Trust me

149 16 3

January 23rd
How do you know


"I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean?"

Susan sighed. "Edmund won't eat or drink anything." She muttered. "I get he's sick but he's not helping himself at all."

Peter frowned. "He's not eating anything?" He asked.

"Nope, he's refusing everything I offer him, or throwing it up if he does eat it." Susan replied. "I swear he hasn't eaten properly in at least 48 hours."

Peter was slightly worried by this, and immediately began thinking, hard. "What about toast?" He asked.

Susan shrugged. "I've offered him everything else, doubt he'd be up for that idea." She murmured. "But he has got to eat."

Peter smiled gently. "I'll make him some butter on toast, he'll eat that." He said.

Susan frowned. "How do you know?" She questioned.

Peter chuckled gently. "It's the one thing he can eat if he gets sick and loses his appetite." He told her. "Trust me."

Susan nodded a little. "Well let me know if he does eat it so I can stop worrying." She murmured as she continued with whatever paperwork she'd been working on. "That boy will be the death of me I swear."

Peter left the room laughing quietly, and headed off to make some toast, entering Edmund's room with a small knock.

Edmund was in bed, laying down, eyes closed, but Peter knew he wasn't asleep.

He wandered over to the bed and sat down on the edge, and just as he expected, Edmund slowly opened his eyes, sighing at the sight of his brother, plate in his hand. "I'm guessing Susan spoke to you." He grumbled.

Peter nodded. "She did." He said. "She said you weren't eating, and that's not healthy."

Edmund snorted. "Do I look healthy right now Peter?" He sighed.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "You'll just make yourself worse by not eating." He scolded gently. "I've brought you some toast, reckon you can try it?"

Edmund looked skeptical. "I'm not hungry." He replied.

"You are." Peter told him. "I've heard that you haven't eaten in two days, you need food, even if you aren't hungry."

Edmund sighed, slowly sitting up and resting back against the headboard, running a hand through his scruffy hair.

"Please Ed." Peter sighed. "Just try it."

Edmund stared at him for ages, before he took the plate and picked up a slice of toast.

Peter decided not to watch him like a hawk and stood instead, busying himself by tidying up Edmunds desk, which was messy once again.

Within five minutes the toast was gone, and Peter couldn't help but grin, extremely pleased. "See, that wasn't so bad was it."

"Yeah well, we'll see if I throw it back up again."

Edmund in fact didn't throw it back up, and even asked for another slice a few hours later, proving just how well Peter knew him, much to Peter's delight.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now