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It took the survivors a longer time to get out of their building than the killers. It took all the smart genrushers to fix the elevator so it could go down to the bottom floor, leading outside.

Their outside is kinda like the one on the killer's side, with a huge outdoor stage, a lake and a forest part. They also have the mist barrier to prevent them from going to the other side, same deal with the killer, it will burn them. And they have a few more stuff than the killers because there are more of them.

The survivors can now go outside and touch grass, which should be great... but it's not.


It started with Taliyah being too bloodthirsty to wait for the next round. A day's wait is too much, especially when Kiara often gets picked. It had been a week since she last got picked, and she wants to kill.

Looking over at the survivor's side, she could see that the stupid survivors had finally found a way to get out of their building. She could go kill them now. The only problem was the mist barrier. She could burn to death, but what would she give for just a kill?

The barrier was misty, but just clear enough for her to see through it. She stood there and watched.

"You know you can't get through the barrier," Ye-Jun said behind her back. Taliyah turned back and faced him.

"Oh I think I will," She whispered. She had her eyes on the Delinquent. He was walking with the Nurse. Yes, it will be an easy kill.

But there are too many survivors on the field right now. The Bodyguard and the Heiress were talking to them. The Delivery Boy and the Camp Counselor were walking by the mist barrier. The Florist was planting some flowers in the garden. And worse off, the Popstar and the Idol were having like some collab on stage with a few other survivors watching them. They made a good distraction, but since some survivors had been here for a long time, they could probably catch her.

Taliyah keeps waiting for them to clear out. She really wants to kill the Delinquent. His stupid bat gets in the way of everything.


Seth was taking a walk alone in the forest around the lobby. It was quiet and peaceful compared to the concert that Valerie and Dae-Jung were having.

He enjoys taking mindless walks. Sometimes, it helps him feel as if he's back in the real world. But today, he had a strange feeling of being followed.

"Is somebody here?" He called out. No one answered. He was deep in the woods. He could feel someone moving around.

He decided to turn back and get out before it's too late. Little did he know that the Stalker had let herself burn just for a kill. She won't stop now.


Mamo Ikaika was one of the best softball players on her team. But on one of the trips to play against their rival, the bus couldn't stop when it needed to be.

It went out of control and crashed and almost everyone died. Mamo woke up in the bus, surrounded by the death of her teammate and coaches. Everyone but her was dead.

She tried to get out, but when she opened the door of the bus, a thick mist was in front of it. And without knowing, she walked straight into the mist.

Everyone on that bus was reported dead. No one but Mamo's sick father will be missing her.


Taliyah was so close to killing off the Delinquent. Yet so far. He was leaving the forest, back into the crowded field. She can't let that happen.

So swiftly, she jumped out of her hiding spot and lunged at him. He yelped for help, but he wasn't close enough to the open field for anyone to hear.

"You're you're..." He stuttered when he got the clear look of her mask, "How?"

"It's amazing what someone would do to achieve something they want," Taliyah said, in a bittersweet tone. She pinned him down to the ground and took his bat from him, throwing it away. Then she pulled out her crooked daggers.

"GET OFF ME!" He tried to push her away, but was mostly powerless without his bat. Taliyah began to stab him.


Being stabbed wasn't a good feeling. Seth had been stabbed before in matches. But he didn't expect the Stalker to attack here. How did she even get through the barrier?

He was on the ground, blood spilling out. The Stalker was giggling like crazy as she impaled him multiple times. It's like she wants to make sure that he's dead. It already sting and now it's a burning feeling.

"Help..." He wheezed, everything started to turn into a blur. He then saw someone coming at the Stalker, attacking her.


Someone was speaking to him? It was Arlo, but he couldn't hear a word.


It was blurry, but Seth was pretty sure that some of the survivors were attacking the Stalker. He couldn't move.


He's back inside the building now. Someone was tending his wound. He could feel his blood soaking on his clothing.

The last thing he remembered was the mist covering the whole lobby area.


Mamo woke up in the lobby instead of in a game. She felt weird. Like she was replacing someone. She saw Riley, a friend of hers, being all surprised to see her here.

"Mamo!" He exclaimed, "What happened?"

"I don't know..." She said. She still has her blue bat with her here. She held on tight to it. Some more people went into the room. Arlo was looking at her strangely.

"You... remind me of someone..." He frowned, uncertain.

"Who?"Mamo asked.

"I can't... I don't know."



rip seth killeen 2021-2022

honestly, i wasnt even a daybreak player when he was around, i only started playing few days after his removal.

so i do remember back in db1 when they still have a hologram of him with a story about what happened. but i only remembered that taliyah killed him, not the whole detail. and i cant find the whole short story, so this chapter might be a bit incorrect. sorry


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