Chapter 11

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The woman's skin was bluish white, her body was dripping with black blood, and her scarlet eyes were staring straight at Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia felt his heart stop and he almost fainted.

Survival instinct made him want to get up and run out of the door.

He quickly turned his head and dared not look at the woman again.

The world in the glass reflection was horrifying, but the classroom in the real world was extremely quiet.

Ji Mingxia hesitated for a moment, but finally, he could not help changing direction. He avoided looking at the side reflected by the glass and turned his head in the opposite direction to look at Yu Ning in the rear for help.

"Yu Ning, Yu Ning!" Ji Mingxia whispered to Yu Ning.

Yu Ning sat quietly at the table, still holding the previous posture and sitting motionless as he read with his head lowered.

As soon as he thought that there was a ghost in Yu Ning's seat, Ji Mingxia felt unwell, but Yu Ning wasn’t giving him any response.

There was dead silence in the huge classroom.

Ji Mingxia was then startled. The sound of his heartbeat and pants increased significantly, but it felt like only he was making noises, as if he was the only living person in the whole space.

Ji Mingxia was almost ready to cry without tears. He wished he could just run out of the classroom.

But whenever he wanted to stand up, a voice in his heart kept reminding him: don't move.

Ji Mingxia grew up with no other skills, that is until he reaches a critical moment. The more frightened he was in a critical situation, the more he could make the most correct response.

He didn’t know when this mysterious sixth sense would suddenly appear, but he had never made any mistakes.

By relying on it, Ji Mingxia survived the car accident in the third year of junior high school; he could also open the door immediately and escape that day in the dormitory. And as expected, he ran into Yu Ning, who was standing outside the dormitory.

At this moment, his subconscious was telling him not to leave, so there must be a reason as to why he shouldn’t leave.

The classroom was as cold as a cold storage room, and the chill at the back of his neck seemed to be getting stronger. Without even looking at the glass reflection, Ji Mingxia could imagine the situation at the back of his head, how the hanging hair swayed with each gust of wind.

Ji Mingxia held down his trembling hand and forced himself to calm down.

First of all, he could at least confirm that the person who entered the school building with him was Yu Ning himself.

After entering the school building, the temperature around them began to drop.

At that time, Ji Mingxia thought the indoor temperature had not warmed up in time because of the rainstorm, hence the cold of the school building.

In retrospect, he was afraid that the ghost had already appeared.

Ji Mingxia had been particularly timid after seeing the ghosts on the boulevard, so from entering the school building to entering the classroom, Ji Mingxia held on to Yu Ning's clothes and walked next to him. He did not let go for a moment.

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