Chapter 116

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“Ji Mingxia, why are you here?” The student turned his head and was startled when he saw that it was Ji Mingxia talking to him. “Didn’t you go back to school with Yu Ning?”

It was widely acknowledged that Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning were close, so Ji Mingxia catching them gossiping about Yu Ni was no different from being caught by Yu Ning.

The students who were chatting together were so embarrassed that they didn’t want to look at Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia didn’t even care about these trivial matters as he asked, “What’s going on with Yu Ning’s family?”

“You don’t know ah …… well, his family came looking for him at school last night.” That student looked at Ji Mingxia and answered cautiously.

“Last night?” Ji Mingxia’s eyes widened.

“That’s right.” Another student spoke up on seeing that Ji Mingxia had no intention of reprimanding them. “It was said that they arrived in the middle of the night and went straight to the school to look for him. The school leader received them so people didn’t know about this at first. However they ran to Yu Ning’s dormitory this morning, saying that they wanted to wait for Yu Ning to return, and wouldn’t leave until they saw him.”

Ji Mingxia was shocked, “So they’re all at the dormitory now, waiting for Yu Ning?”

“That’s what the students at school said, we don’t know exactly, why don’t you search the internet yourself. People wouldn’t say much in front of Yu Ning but with Weibo and such, the news should already be out.” The student said.

Ji Mingxia nodded, “Okay, thank you guys.”

After saying that, he hurriedly turned around and rushed back to the parking lot.

The school bus had already left, and Yu Ning was already on his way back.

Ji Mingxia hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Yu Ning, but the phone was switched off on the other end.

Ji Mingxia frowned and hung up the phone. Just as he was about to search the internet for relevant news, he found that he had received quite a number of messages a few minutes ago.

The first thing that popped up was a text message from Yu Ning, wishing Ji Mingxia a safe journey and telling him to inform him when he arrived.

The text message was sent five minutes ago, so Yu Ning had sent it as soon as he got onto the bus, and then switched his phone off.

When Ji Mingxia looked at the other messages, they were all from high school classmates, all asking about Yu Ning’s family.

It seemed that the matter had already begun to ferment.

If people on his side were already asking questions, one could imagine how Yu Ning, the person in question and a well-known figure, was being bombarded with messages.

At first, Ji Mingxia wanted to call Luo Zixuan Lin Xie to ask about the situation but decided not to ask for the time being.

At that moment, the car that Ji Mingxia had booked before arrived. After getting into the car, Ji Mingxia spoke to the driver, “I’m not going to the airport, can we go to H University instead?”

“H University?” The driver was shocked and reminded him, “It’s more than a three hours’ journey from here to H University. It’s very expensive.”

“So can I change the destination?” Ji Mingxia asked.

“Yes, of course you can.” The driver said, turning around and driving towards H University.

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