Faulty Programming

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Yan Tian was given a weird machine by her dad. He was never around. It was always just her, her mom, and Nathan, her bodyguard. Life was fine, but the absence of her dad made her feel neglected.
  When she heard the news that her father had died, she didn't know what to feel. Did she feel devastated? He was not a part of her life much. They never spent any time together at all.
  At Christmas, she was out to see the light outside. It was beautiful. She forgot about everything. But then the mist attacked at the one jolly time of the year. It doesn't have to be a bad thing, it can and will take victims at any time it wants.
  Nathan Reyes was hired by Lei Tian, the CEO of a successful company, to be a bodyguard for his daughter, Yan. Since her father was never around, he became like a sibling to her.
  When Lei died, Yan was... not like her usual self. It's not like she was sad or angry, she's just...different.
  So to cheer her up, Nathan took her to see the Christmas lights. It cheers her up alright, but not for long. Because right there and then, the mist decided to claim its next victims.
  P3-NG was created by Lei Tian. First, he was just a program in a computer, he had his own thoughts, but no body. Then eventually, Lei gave him one, but it felt different.
  Lei no longer treated him with much respect, he was now just a piece of machine to serve him. Just a slave. P3-NG watched as the life from Lei got drained, realising what he had done. But he liked it. And the mist granted him life.
  This round was located in St. Anne Burial Ground. The 6 unlucky old survivors selected for this were Jun, Seoung, Eiji, Yara, Yeona, and Arlo. Loopers, detectors, a stunner and a healer. No genrusher. Yan will probably be carrying with the gens.
  They spawn onto the map and saw Yan and Nathan right away. They look confused more than scared. When the 2 of them saw the other 6, they walked over to them.
  "Where are we?" Yan asked in a shaky voice.
  Explanation part, blah blah blah, boring. They didn't know that the Android was detecting them since none of them got a notification. It's a really bad idea for all 8 survivors to be in the same place.
  The Android (or cyborg whatever), started to get closer to the greenhouse where they all are. The robotic killer makes his in and scares them with the red light. Cause no matter how long you've been in the ist for, a silly little red light will give you a mini heart attack.
  "AAAAAH" Yan screamed at the top of her lungs as Nathan dragged her away. "WAIT YOU'RE MY FATHER CREATION! WE USED TO HANG OUT WHAT HAPPENED!"
  "I had successfully brought an end to your father's life," The Android said as matter of factly, in a monotone robotic voice.
  "YOU WHAT!" Yan yelled. Nathan ran faster, grabbing Yan's wrist tightly, dragging her with him. She angrily screamed at the creation of her father.
  The robotic thing raises its red glowing blade thing, ready to attack Yan. But as he was about to stab her, Nathan swung her back and took the hit instead. But he didn't go down, he groaned in pain, stumbled back, but then grabbed Yan and kept on running. He even got a shield around him now.
  Perk discovered - Wit's end
  They ran away into the big building and hid in the library. The Android soon lost them and left. The 2 of them look at each other.
  "Are you okay?" Nathan asked, checking over Yan. She nodded but looked shocked.
  "I just don't understand why? P3-NG was like family to us, why would he?" She curled into a ball and sobbed softly. Nathan came over and comforted her. She quickly wiped away the tears.
  They spotted a generator and went to it. "I think these are the things that we were supposed to fix," Nathan said. They began to try and work it.
  "These wires are kinda similar to the ones dad used in his lab," Yan said, "He let me in there a few times, I think I can do this." They soon finished it and went back to the greenhouse, they did see a gen there earlier. Maybe the Android wouldn't be there anymore. Yan, personally, hopes to de-activate that thing forever.
  "Isn't that the guy that you like?" Eiji asked Jun after they escaped the Android.
  "Shut up." (average convo i have with my sibling with me being Jun)
  Eiji laughed as Jun rolled his eyes. They were hiding behind the bushes for some time, then when they decided that it was safe, they went back to the greenhouse.
  There, they ran into Yan and Nathan. "Isn't that the guy you like?" Yan whispered to Nathan, who turned red.
  "Ahem..." Nathan cleared his throat, "Um... so you guys have any idea if the killer is near us?"
  "No one here can detect so we actually have no idea," Eiji shrugged, "unless one of you can."
  Yan pulled out her machine, "wait maybe that's what this machine is for. My dad gave it to me, and I have no idea what for. But now that I think about it, it looks like it kinda has a radar disk here, maybe used for detection." She set it on the ground and turned it on, it radiated a blue light.
  They waited for something to happen, but it just kinda stayed there.
  "Aw it's useless!" Yan groaned, throwing her hand in the air.
  "We should just work on the generator," Nathan said.
  They all went on the gen and worked on it. By working on it, they really just exploded it a bunch of times.
  By the time they finished, only 2 more gens were needed to be fixed.
  Yan went over to collect her machine but it beeped. She picked it up to inspect it, then looked around, confused.
  She gasped in surprise when she saw the red aura of the Android. He was just outside the greenhouse, but hadn't noticed them yet. Everyone saw it too.
  Perk discovered - Detection Machine
  "Guess you could detect them after all," Eiji said. Yan smiles and puts the machine back in her pocket. They silently left the greenhouse.
  Yeona and Seoung were walking around in the kitchen, trying to find food. They weren't hungry, they never had been ever since they got taken by the mist, but still, might be handy for later.
  Unfortunately, they didn't find anything, it was all empty.
  "Hmm we're safe here, the killer is close to the exit by the graves," Yeona said, "he just vaulted."
  "I don't get how you know these things sometimes," Seoung said.
  So far, the Android has managed to downed both of them once, which Arlo and Yara had helped up. So they are being careful, no Iris to help here.
  After a while here, the rescuing is usually assigned to the person who can gain something out of it. The generators are mostly for genrushers but the rest help too. And loopers usually have to keep the killer distracted while also helping out the new survivors.
  Yeona and Seoung don't really fit into any of those categories, so they tried to do everything.
  They tried the gen and got 2 of them completed, but then on the 3rd one, the killer came and chased them. In which is when they got downed. Once they got back up, they still tried to help on gens.
  No one had really gotten downed by the Android yet, but that's probably because they can hear it from miles away. His machinery isn't really silent.
  After going back to the gen upstairs of the building, they had to start again from scratch because the robot really kicked that gen hard.
  So close to finishing now.
  The Android chased the track star around the map, and she was really good at it. It took a while but soon he caught up to her and slashed her with his sword.
  Yara fell on the ground and sighed, catching her breath. Part of her was glad, because she was so tired, she could barely feel her leg anymore. But that was the part that also told her to give up, and she didn't really listen to that.
  Who is she kidding, that is the voice that she listened to when Taylor went missing. She stopped trying on school work and ran away from everything. But the mist, she can't run away from...
  Exit gates are open
  Yara was close enough to the gate outside the building. She pushed through the pain and crawled there. She bled even faster, but she was so close. Just one touch at the misty doorway and it would all be over. The pain, the round. So close.
  She reached out and got teleported to the familiar lobby. Adriana ran over and gave her a hug, thankful that she came back.
  It's over now.
  Everyone had all escaped now, but Nathan and Yan were still left behind. They didn't know where the exit was, despite the fact that it had a big yellow aura on it for everyone to see.
  The Android had found them and chased them through the road. There it was, mists covering the gate. This will let them free.
  "Go Yan!" Nathan said to her, "I'll keep him away from you long enough."
  Yan was hesitant but she nodded and sprinted to the gate, then disappeared. Now it's just Nathan and the Android.
  "You will not escape me, mwa ha ha ha ha," The killer said in a robotic voice, even the 'laugh' was just him talking.
  "Get away!" Nathan yelled, running to the gate, he was so close.
  "I'm superior,don't forget that," The Android called out to him as he went through the gate. Another match is done.

Another chapter done!

It was hard to write this one because I had never encountered an android ever since starting DB2, so I kinda ran out of ideas on matches with it.

Hope u have a good day


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