Late Arrivals

451 10 4

Cora Madden was attacked by her own father. The same guy who had killed her mother. Out of fear and anger, she ran away. Far away so she can't hear his yelling anymore. She ran so far, straight into a thick mist that consumed her.
Seth Killeen was on a train bridge, being chased by some security guards. It was late at night and things only got worse when he saw 2 bright lights coming toward him. With no other option, he jumped off the bridge and landed in someplace new.
Crimson, Cobalt and Amber were imaginary friends that served Dalton. They were created by him when he was lonely, an outcast. But as Dalton grew older, his imaginary friends became just... imaginary. They soon represent each and everything that he resented. He would no longer be their friend, but their enemies. He yells at them when they don't go away.
It wouldn't last forever of course. When Dalton became older, he would just forget about them. But that didn't happen, because he got into a car crash that killed him. No longer having a real friend, Crimson, Cobalt and Amber begin to fade away, but a thick mist came in and took them in. They finally become real.
Cora and Seth were standing in a large sewer with 8 other survivors. They looked just as confused as the 2 new arrivals are.
"Wait Gabrielle isn't dead?" The blonde florist girl asked. None of the 8 survivors seem to have noticed the 2 new ones.
"Well I was," Gabrielle said, "But then I came back. It's like I'm not actually dead. But it feels real though."
"Excuse me!" Cora called, the other turned and faced her, "Do you guys know where we are?" The 8 of them looked at Cora and Seth with a confused expression on their faces.
"No... did you guys just come?" Jun replied.
"Yes, I'm Cora," She replied, "I was just running from.... Uh... anyway, I got here."
"I'm Seth," Seth said, "I kinda fall off a bridge and got here."
Each round has new survivors and killers... You really think I'll let you escape?
The mist spoke in everyone's mind again.
You all need to fix 10 generators this round. Heh, soon it'll be every generators
"Oh come on!" Riley groaned, "So we went through all that, AND WE HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN?"
If you don't, I'll get bored and get rid of you, for real.
"So we either get through the ground and see more people that will suffer, or don't and die," Iris said, "Great. I'll give one of these people a pot." She pulled out a glowing green plant from behind her back and handed it to Cora, then she turned to Seth. "I'll give you one later."
He nodded. Seth came in with a wooden bat, so he should be able to protect himself. The team started to make the group and split up in search for generators.
Seth and Arlo were paired up together. They didn't find any gen right away, so they just walk along a hallway.
"How did you get here?" Seth asked Arlo.
He just shrugged, "I was at a library late one night, fell asleep and next thing I know, I'm here." He gave a sad smile.
"Well maybe we'll get out," Seth said hopefully.
You have been detected
The 2 of them were both detected and so they picked up their pace, hopefully so they could get away from the spot that the killer saw them in.
They soon got to a generator inside one of the rooms with a bunch of power boxes and began to work on it.
But then Arlo saw a bright red light and stood up. He motioned for Seth to do the same. They got up and quietly sneaked to the other side of the room. Behind the walls, the killer couldn't see them, but they could hear the boys breathing.
They both ran away with the killer behind, 3 people stuck together each a glitched out face. The Imaginary Friends chase after them, charging their umbrella at them.
Seth decided to take out his bat and swing it at them,which slowed them down for a moment. But soon,they catch back up.
Perk discovered - Wooden Bat
Seth was stabbed by the umbrella (how sharp is it?) And the 3 imaginary figments glitched and teleported away.
Arlo knelt down and started to help him.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah... " He said, "thank you." He smiled and blush slightly.
Arlo smiled back and they went back to the gen together.
Cora and Gabrielle are working together, and they made a great genrush pair. Both being good at repairing things. But at chase? Not so much.
As soon as they finished the generator, Cora saw... light auras of the other survivors. She also saw a big dark aura of the killer not so far away. Actually, the killers were right in front of them.
Perk discovered - Investigative Eyes
" Oh shit they're right there! Run!" She screamed and Gabrielle started to run too. They ran away fast but both were downed in no time.
"Now what?" Cora asked.
Gabrielle got out her communicator to get help from the others. "Now we wait for someone to rescue us, and hope that we don't bleed out."
Gabrielle: we're downed by the killer
Seth: the guys with the umbrellas?
Gabrielle: no shit who else?
There are now 7 gens left to do, and Adriana is hiding in a locker, terrified of the killer outside. She knows that the 3 killers aren't there but just to be safe.
That was a big mistake. The Imaginary Friends can teleport to any locker in the map. Adriana peeked through the opening and saw them standing right there. She could see that they were going to open the locker. I'm doomed. She thought.
Cobalt swung the locker door open and before Adriana could react, Amber stabbed her with their sharp umbrella.
Iris and Eiji are looking for Gabrielle and Cora. They searched the hallways of Wastewater Treatment but haven't found anyone.
"I miss my flower shop," Iris said, "the flowers and plants must be dying. How long have we been here?"
"I'm tired but not hungry," Eiji replied, "so maybe not so long?"
"Or maybe time works differently around here."
They heard a noise and stopped. Eiji pulled out his camera and aimed it at the doorway where the noise came from. They backed up but then they heard panting.
Gabrielle and Cora crawled out, blood all over them.
"Great you're here... help..." Gabrielle said, out of breath. They are both bleeding out.
Iris and Eiji began to help, bandaging their wounds and helping them up.
"Thanks," Cora said.
"What's the killer like?" Iris asked them as they walked towards the generator that the girls were working on .
"There are 3 of them and they attack us with umbrellas," Gabrielle replied, pulling out her phone, which showed that the killer is far away from them.
This just keeps getting weirder.
Adriana was being helped by Yara, who was completely freaked out. She was covered in blood and have a stab wound after all.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?"
"Yeah... just help please." After helping her, they walked around to find a gen.
Yara noticed that Adriana looked a bit sad.
"You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, just thinking," she replied, "well, see, I started to become an influencer to support my dad. I don't know who's going to help take care of him now."
"I'm sure that everyone is searching for us, and we will be found soon. You'll be with him again in no time," Yara said comfortingly. She smiled warmly at Adriana who smiled back.
But Yara herself was also devastated. Her best friend had disappeared, when she got here, she was so sure that Taylor was here too, but they weren't.
Seems like the timeline is all messed up.
Riley and Jun were trying their best on generators, but being better at chasing than genrushing, it took them a good 10 minutes to finish one.
Now there are only 4 generators left. They got up and soon ran into Arlo and Seth.
"How long until we finish?" Seth asked.
" 4 generators long," Riley replied, yawning, "and I'm tired."
"Maybe we can rest after this round," Arlo suggested, "there is no good spot to rest in a sewer."
Suddenly, a glitch happened behind them and 3 figures appeared.
The survivors started to run while the killer chased them.
They hit Riley first but he ran away quickly because he could.
"I hate it when he does that," Jun mumbled. Seth swung his bat and hit the imaginary friends hard, stunning them for a few seconds before they moved again. They soon catch up.
The survivors ran for a while and came across Gabrielle, Cora, Iris and Eiji who just finished a generator.
They started to run away as well. The Imaginary Friends soon killed off Gabrielle and Cora (Iris forgot about her pot). Seth also missed a hit and got killed too.
Their bodies just turned to mist. The Imaginary Friends are still chasing after them. They stabbed Jun, who had to tough it out.
Eiji turns back and flashes the camera at the 3 killers' faces and the survivors all split up.
They covered some distance but soon got detected.
Another generator had been completed by Yara and Adriana,.only 2 more to go.
After some chase and stuff, they finally finished. They all ran toward the big gate that led them out of the sewer.
Even though they knew what would happen next, they all hoped to be released from the game.
But of course, they ended up in a graveyard, known as St.Anne Burial Ground.


Yes Ik the imaginary guys died and Seth was replaced but that will happen later on

And I'm also aware that only 8 players per game and 8 gen but that make less sense so here we are making everyone doing this.

Perhaps I will have more ships action with Arlo x Seth and Yara x Adriana and others. Perhaps

~ Selenur

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