Chapter 135

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A familiar red light flashed by and the shoelace was cut. Ji Mingxia turned his head and immediately saw Yu Ning in the crowd.

The entire basketball court was drenched in blood, but Yu Ning was even more drenched.

In stark contrast to the red was his pale face and gray pupils.

His entire body was cold and stern, like an unsheathed ice blade dripping with blood. He gave off an aura that made him unapproachable.

"Yu Ning!"

Ji Mingxia instantly forgot about Ke Chengxuan and darted to Yu Ning's side in a flash.

"Are you alright?" Ji Mingxia said, lowering his head to look at Yu Ning's injuries.

Yu Ning stretched out his hand to catch Ji Mingxia, and his hand trembled slightly now that Ji Mingxia was finally standing before his eyes.

Upon realising that Ji Mingxia was going to look at his injuries, Yu Ning quickly turned his body and whispered, "I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm fine." Ji Mingxia said energetically.

Apart from the time when he got injured because Yu Ning had been injured, Ji Mingxia was fine for the rest of the time.

Although he had witnessed Xiao Qi's mutation and encountered several monsters, there was no real danger and not only did he not suffer any damage, but his whole body was full of strength and energy.

Yu Ning, on the other hand, was covered in blood. Even if he knew the general location of his injuries, he could not see what they looked like because they were soaked with blood.

Ji Mingxia tried to take a closer look several times, but Yu Ning managed to dodge him without a trace. Since there were people around, it was not good to examine Yu Ning's injury on the spot, so Ji Mingxia hurriedly took out a bag of medicine from his pocket and said, "I brought a bag of medicine with me. It's quite useful, it can stop the bleeding and relieve pain very quickly. I'll help you apply it later."

Yu Ning looked at the medicine and frowned slightly, "Why did you prepare medicine? Are you injured?"

"I..." Ji Mingxia was stumped by his question.

His injuries were only a little painful when he was first injured, and since he had applied the medicine, he didn't feel anything anymore.

He couldn't explain how his wounds came to be, nor did he want to say it lest he made Yu Ning worry.

But if he didn't say that he had injuries, then how could he explain why he prepared medicine?

He couldn't say that he had foreseen Yu Ning's injury

"You first use the medicine, we'll talk about it while applying it." Ji Mingxia whispered.

He had just finished speaking when Wei Zhen and a few girls ran over, and after confirming that Ji Mingxia was safe, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mingxia, it's good that you're alright ......" Wei Zhen said, and glanced at Yu Ning with concern. "We don't know what we would have done if you had not come."

Ji Mingxia was confused and he quickly asked, "What's wrong, did you guys encounter a lot of monsters?"

The basketball court was blood red, so the battle was a thousand times more intense than what he had encountered,otherwise Yu Ning, who had always been invincible, wouldn't have been injured.

"Well ...... it's mostly because Yu Ning couldn't find you and was very anxious." Wei Zhen said politely.

At her words, several other people looked at Ji Mingxia in surprise, "That's him?"

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