Chapter 134

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Ji Mingxia gave a muffled grunt as he instinctively reached out to press his shoulder. He was stunned to see blood dripping from all over his hand and his eyes became a little hot.

Yu Ning had always been smart and cautious.

With all the dangers they had encountered, not only had Yu Ning not suffered any injuries, but he even managed to protect Ji Mingxia each time.

Although this enclosed space was bizarre and dangerous, Ji Mingxia thought he could survive as long as he avoided the monsters early.

He thought that as long as he protected himself and found Yu Ning as early as possible, they could get out soon given their abilities.

Unexpectedly, Yu Ning was injured.

The wound was so deep and so painful that it made Ji Mingxia’s face pale, and the thought that Yu Ning might still be fighting the monster made Ji Mingxia’s heart feel like a knife was twisting in his heart.

He blinked rapidly and restrained his emotions. He gritted his teeth and held onto the closet, slowly standing up straight.

Zhuo Cheng looked at Ji Mingxia incredulously, not understanding how the wound had appeared.

Could it be that the woman turned monster had made the wound and it was only now that it flared up?

He had a suspicious look on his face, but when he saw Ji Mingxia leaning against the closet in pain, he hastily suppressed his doubts and walked forward, “You’re bleeding, don’t move around in case the wound opens up and you lose too much blood, it would be troublesome.”

As he said that, his gaze unconsciously fell on Ji Mingxia’s face.

Ji Mingxia was anxious and panicked, his body was injured, his face was much paler than usual and because he was holding back the pain, he bit his lip until he drew blood.

The pale face was a little red, a change from his previous bright and energetic appearance, but it showed a very different softness from before.

Zhuo Cheng’s heart started pounding and he could hardly look away.

It was only when Ji Mingxia gasped for breath and looked over that Zhuo Cheng came back to his senses. He stretched out his hand to support Ji Mingxia, leaned close to him and whispered, “If you go out like this, you will collapse from blood loss before you take a few steps. Let me help you dress the wound, nothing is more important than your life.”

When Ji Mingxia heard this, he immediately looked up at him, “Dress the wound? You have medicine?”

“Of course I do.” Zhuo Cheng felt Ji Mingxia’s eagerness, different from the indifference from earlier.

He smiled a little smugly and helped Ji Mingxia to a chair on the side, then walked over to the wall and gave it a slow push.

This place, which at first glance looked like a wall, turned out to be an invisible cabinet only after pushing it open.

The cupboard was not large, it was two metres high and about one metre wide, stuffed with all sorts of supplies.

Although it was not much, there were all kinds of things in there and this cupboard was enough for a person to live on for a few days.

Zhuo Cheng was very satisfied with the surprised look on Ji Mingxia’s face, he packed alcohol, cotton swabs, Yunnan Baiyao and other medicines, and said to Ji Mingxia: “These are things I have been saving up. Not only here, there are a number of rooms where I have hidden things so that I can survive a few more days even if I encounter a monster and escape from this room. “

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