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This is not a chapter that actually exist in the game

The chapters are unable to move on since the survivor loss last round, so they have to do it again. Same map, different killer and survivor.

Adriana, Kyle, Iris, Jun, Seth, Dae-Jung, Valerie and Gabrielle were selected for this round. And the killer? Well this will be fun.


The survivors all spawn onto Roanoke Woods at different spots. They were all expecting the furry to be the killer but it was cold. The air here is colder than it usually is. But hey they are in the mist's realm, literally anything could happen. Heck, they wouldn't even be surprised if the next killer is a chicken that shoots lasers out of its eyes. Actually that one might be too random to be expected.

Anyway, they all went off to find generators and fix them.

Iris puts down a pot at the big cabin and tells them where it is on the chat. Then she went away to find a gen.

Adriana saw this from inside a locker and emerged from it. She quietly sneaks her way to the house. As she approached the beautiful shining pot of glowing plants, the chat blew up like crazy.

Iris: Adriana dont u dare

Iris: i can see u coming to my pot

Iris: get out

Seth: leave it for someone who actually needs it


Iris: u can take it when u finish one gen, how about that?

Kyle: What's all this commotion about?

Adriana ignores the chat, getting closer and closer to the big house. But when she got on the doorway, she felt ice freezing up on her feet, keeping her stuck at the doorway. She came so close yet so far. She tried to reach forward but the trap kept her there.

"Help!" She cried. Then the blue Elsa came out and stabbed her with her icicles.

"Stupid...Locker...Camper...." She whispered and walked away. Adriana got out the communicator and started typing.

Adriana: guys the blue elsa is back

Seth: told u not to get that pot


Kyle was lacing the place with traps, but so was the Host. But being a newer survivor, Kyle didn't know about the host.

So when he saw the glowing red evil killer light, he thought that it was still the werewolf. He angrily threw a trap at the killer. It snapped shut on their hand and the host screamed in pain.


"YOU WILL PAY- wait did you just speak?" Kyle shouted back, but then realised something. That was not the voice of a werewolf.

The killer walked closer to Kyle, revealing a blue woman with ice around her. Her eyes are empty and white.

"Heh... you're not that furry.." He said, backing away. But he stepped onto one of the host's traps. "Uh oh..."

"Watch...your...step..." The Host said, smiling. She walked toward him but then one of his trap's snapped shut. They both stood there, staring at each other.

The Host swung some attacks but Kyle dodged them all. Then once the traps melted and opened, the chase began. Until they each step onto each other's traps again.

"Let's agree to never ever be in the same match again," Kyle said. The host nodded and they shook hands. Once the traps disappear, they leave each other, careful of their way.


Iris is hiding in a locker, the killer is right outside. The host knew that she was in a locker and had put a trap right in front of it. Now she's trapped no matter what. Even if she escapes, she's still trapped inside the mist's game. They all are.

"Just...get...out..." The host said in a hollow voice outside. Iris felt useless. There are 2 generators left to be done, and she has only helped on half of a gen. Everyone else is helping out (except Adriana, she is probably in some locker). The least Iris could do is give out pots. But she can't now. Not here. That would just lure people to their death.

The Host soon grew impatient and opened the locker and downed her. She then set traps around the room that they were in. Iris would crawl slower due to the frozen effect. So she is trapped here anyway.


How long had they been here? At least a few weeks. But what if it had been months? Years? Time doesn't affect the place, and it certainly does not affect them. Will anyone even come for them? Does the world still remember them?

Dae-Jung asked himself those questions. That's just silly. STAR*STRUCK was really famous, if anyone found Byung-Ho and Han-Gyeol's bodies, they would call the police and start to look for him and Ye-Jun too. Right? Or had they given up on that already?

He makes his way to the cabin that Iris was dying in. He noticed the traps around the front and back door. He sighed and climbed through the window.

Dae-Jung fell in and saw Iris. She looked up and smiled. He helped her up, getting a buff. She gave him a pot and he took it. By now, there is only one gen left to be done. They both climbed out the window and leave the cabin


The Host was chasing Jun, but it's really annoying to chase those people with a protection hit, cause you almost can never attack them the second time to down them. But she had set a bunch of traps all over the campsite, it's only a matter of time before the quarterback stepped on one.

But he didn't. He just stayed outside, and most of the traps are at doorways, or close to gens. He was keeping her away from all those spots. It was as if his job was to distract her from the genrushers. Wait, that's his job isn't it. TO DISTRACT HER FROM THE GENRUSHER! She realised that and left him, turned on detection.

She ran toward the canoe dock and saw Valerie, just finished a gen. No! She was too late. Valerie screams out in a high-pitch voice, making the host stumble back, covering her ears.

Val ran away to the closest exit gate. Everyone was falling into the host's trap, but she couldn't get to them quick enough.

The host had failed. But the human part of her was content. It just couldn't show it, being trapped inside her own body, controlled by a species that belongs in Area-51.



i just felt like making a chapter about the host cause that was my starter killer.

didnt make her into those camper host main cause i didnt want to do her dirty


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