Chapter 07

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As living on campus saves the time of travelling back and forth, most students take a nap during the lunch break at noon so that they can have enough energy to study in the afternoon and evening.

Ji Mingxia and the others would have had one too, but the entrance exams were coming up. The senior students had basically given up their nap time and were working hard to get good grades.  And if they couldn’t resist taking a nap, they would just lie down in the classroom.

Ji Mingxia was thinking that it would be too conspicuous if he came back at night to get his card, so he sneaked back during the break to ask the house manager for it while everyone was in the classroom at noon.

It never occurred to him that Yu Ning, who should have been in the classroom, also came back at this time, and coincidentally came when he was asking the managing auntie for his card.

He didn’t even believe it was a coincidence!

If he had known, he wouldn’t have come back to get his campus card. He would just have given it up and gotten a new one.

Unfortunately, there were no ifs. Yu Ning was now in front of him, and it was too late for Ji Mingxia to think about anything else.

The air seemed to solidify in this moment.

The auntie vaguely sensed that something was wrong and immediately slipped inside with the fruit in her hand, leaving Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning, one standing at the window and the other at the door, staring at each other.

Ji Mingxia stiffened for a moment before quickly coming back to his senses.

The managing auntie’s move had inspired him.

If he ran fast enough, embarrassment would not catch up with him.

He would follow his roommates back in the evening. That way, there would be a group of people in the dormitory, and given Yu Ning’s character, he definitely wouldn’t come to him in front of everyone.

He’d stick to his roommates for the next few days. After the college entrance exams, he and Yu Ning would be separated from each other from then on. Whether it was the plot or the ghosts, they would have nothing to do with each other in the short term.

The next time he would see Yu Ning would be two years later.

By then, everyone would have their own business to attend to, so who would remember such trivial matters?

The more Ji Mingxia thought about it, the more he thought it would work. He nodded and smiled at Yu Ning as naturally as possible, then passed by him as if nothing had happened, intending to brush past him and leave the dormitory building.

Just as Ji Mingxia was about to step outside, a campus card appeared in front of his eyes.

Yu Ning handed the campus card to Ji Mingxia and said, in a low voice, "Thank you."

Ji Mingxia: ".…"

'This is not in line with your style, Yu Ning! You shouldn’t open your mouth easily. Your first words should be to Pei Yuan after going to university!'

But he had to say, Yu Ning’s voice is very pleasant.

In all the time that Ji Mingxia had been here, he had never heard the other party speak.

Yu Ning was standing so close to Ji Mingxia at this moment, and the exchange was so close that it was as if he was whispering into his ear.

Although Yu Ning’s voice was not very loud, it had a good tone and the pronunciation was clear. It is said that a handsome man has a male duck voice and a fat man has a divine voice, but Yu Ning’s voice fit him perfectly. It was cold and clear. One could imagine what he looked like just by hearing it.

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