The Host

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Alexis Hargrove becomes the host for an Elsa-like specimen. It is now in control of her body, producing ice and snow. The mist took her in, this will sure be an interesting killer.

That is what they called her. The Host.


"It's... cold..." the Host whispered eerily as the room temperature went down.

Eiji and Jun quickly scattered out. The Host started to follow them, leaving a trail of cold air behind her.

They ran toward the front of the camp, where there is a wooden archway. That could be the way out.

But when they reached the gate, the mist became solid and it kept them in. Like a force field that keeps them from escaping. Of course, it just couldn't be that easy.

The Host was getting closer, the area was freezing. She then stabbed Jun with her icicle but he survived. They both ran away quickly while the killer was confused about what happened, then soon losing her.

Perk discovered - Tough

"You okay?" Eiji asked. Jun nodded. It was a strange feeling, he was stabbed but not too badly. He went and checked on how his perk worked.

"Okay I think we should get back to the others," he said, "we should re-group."

Jun: meet up at the place we were all at before?

Riley: and where is that again?

Adriana: k


Everyone went back to their starting place, just outside one of the cabins.

"Okay so we all got our perks?" Gabrielle asked, "Since we got 4 generators left, we should split up with the perks that would work well with each other."

"Or maybe we should rest," Adriana suggested, "Who knows how long we have been here?" She re-tied her ponytail.

"Yeah with a killer guy and a big knife running around, no thanks," Iris said.

"Wait? Knife?" Eiji asked, "It was a blue woman with ice on her hand."

"The killer must have changed."

"Look we have 4 more generators, then we can get out of here, so let's focus on that," Gabrielle said. She pulled out her phone, which was beeping slowly. "They're far away, so we have some time."


Gabrielle and Eiji are in the same team. They went to a generator by the beach side and Gabrielle had to teach Eiji how to repair it. It was surprisingly easy once you know how to.

"So you're an engineer?" He asked. She nodded.

"I invent some stuff at times," She said, "like the ghost detector that got me here. But I guess there aren't any ghosts here."

Her detection machine is beeping at a more steady pace, meaning that the killer was getting closer.

They finished the machine anyway so they ran away. But as they are running, Gabrielle stopped. She looked down and saw that she had stepped on and frozen trapped, freezing her feet in the ground.

"Gabrielle come on!" Eiji called.

" I can't I'm stuck!" She yelled back, "just go without me!" Eiji ran back anyway but it was too late.

The Host was right behind her. She stabbed Gabrielle with her icicles. It sent chills all over her body, it sting and it was cold. Then she died. It was her first time dying, meaning there will probably be more

Her body turned to mist. Eiji was horrified and turned back and ran away. As the Host got closer, he pulled out his camera and snapped a picture, the bright flash that came out and blinded her.

The killer staggered back as Eiji ran away and his in a locker.

He pulled out his communicator and started to type quickly.

Eiji: Gabrielle died

Riley: What?

Yara: she's gone?

Adriana: noooooo

A generator had been completed

Exits are open

The chat started to fire up with more people talking but Eiji ignored it.

This game is getting too much.


Gabrielle isn't dead. Not actually. She woke up in a small room with red walls and white floor. It's a bit chilly there.

She saw a broken elevator and attempted to fix it, but it's clear that even if it's fixed, it will get her nowhere.

She is stuck here. Maybe this is the afterlife? But if this is the afterlife... Why is it so depressing in here?


Everyone was running to either the entering exit or the beach exit of Camp Clearwater. The Host was chasing after them. Riley was the last one there and he was taunting the killer but got away anyway.

So they should be free right?

As soon as they walked in the mist, they came upon another place, and what's even more surprising, is that Gabrielle was standing with them.

Round 1 is over, time for round 2....



  this chapter is a bit shorter but i really want to move along

also I'm an Eiji and Ghost main so I might have biases along the way


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