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blood calls to blood 

the man, Jace's father, climbs out of the locker and hugs Jace. "Son, how did you find me?" He asks and I quickly realize that this is a private conversation so I step away and let the energy run through me, for some reason I don't trust this man and I've learnt its always best to trust your instincts. I let Jace's seraph blade deform as Luna and Ari come from my legs. within seconds both of them have walked off to try and find any trace of my father. 

"I'm Michael Wayland, Jace's father." The man introduces himself and I just nod. "Look I know what Jace's told you but I've been here for ten years. Valentine took off and left me." 

"And my mum, Jocelyn Fairchild?" I ask. 

"He took her with him." Michael says and I sigh and nod before turning around as Luna and Ari come back over having found nothing. Michael looks at them both in shock. "And you are?" 

"I'm Adelina Fairchild her daughter, the shadowhunter from the prophecy and Jace's soulmate." I explain and he nods. "Meliorn the Seelie told me my father was here with her." I say before looking around. "We should get out of here."

"Valentine's got a standing portal." Michael explains and I'm confused on how he would know that but don't question it as I hold my hand out for Jace to grab and he does. while Jace's back is to Michael I grab the cup and kiss his cheek putting the cup- in card form- in my bag. Michael and Jace discuss old memories as we walk to the portal. 

"We should go to the Jade wolf. To Clary and Luke." I suggest and Jace nods and I think about the jade wolf as we walk through the portal and appear at the restaurant moments later. I quickly walk in with Jace and Michael following behind. "Luke, Simon, Clary." I say as I walk in. 

Simon vamp speeds over to me and hugs me which shocks me. "Thank god you're alright." Simon says before he lets me go making me blush profoundly. 

"What are you doing here Si?" I ask. "Shouldn't you be training with Raphael?" 

"Raphael started getting annoyed by my lack of progress so I came to Luke to help." Simon says. 

"Michael Wayland?" Luke says before I can respond, I nod. 

"We were trying to find Valentine but he took my mother with him and left Jace's father instead." I explain. 

"I thought Valentine killed Jace's father?" Simon asks and I just shake my head and hug him again. 

"He tried." Michael says and I stop listening to their conversation as I turn to Simon instead. 

"Si, you're hugging me without trying to kill me." I say with a smirk. 

"What, oh wow, you're right." He says confused as he touches his teeth to find the lack of fangs making me smile and reach up to kiss his cheek which in turn causes him to blush. I turn to find Jace an Michael talking and decide to leave them be and grab Simon's hand and Pull him into the back where I find Leo. 

"hey love." Leo says as he comes over hugs me. he goes to growl when he notices Simon but stops when I shoot him a look. we stay there for a short while talking before I decide to go check on Jace. When I walk out I hear Michael talking to Clary and him telling her that he knew mum was pregnant with he when she fled. this made me freeze, as far as I knew no-one, not even our mum or Luke knew she was pregnant so Michael Wayland most definitely wouldn't have known. 

I continue listening to their conversation before I turn and head over to Jace. "How are you feeling?" I ask when I come in. 

"perfectly fine, its as if I was never hurt in the first place. what's wrong?" he asks when he notices the look on my face. 

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