Days of Dreads

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One thing the mist likes to target, it's people with a broken family. Someone died, or something. For Elizabeth Payne, her father killed her mother and framed her for it.

She can't do anything about it, her father is a warden at the prison she was sent to. And he was well respected by his peers.

A riot happened one day, as it should, and she found a way to escape.

After leaving, she and another framed prisoner there were glad they were no longer in prison. But it was much worse, they are now in the mist.


Yvonne Kojo needs better friends. Every group of besties would do stupid things together and stay together. But her friends blamed the murder they did together all on her. The first thing that Yvonne did was unfriended them, then she got taken to a prison.

There she met another prisoner who was framed for her crime. They became good friends.

One day, a riot broke loose, something expected in a prison like this one. Yvonne and a few others snuck out.

But they didn't get far, because the mist took her away.


Lawrence Payne was a manipulative man, he hated everything in life.

He killed his wife and blamed it on his daughter, then got her imprisoned in the prison that he worked in.

A riot broke loose and the prisoners killed him, he turned into a main character in a murder documentary.

His ghost haunts the prison, being known as "the Warden". And the mist just had to take him in.


New arrivals became not as much of a frequent thing anymore. Although it is clear that the mist has a bunch of victims unconscious somewhere, it won't show them to the survivors and killers until the time is right.

But when is the time ever gonna be right? For all they know, the mist could have some medieval people trapped in the basement, wherever that is.

Since the number of survivors is now bigger, the elevator at the lobby worked again. But it only takes them up to some other floors with rooms there for them to stay, kinda like a haunted hotel. No one knows what's under the lobby.

The rounds still go on with previous killers and randomly selected survivors. It's become routine for them. They get about a day (who knows how long that is) between rounds. It gets painful and somehow, boring after a while.

Until one day, Yeona came in, all excited.

"Guys I heard that there will be new survivors and killers for the next round!"

Everyone was at the lobby, doing stuff. They all looked at her.

"And you're excited because..?" Arlo asked, not seeing the fun in this, "more people are going to suffer."

"I know, but you know, a change for once," She said, "not excited for the new people, but I am kinda glad that we have something new." Most of them just shrugged and went to check the game board.

The board on the wall now showed them the survivors for the round. Seth, Iris, Cora, Jack, Yan, Taylor, and 2 new names.

After the minute warning, the 6 of them got taken to Camp Clearwater to meet the 2 new survivors.


At Camp Clearwater, Elizabeth and Yvonne woke up in confusion. Last thing they remembered was the riot... then... Did they break free?

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