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bound by blood -1

After man's rune ceremony I head off to the hotel du mort to see Raphael. I am greeted with arms wrapped around me as soon as I enter. "Hey Raph." I say as I lean my head against his chest.

"I've missed you mi amore." He says before kissing the top of my head.

I pull away slightly and rest my chin on his chest and look up at him. "How much?" I tease.

"This much." Is all I hear before his lips are on mine. I find myself blushing a bright red and out of breath when he pulls away. "What's wrong mi amore?" He asks and I smile sadly and lay my head on his chest before explaining everything that has happened. "So you're in danger and yet came here to see me?" He asks.

"Yes, he probably wants Clary's more though 'cus she will be easier to handle." I point out and Raphael nods. 

"You can be quite a handful." He says jokily causing me to pout at him. "I'm only kidding, but honestly I don't want to risk you walking back alone so I'll take you back after sunset, but for now, are you hungry?" I nod with a smile and Raphael leads me further into the hotel. 

I follow my older vampire mate through his home to a kitchen. "I thought vamps don't eat." I point out when Raph begins pulling food out. 

"We don't, I started getting food after I met you." He says and I smile and kiss his cheek. "Want to help me?" Raph asks and I nod and together we begin to make pasta for me to eat. 

Once my hunger finally dies down we just cuddle and enjoy our time together. I always feel like I don't spend enough time with him and Leo like I do the others. I mean I see Jace and Alec around the Institute and Magnus is always around to help with something while Simon always comes when we need him. "I love you." I say as I look up to meet Raphael's eyes. 

"I love you too mi amore." Raph says before his lips descend on mine. We keep kissing for awhile never going any further before pulling away. "Come on, lets get you back to the institute." Raph grabs my arms and tugs me up. 

"I don't want to go back there, Clary and I still aren't at the best of places. Will you walk me to the jade wolf, I'll stay with Simon and Leo." Raph nods and I smile and grasp his hand tighter as we walk back outside. 

We spend the walk in comfortable silence until we can hear the water and Raphael speaks up. "I almost forgot, Isabelle has been around vampire territories recently, I told her to leave and not come back but I'm not sure she listened." I nod and smile sadly. 

"Thanks for telling me, I'll keep an eye on her." After I say this I catch sight of the wolves coming closer and growling at Raphael who stops in his steps. "I'll see you soon." I say and Raphael nods before pulling me in for a deep kiss. 

"Sleep well mi amore." And then he is gone and I let out a a slight laugh. 

"Hey guys." I say before heading to the storage area. "Simon." I call out before yawning. 

"Lina?" Simon questions. "What are you doing here, its not safe?" he says while pulling me in for a hug. 

"I'm fine, I can protect myself remember and Raphael walked me over." I say before wrapping my own arms around him tightly. "It's okay that I'm here right?" I question slightly unsure. 

"Of course." Simon says and I smile before yawning. "Come on." Simon says before wrapping his arms around me and jumping up into one of the boats. The boat rocks as we lay down but Simon holds me tight to ensure I am okay making me smile. "Go to sleep." I hear Simon say softly as I rest my head on his chest. 

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