Specter 2 - Run From the Ghost

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Jonas Weber was a great musician, always wanting to start a band of his own when he grew older. But when he grew older, all he found was how dark and cruel the world really is, so he started to do covert ops.

He caught the attention of the Tridents and they asked him to join, but the Mist was faster. It took him before he even answered.


The Mist started another match, whereas Eiji, Seoung, Sera, Elizabeth, and Becca. There's also Cora, who magically turned into somebody by the name of Breelyn Marshall for that one game.

They all spawned onto Roanoke Woods, the best map.

Jonas spawned in the big house cabin, similar to the one where he met Taylor, who had given him some info before he teleported here.

"Okay wow..." He mumbled to himself, "Just need to find those generators..."

He found one upstairs with a girl working on it. Jonas approached them and she looked up.

"Oh hey there... I haven't seen you before," Elizabeth said to him, stopping the gen progress, "New?"

"Well um... I'm supposed to be dead." Telling people you're dead is probably not a good way to start a conversation, especially when they're alive.

Elizabeth just laughed bitterly softly, "So is my dad. He's still here."

Just then, the Ghost's laugh and giggles can be heard as she phased out of the floor in front of them. She turned and looked at the 2 survivors and smiled.

"Let's get this party started!"

Elizabeth turned to Jonas, "See, she's dead too, but here she is." She jerked her thumb toward the bloody ghost, "Oh yeah, and we should run. See the red glowing eyes? Those are real bad." She sprinted out and grabbed Jonas's wrist, pulling him out.

"HEY DON'T LEAVE ME!" The Ghost yelled, followed them. The 2 of them vaulted down from the second floor balcony and landed on the floor on their feet, they're all literally built like cats at this point.

The Ghost vaulted down and was right behind them as they ran out of the building.

"I'll distract her, you run!" Elizabeth told Jonas.

"What if she chased me instead?"

She took some time to come up with an answer. "Then run for your life." Elizabeth ran into a cabin, hoping that the Ghost would follow her.

Jonas kept running straight along the rows of cabins, the Ghost followed him instead.

"You seem new, I'll go for you!"

Somewhere else, Jonas felt like he was supposed to hunt down these things, not the other way around.


Breelyn spawned somewhere by the archery place, she was really confused. One minute she was hunting ghosts, now she's in a camp.

"Where am I?" She asked herself.

Luckily, Becca was nearby. She already went on the generator there.

"Hey you, tell me where I am," Breelyn demanded.

"Cora...What happened to you?" Becca asked. Somehow, she became aware that Cora turned into another person.

Breelyn frowned, "I don't know this Cora you talk about, I am Breelyn Marshall, Head Trident. I want to know where I am."

Becca bursted out laughing, "Head Trident? What is that? Yeah no that probably doesn't matter since you're in the mist realm. Now help me with this generator."

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