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Back to Reality

Jules had always been selfish. But she was charming enough to manipulate others. She was always in the spotlight, always the star of the show. But it was never enough.

An accident left her scarred, no longer having her charms. She spirals down an aimless path, finding herself killing a man with a shard of mirror. The mirror...she sees herself in it, the only person who sees herself. But of course, she yearns for more audiences to see her.

The only place where she could be in the constant spotlight was in the mist.


"I can't believe 4 survivors had already gotten away, and been replaced!" Kiara exclaimed, "Although I do prefer the Survivor over the Final Girl, she's a bit mean."

"Only the Survivor and the Pop Star got away, I killed that bat boy, remember?" Taliyah said proudly.

"You shouldn't have crossed over the border and killed them," The Unforgotten said, "That was idiotic and stupid."

Taliyah gave her a weird look behind her mask, "How would you know? You weren't even there."

None of the killers remembered the Imaginaries being a thing. The survivors however do. They still remember the Imaginary Friends as a former killer, and have no idea why the Unforgotten is here.

"But I know it" The Unforgotten scoffed, "I was there."

"You literally showed up last week, now way you were there," Taliyah retorted.

The survivors getting replaced wasn't a huge concern to the killers, their powers are somewhat the same anyway. Except for Becca with her huge stack, that's annoying.

Nadiya wasn't paying attention to any of that. She was in her own head, wrapped up in her own perspective of how this should be. In fact that happens a lot, sometime while in matches, she walks around giving survivors her abstraction visions but never hurt them. That got her in trouble a lot now that the Unforgotten is in charge.

Kiara, Taliyah, Nadiya, Lija, Winona (they rhymes), Alexis and the Unforgotten were hanging out in Kiara's cabin. Girls Night.

"Nadiya!" Kiara yelled, snapping her out of her thought, "Hey! What do you think about being in the mist? You've been here for a loooong time!"

"Huh? What?"

"Cause, killing gets boring now," Kiara explained, "So boring! And the conditions here suck!"

"You said every trial is a great party," Taliyah said, "And I like it here."

"You're a psychopath freak!" Kiara exclaimed, "The rest of us are just dragged along."

Taliyah went to Kiara's nightstand and picked up a knife, inspecting it. "Well you all do enjoy the killing. Can I have this knife?"

"No, girly. Those knives are the only thing I can hold, I would like to keep it very much," Kiara shook her head. Taliyah groaned.

"Nadiya...Focus..." Alexis said when she saw that Nadiya was staring off into space again.

"Right, sorry, I just don't see why we need to confront the mist, it's not like it listens to us," Nadiya said quickly, snapping back to reality.

"YET 2 SURVIVORS GOT AWAY!" Winona screamed, a high pitched voice cracked some glasses.

Nadiya rolled her eyes and grabbed her staff, "they were too boring, what do you propose we do? Be boring?"

"Haha! I will never be a bore," Kiara laughed, " but you... girl... you might be a bore..." she smiled nervously.

"What do you mean I'm a bore?" Nadiya pressed, "my creations are unique and wonderful!" She pointed her staff around to show them it. Her staff was also one of her creations.

Everyone backed away from her. The Unforgotten sighed.

"Nadiya.. you had been stuck in your own head lately a bit too much," she said as a matter of factly, "you wander around in games giving survivors free rounds."

"I do?"

Everyone nodded.

"YOU COULD GET IN TROUBLE," Winona screamed. They could hear Aiden yelling about a broken vase in response to it.

"Guess I gotta get my head in the game more..."


Nadiya wanders in the forest. Does she really daydream that much? Man if only she could get out in the real world where she has no responsibility for killing. No mist bossing her around.

No one telling her what to do.

She could have all the time in the world to make her arts.

Why, killing isn't all that great anymore, the survivors don't find her so significant. She's just another killer. They're all scared of Taliyah, not her.

You suck as a killer... the mist told her as she walked further into the woods. It gets mistier.

I should let you out, you have no use here...

Yeah, why don't you do that?

I did find someone who seeks attention more than you, better for this role...

"Aw look at you," Jules appeared in front of her, "you have potential to be great, but no effort." She laughed as the mist swirled around Nadiya.

"Wait...WHAT," she yelled, "who are you?"

"Someone great you'll never be."


Nadiya opened her eyes and saw that she was in an alley. Standing beside here was Valerie and Gabbie, they looked just as confused.

The sun shining on them made them all cowered in a shade. Sun? They can hear people walking by, talking and cars beeping. They got their eyes to adjust to the light and looked around. There are people and some birds. The alley is a dump but it feel different. There are no mist around them, haunting them. This is what the real world look like.

So are the real world?



i feel like that since kelvin and sanjana were in some organization to help people in the mist get out, someone must've alert the real world, and that mean that some people in the mist probably got out. just make sense to me since no one would be at the scene when the mist take them away, because the mist would take them too.

:) have a nice day


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