Chapter 56

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The hide-and-seek game ended, and when they left the abandoned residential building, everyone's mobile phones automatically switched on and the signal was restored.

It was daylight when they came in, but it was already dark when they went out.

The light from the mobile phones shone on each of their faces. All six of them were pale and they looked like lonely ghosts floating in the wilderness.

Although they had escaped from the residential building and managed to get reunited, there was no joy on any of their faces.

After being trapped in the dark for hours, followed by such a sick game where they saw their loved ones die one by one, all six of them felt lucky to still be standing at that moment.

They looked at each other wearily. Just when they were about to find a way to contact a driver to take them back, they saw the police car.

It turned out that when they entered the residential building, their phones automatically switched off and the live broadcast feed was forced to stop.

All six people's phones were cut off at the same time and they were never heard from afterwards. A popular live horror broadcast was over before it had even started, and all the viewers were confused.

At first, everyone thought it was a marketing ploy by the platform's website and they made a fuss to get an explanation from the platform.

The platform was busy with the anniversary party, how would they have time to make such a thing to happen. Like the viewers, they instead thought it was a marketing ploy by those six people.

But when the platform manager called Bao Guangyuan and the others, but none of them got through, everyone panicked.

It didn't matter if they were sitting not stars, it was a big deal if someone was killed during a horror broadcast.

One person was already trouble, six people missing together was a big deal.

The platform pulled up a replay of the broadcast while calling the police.

Considering the social impact, the police immediately dispatched staff to investigate.

During this period, a few staff members who were not afraid of death turned on the live broadcast again.

The traffic of this anniversary party and the horror live broadcast was already high.

Now that the anchors for the live broadcast were missing, the platform's anniversary party had been stopped, and the police had entered into the mix, such a strange and bizarre thing immediately aroused everyone's interest.

The entire internet exploded, and countless viewers who had no interest in the live stream were attracted.

When Bao Guangyuan, Song Yuelin and the others were taken to the police car, they still didn't know that all their names were hanging on the hot search at that moment.

Before today, they were still just newbies on the platform, but after that incident, these few people would have undergone earth shattering changes in both their popularity and their status in the circle.

Bao Guangyuan said to Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia: “Since then, our accounts became completely popular, and we gained a firm foothold on the platform. Although we are not big stars or anything, no one dared to bully us again and the income brought by each live broadcast and video has improved everyone's life and changed everyone's fate ......"

Ji Mingxia said, "Yeah, Li Youzi and Lin Siyun's lives were completely ruined."

Lin Siyun changed from an ordinary girl to a stunning beautiful and day by day, gradually became a shadow of her former self. Finally, she died in front of the school on the eve of the college entrance exams, but she still didn’t have peace even after death.  She turned into a ghost manipulated by the mysterious item and wanted to go on a killing spree in school.

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