Valentines || c.h.

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"Luke please, its bad enough that I don't have a valentine, but you setting me up with someone I don't even know is a little desperate and pathetic." You wined as he continued to drive through the crowded rows of cars and couples clogging up the streets.

"Well you were sad and lonely on valentines day so really going on a blind date is less pathetic than sitting at home, eating Ben & Jerry's and watching Stuck In Love, crying every time Logan Lerman so as speaks." Luke glanced over at you, a look of amusement showing on his face.

"Excuse me but you were drooling every bloody time Lily Collins came onto the screen so really, whose the pathetic one here?" You shot back, causing him to laugh.

"Thats besides the point Y/N!" Luke exclaimed. "This is a really close friend of mine that I've known for a long time, I know him even if you don't. He's a bit of a 'fuck em and leave em' kinda guy but I know you're not that kinda girl. So hopefully you'll be able to change him round with him swooning you in the process! Its a win-win situation!" Luke seemed far to excited about getting his sister with this boy.

"You really suck, you know that?" You sighed as Luke pulled up, finally finding an empty parking space.

"Yup," He smiled brightly, concentrating as he parked the car before turning his attention to you again. "Okay so he texted me a couple minutes ago telling me he's outside so all you have to do is go and have fun." Luke smiled brightly, leaning over and ruffling your hair.

You frowned and quickly fixed your hair, brushing down your skirt and fixing your bra. "What does he even look like?" You groaned, finding this whole thing below her.

"Blondish hair, hazel-ish eyes, like 6ft something and is most likely wearing a shirt with holes in." Luke shrugged before leaning over you and pushing open your passenger door. "Now go, he's waiting." Luke complained, near pushed me out of the car.

"I hate you." You mumbled, slamming the door shut and walking to the cinema where Luke had dropped you off.

You glanced around, watching as various couples waited in line to retrieve their tickets. You sighed, watching as the cue deteriorated still seeing no sign of Luke's friend - whose name you were yet to learn.

You watched the last couple enter the cinema and sighed, no sign of him. You decided not to waste this moment and went to the ticket booth and bought a ticket for yourself to see 50 shades. You had been meaning to go see it so you were killing two birds with one stone really.

You tried not to be too disappointed with being stood up as you bought a large popcorn and coke before making your way into the screening. You took your designated seat, placing your popcorn on the floor and when you went to put your drink in your cup holder you felt it already occupied. You turned to your seated neighbour seeing a dark haired boy sitting beside you. He was sat at the end of the row with only yourself sat beside him, he had to have come there alone.

"Could you move your drink please?" You asked politely trying not to talk to loudly to disrupt the quiet hum of conversation flowing through the packed theatre.

"Oh shit, sorry." He mumbled as he quickly removed his drink and placed it on the floor.

"Its okay." You shrugged, placing your drink in the holder before sitting back and staring at the blank screen awaiting the start of the advertisement.

"You came alone?" You turned to see the boy beside you glancing over at you as you rolled your eyes.

"Yes, okay?" You snapped.

"You don't have someone to spend valentines day with?" He questioned, not taking his eyes off you.

"Yes, I'm alone on valentines day. And I was perfectly happy eating ben and jerry's at home watching sappy romantic movies about an unrealistic love story until my brother forced me to get dressed and set me up on this stupid blind date with his beloved friend who, very rudely, stood me up. So here I am, yes alone, on valentines day, preparing myself for the sexual frustration of 50 shades of grey whilst surrounded by like 40 other losers that came to see this lame movie on valentines day." You took a deep breath as you finished your rant.

"Wow," The boy took a deep breath as you did. You looked over at him seeing a small smile on his face. "If its any constellation, my girlfriend dumped my ass only a couple hours because she had been seeing some prick behind my back for the past month and then proceeded to leave me with two tickets to 50 shades of grey, and me being the wonderful sport that I am, came anyway because I didn't want to ruin my valentines day just because some bitch ripped my heart out. So here I am, sitting with 39 soon-to-be-sexually-frustrated strangers and one perfectly lonely, and quite beautiful girl that happened to unfortunately be seated beside this broken hearted loser." You cracked a small smiled as your eyes locked with this beautiful stranger.

"I'm terribly sorry about your girlfriend." You tried to sound sincere but it was hard when a smile was stuck on your face.

"Ex-girlfriend," He corrected. "But its whatever," He shrugged, glancing down at his hands.

"I'm Y/N." You held your hand out as he looked back up at you.

"Calum." He said wearily, lifting his hand shaking yours, lingering for a moment after before letting go. "Nice to meet you, Y/N."

"You too," You smiled sincerely before sitting back in your seat as the adverts begun playing. "You know, I'm kinda glad my date didn't come, and - no offence- i'm glad that your girlfriend broke up with you. Because to be honest, I'm happy I was assigned a seat next to a cute broken hearted not-so-stranger."


i feel like this made no sense lol

my god i meant to write this on valentines day and then publish it on the day but i just didn't jc

anyway i hope y'all had a nice valentines day, i spent it with a friend, pizza and yh it was a lot of fun, i enjoyed it even though i hate the idea of the holiday. but i hope your day was full of love and happiness!

guess who didn't read this over?! yh me so pls lord just keep ur corrections to yourself

goodnight ily

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