Goodbye Stage

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Dae-Jung Pak was a part of a famous band, STAR*STRUCK. Everything should be great, until it's not.

He did literally found his bandmate, Ye-Jun, holding a bloody hammer with the other bandmates body on the floor. Luckily, Ye-Jun didn't kill him, yet. The mist delayed the inevitable by bringing him somewhere else.


Yeona Jeung was a big fangirl, (maybe Yara is a bigger one). So when she found STAR*STRUCK address like the little stalker she is, she knew what she had to do.

When she arrived, she noticed that the door was open, so letting her obsessive mind, taking over, she stepped in. Big mistake.

Cause inside, she peeked through a door and found the half of the crew dead on the floor, the other half are stunned. Ye-Jun is holding a hammer and Dae-Jung was just frozen in surprise.

Then the mist came and took them away, at least she's one step closer to speaking with her idols.


Ye-Jun Im was sooo jealous of Dae-Jung that he fucking killed the whole band. Well jealous is not exactly the right word, because he also have a crush on Dae, but that is no excuse for his action.

When Dae-Jung came in, he was so shocked. Ye-Jun thought this was a good thing but Dae think something else. Then the mist swoop in and take them away


Dae-Jung and Yeona woke up in a sewer. They saw 6 other people with them there.

"Hey there new people!" Cora called.

"Hiiiii!" Yeona said. She waved at them. The survivors selected for this round are Cora, Adriana, Gabrielle, Seth, Jack, and Valerie.

They explained the bullshit that the mist is having to their new survivors.

Then Dae-Jung said that the killer might be Ye-Jun, who is really just out there to kill him.

"Okay, we should start fixing generators now," Adriana started to back away. Gabrielle grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.

"Yes but I'm staying with you this time," She hissed.


Dae-Jung and Valerie were together. They both shared a lot in common both being famous musicians.

"I still haven't discovered my perk yet," She said, "Don't worry. You're not the only one."

"Maybe you can sing and blast the killer away,' He replied, nodding at her Mic.

They quickly found a generator, but both being healers, it took a long time.

"Well well well... if it isn't Dae-Jung... I'm gonna kill you.." Ye-Jun's voice said behind them. They panicked and exploded the gen.

"WHY ARE YOU HOLDING A FUCKING HAMMER?" Valerie screamed into her Mic. It had granted her and Dae a speed boost. They ran from there.

Perk discovered - Val's Mic

The mic unintentionally made the Idol's eardrum burst. But he still went after them.


Yeona and Jack were working on a generator. And Jack is sick of hearing her obsession with STAR*STRUCK.

"Will you please stop it with your obsession?" He snapped, "they killed someone!"

"No, Ye-Jun killed 2 of his bandmates. But Dae-Jung is perfectly safe, he is even a survivor," She argues back.

Yeona sighed happily, "ahh, I can see his aura right in the room next to us..."

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