his chest. 

I feel Simon's arms wrap around me in return and I sigh in relief. Its only then that I recognize the new bond formed. 

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