Love - Daughter || c.h.

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"Did she make your heart beat faster than I could?
Did she give you what you hoped for?
Oh, nights of loveless love, I hope it made you feel good,
Knowing how much I adored you.

You're making me sick, love."

You walked through your local mall in hope you could reach the coffee shop before closing time. You's spent your entire day shopping to try and distract yourself although it wasn't quite working like you'd hoped. He was unintentionally everywhere, you literally couldn't turn a corner without seeing his dumb face sitting on that stupid album sleeve on another store shelf, or hearing more pubescent girls talking about how hot his new smoking habit was, or seeing their latest interview on screens in any and every store you seemed to visit. You may have left him but he never left you.

You weren't upset about anything anymore, you'd move on to the point where your anger towards him would seethe at any given time. Memories of the night you were unveiled to his precious little secret would constantly overshadow every good memory you had left. Because really why did it matter that he would tell you he loved you every night and every morning, or that he would make you feel like you were the only girl he could ever set eyes on when in reality he was spending every other night all over her.

It was disgusting for him to even think of doing such a thing.

The sky had recently turned into a dark haze as day time slowly worked its way into night time, allowing you to just about make it into the coffee shop.

After received your usual order, you took a seat, watching the news on the small television screen that sat in the corner of the small coffee shop.

You watched the conflicting views and opinions being thrown back and forth within the tv screen and before you knew it the entertainment channel was switched over. You groaned as you watched various celebrities prancing themselves around, making arses of themselves as they tried to sort out their messed up and totally crazy lives.

You sipped on your drink, your movements coming to a halt when your eyes fell on the one and only Calum Hood filling up the television screen. You set your cup down and tried to avoid his stare but it was hard.

"Can you turn it up?" You called over to the kind employee who happily agreed, she was beginning to get used to your late night tea breaks.

You listened to his thick accent - one of the few things you missed - as he spoke about their new single and releasing their, soon to be latest, album.

He always looked so tuned out in interviews and basically anything involving promotion and work-like tasks. It never bothered you, you liked the way his lips would lay still and when he would speak they would drag themselves open, only in a way that could be distinctively recognised as Australian. But he wasn't the same person anymore. He never was.

You continued to watch his single interview, curious as to why he was alone and not surrounded by the other three members.

Picking up your drink again you sighed and took a sip in hope you could drown your anger in beverages.

You were always disgusted, and still were now, with how he managed to sneak around behind your back to sleep with a different girl yet he never slipped up once when he spoke or acted towards you. He was a ridiculously good liar.

It made you sick to your stomach to think about him with her, thinking about him loving someone the way he pretended to love you. You wished things had turned out differently because despite Calum's lack of honesty, you gave him everything.

He knew how much you loved him and yet he continued to deceive you. You never knew how long he cheated for because you'd never cared enough to ask, you were too ashamed and sickened by the thought of his actions that you never bothered questioning the facts.

You always wished you could have one last go at him just to let all your anger seethe permanently. But alas, Calum was traveling the world with his bandmates on their headlining tour, and you were sat in a coffee shop late at night with an employee that is close to knowing your order by heart. Who won really?

You began to finish you drink, rolling your eyes through jealously as you listened to Calum talking about how amazing everything was in his life right now.

"So, you recently split with your girlfriend, Y/N, right?" You immediately choked on your drink, sitting it on the coffee table as you begun intently listening to what he actually had to say.

He nodded, his bored expression never changing as he used his forefinger and thumb to anxiously unknit the furrowing of his thick eyebrows.

"You were together for a while, what happened?" You scoffed at the relatively invading question that the interviewer decided to ask. No one seemed to respect privacy anymore.

Calum obviously wasn't amused by the questioning either as he waved it off in hope they would move on.

"Aw, come on, everyone wants to know!" The interviewers laughed chastely but Calum's face remained unamused.

He shook his head. "I don't see why our personal lives are of any interest to, you or to anyone else for that matter." Your jaw was slightly hung open in shock of his small outburst.

"No way," You mumbled to yourself as you watched Calum storm out of his interview. You glanced over at the employee in shock, she had joined you a couple minutes earlier seeing as you were her last customer. "Did he really just-"

"Y/N," You choked on thin air as you turned to see him standing at the foot of the cafe door.

"Calum?" You mumbled to yourself, trying to control the various situations that were currently taking place.

He took deep breaths as he stared at you but you simply sat in awe that the boy you'd loved for many years, the boy that broke your heart, Calum Hood, was now stood in front of you.

"Hey," He lifted his mouth into a lopsided smile as he turned to the tv screen that consisted of talk show hosts discussing Calum's outburst, before turning back to you. "So I guess you already saw?"


i can't decide whether i like this or not sigh

i'm running out of ideas for imagines yo help a girl out will ya, like just hmu if u have any suggestions or requests bc i'm so fcking stuck

but this song is beaUTIFUL listen to it pls

part two maYBE?

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